View Full Version : Pressure chest pain

12-03-2012, 12:58 PM
Does anyone get this kind of pressure chest pain.
It is like a shooting pain or fast pain that feels like a slight pressure in the chest.
I can't really describe it, it kind of feels like your heart has stopped which my anxiety jumps in and I jump for my pulse!
Its a weird type of pain that I can not describe, it also feels a bit like a flutter. Can anyone relate?

Also today, I have been to the dentist and they have told me that my teeth are chipped and that I need a mouth guard due to grinding my teeth! I've never had one single problem with my teeth! Is this also due to anxiety?

12-03-2012, 01:07 PM
I don't get a pain as such, but I get a lot of indigestion like trapped air in my chest which feels so uncomfortable to the point that its scary. I must say I have only had this problem since suffering with the anxiety so in guessing its connected x

12-03-2012, 01:13 PM
I very rarely get chest pains with anxiety. I get a lot of back, left arm and rib pain but very rarely chest pains.
At this moment it feels like I need to belch, but it wont come up! It feels like I have something stuck in my throat (i'm getting this after the chest motion I commented about) I am now beginning to think that it is actually acid related because now I can not stop belching! Lol.
I couldn't really descrive the chest weird feeling! But now it is making sense, things like that just scare me way too much and send my anxiety sky high!!
Thanks for your advice :) xx

12-03-2012, 03:24 PM
Yes that sounds like indigestion and the only way to relive the pressure is to belch! I find that cold drinks tend to bring the symptoms on so I try to drink things at room temperature. I hope this helps as the feeling is horrible and we don't new anything else adding to the anxiety lol x

12-03-2012, 03:37 PM
Also today, I have been to the dentist and they have told me that my teeth are chipped and that I need a mouth guard due to grinding my teeth! I've never had one single problem with my teeth! Is this also due to anxiety?

Grinding your teeth in your sleep can definitely be a symptom of anxiety. You can really damage your teeth, wearing them down to a very flat surface, so a mouth guard is a good idea. You can get some at stores like Target for $10-15, or you can literally spend hundreds of dollars for a custom one. I'd try the cheap way first.

12-03-2012, 03:45 PM
Does anyone get this kind of pressure chest pain.
It is like a shooting pain or fast pain that feels like a slight pressure in the chest.
I can't really describe it, it kind of feels like your heart has stopped which my anxiety jumps in and I jump for my pulse!
Its a weird type of pain that I can not describe, it also feels a bit like a flutter. Can anyone relate?

Also today, I have been to the dentist and they have told me that my teeth are chipped and that I need a mouth guard due to grinding my teeth! I've never had one single problem with my teeth! Is this also due to anxiety?

I get back pain and the flutter feeling. I hate that feeling because it get my pulse racing and usually leads to a panic attack.

12-03-2012, 04:09 PM
Chest pain / bloating / pressure is a crowning symptom of anxiety. It comes in many varieties and flavours for the following reasons:

1/ Adrenalin hardening the chest wall muscles (this often causes a long-term bloated feeling in the chest... as the muscles push both outward and inward)

2/ Spurious, neural fear messages running through nerve networks - causing chest muscles to tense & release in a spasmodic fashion
(this often causes short, sharp stabbing-like pains)

3/ Trapped wind
Because of 1/ (adrenalin hardened muscles), gas gets trapped in the chest cavities

4/ Acid
A nervous stomach tends to produce excess acid, which causes dull to burning sensations around the chest and up to the throat
This is made worse by effects 1/ and 3/

All the above can interact, causing a VERY uncomfortable and often frightening variety of sensations & pains within the chest.

12-04-2012, 12:07 PM
Grinding your teeth in your sleep can definitely be a symptom of anxiety. You can really damage your teeth, wearing them down to a very flat surface, so a mouth guard is a good idea. You can get some at stores like Target for $10-15, or you can literally spend hundreds of dollars for a custom one. I'd try the cheap way first.

Thanks for your reply! Yes when I went to the dentist they told me that my teeth where chipped and they are trying me with some jaw excersizes, and then they will consider the mouth guard so hopefully that will work.
It just shows me, I have NEVER had anything wrong with my teeth everytime I go they say their spotless and perfect condition.... what anxiety does to us hey :(

12-04-2012, 12:11 PM
Chest pain / bloating / pressure is a crowning symptom of anxiety. It comes in many varieties and flavours for the following reasons:

1/ Adrenalin hardening the chest wall muscles (this often causes a long-term bloated feeling in the chest... as the muscles push both outward and inward)

2/ Spurious, neural fear messages running through nerve networks - causing chest muscles to tense & release in a spasmodic fashion
(this often causes short, sharp stabbing-like pains)

3/ Trapped wind
Because of 1/ (adrenalin hardened muscles), gas gets trapped in the chest cavities

4/ Acid
A nervous stomach tends to produce excess acid, which causes dull to burning sensations around the chest and up to the throat
This is made worse by effects 1/ and 3/

All the above can interact, causing a VERY uncomfortable and often frightening variety of sensations & pains within the chest.

Hi Dazza! Im back lol
I no longer have my iPhone so haven't be able to get onto the forum for a while but I didn't actually realize it was a website!! So here I am! Get ready.. lol
Hope your okay thank you very much for that bit of information it has made me feel so much better, after the pressure pain happened, about five minutes later I got a lot of heart burn (burning in my throat) I had to go to sleep because it was that bad!
I tried to look for the gaviscon but my mum shot it away!!!
Thank you once again Dazza you sure know how to make me unanxious lol