View Full Version : Is it ever going to go away?

04-29-2007, 06:00 PM
For about the last year or so, I've had an ever increasing anxiety problem. (I'm 21 now) I've always been shy my whole life, but it never used to be this bad. I finally have an oppointment with my doctor next week, which I have been avoiding like the plague. I'm relieved to finally be going, but I'm also very skeptical about how much it's going to help me.

My problem is, I just want very badly to be normal. And I get really, really pissed off from time to time that I can't really do that. My anxiety prevents me from going all kinds of places, and talking to all kinds of people, and doing all kinds of things. I really wish I could do those things without even thinking about it. There was a time when I was just shy, and I was able to do a lot more things, but I still really had to force myself to do those kinds of things, and there was always a lot of worry involved.

Basically what I'm asking is, will that ever go away? Will there ever be a time when I can just walk up to a stranger, look them in the eye, and start conversation, without worrying about it? Or go to a place I've never been, and do something I've never done, without over analyzing every little detail? I'm sure the doctor can help me somewhat, but will these kinds of feelings ever really GO AWAY completely? Will I ever be normal?

04-29-2007, 07:28 PM
My problem is, I just want very badly to be normal. And I get really, really pissed off from time to time that I can't really do that. My anxiety prevents me from going all kinds of places, and talking to all kinds of people, and doing all kinds of things. I really wish I could do those things without even thinking about it.

I hear you.
I wish the same things, have the same kinds of problems.

Basically what I'm asking is, will that ever go away?

It will, I hope, get better... anxiety disorders are highly treatable, but you have to actually go to the doctor before treatment can begin.
I think making an appointment is a step in the right direction.
Probably, you will always have social anxiety (I don't think it's "curable"), but with treatment and medication I imagine it will become much more manageable than it is today, and you will once again be able to do many of the things you used to do when you were just "shy".
I hope that for you, at any rate.

Good luck. Keep us posted.

04-30-2007, 04:00 PM
Yes it can get a lot better and manageble to a good extent! I beat it once but am now dealing with depression/anxiety as I was bullied at my last job for 11 months and did not leave because I told myself that I was stong enough to take it on the chin. I had a lot of confidence in myself and I was happy but staying at that place for too long has destroyed me.

It is possible but you gotta work on it.