View Full Version : Eye problems and an update

04-29-2007, 04:08 PM
Hi all

Firstly my apologies for not being able to reply to any of your posts and offer any help recently, ive just been so busy with my university work! The last time i posted i was just about to leave for a couple of days break in Spain. Well the break didnt go well and i felt awful for the whole time with dizziness tiredness and derealisation (So all the usual) I also notised loads and loads of floaters in my eyes especially when looking at the sky or tall buildings etc. Any way more on that in a min. Ive been taking my tablets (Citalopram or celexa) for eight weeks on wednesday and am not sure if i am feeling an improvement or not. I say this because for about the last week and a half i have felt a little better than i was say a month ago but the symptoms are still there, not so much the dizziness but still the tiredness. Its like an underlying feeling of always being in daydream mode, can any one relate to that? Any way as i said my eyes are really playing up and are causing me a number of very annoying/horrible symptoms. These are firstly i kep getting what i would call dark patches in my eyes, this is especially the case when im trying to read then look outside and then look back at the page its horrible. Next i keep getting a feeling that i cant focus on things properly if ive been looking at something and then suddenly turn to look at something else such as my finger nails (i just did thats why i give that example) Im not sure if this is related to the tiredness again but its horrible and i want it to go. And then i keep getting what i would describe as a foggy type of eyesight. Lastly as i mentioned before im getting loads of floaters (far more than usual) and its really disturbing.

Thank you if you have taken the time to real all that, im going to the doctors this week and im not sure to suggest a new medication or not, ill have to see what they say. Please help me if you can. I really hope you are all doing well. Many thanks


04-30-2007, 08:12 AM
I been the same for the past 6 weeks Jarv and I've been really worried about it. Sometimes I also have a panic attack just looking at things, the world feels really wierd to look at. I also have problems with my hearing perception. If someone is talking I look up to reply and sometimes look at the wrong person. Sometimes when I'm concentrating my brain can't target the right position if you get what I mean, My eyes uncontrollably scan the area cause I can't concentrate on what I'm doing. For example if I'm looking at the screen look down at the keyboard and then look back sometimes I forgot where I was looking before weird. Other than that I can't focus properly, sometime I have to try hard not to stare into space, I get spots in my left eye when I'm exercising, feel dizzy, unreal, sometimes sick, some of the time on of my pupils is more dialated than the other and sometimes they look really dialated when I'm tired but they react to light and both work normally most of the time.

The thing I'm most frustrated with though is the Daydream mode you were talking about, its like your really exhausted isn't it, I just want it to go too!

Hope your doing ok though, just hang in there dude!

Jimmy B

04-30-2007, 03:01 PM
Hi Jimmy

Thanks for the reply. I know how you feel. Do you get the symptoms worse in the mornings? Yeah i know about that daydream ode feeling its horrible, i too am getting to the stage where i just desperately want it to go now. Have you seen your doctor about this? Maybe they could give you some advice? Ive been told by a couple of people that vitamins are good for your eyes but i think that you have to persist with them over a period of time as they dont start working for a while.

Best of lick to you as well.


04-30-2007, 03:39 PM
I feel ok in the morning, but your probably right in saying that it gets better as the day goes on. But if you can remember how you were when you weren't ill. Everyone can feel a little spaced out in the morning. For a number of years I've felt a bit distant if I'm at work with nothing to do for the first half of the day. I'm starting to feel a little bit better, its becoming a little easier to 'target' things with my eyes too, focusing and depth perception is still a little off though.

I have been taking vitimins recently also, healthy diet, running etc has also helped a bit.