View Full Version : hard weekend

12-03-2012, 07:37 AM
I thought I was doing so good. Then we went to a funeral and now all I can think is that I have some illness and I'm going to die. I can't sleep and can barely eat. Really hate that I was feeling great last week and now it's horrible.

12-03-2012, 07:44 AM
Try some relaxation. Try breathing in, hold it three seconds, then breathe out. Do that a few times and concentrate on your breathing.
Also, just remember. You have most likely had panic attacks before, just like you are now, and you didn't die. And you're not going to now! Just keep breathing, let all the tension leave your body and try to find a place in your mind where you're happy. Ok. You are going to be fine!! And it's not just you that has felt this way. Many of us have had the same thing occur. We've attended funerals, had friends suddenly pass away, and even though we felt anxious and sure we were going to die too, we didn't. We're still here. Just as you are here too!! You'll get thru this!! :)

12-03-2012, 10:07 AM
I felt the same way after this weekend. Something I've found helps me is writing about what I'm feeling and listening to music while I do. Getting all those thoughts out instead of keeping them inside helps, because I feel stupid and crazy if I don't...it might help you.

It's very hard to deal with death and funerals, but try not to be so scared that you miss out on the beauty around you. We were given the opportunity to live on, and should treasure it, instead of being scared.

12-05-2012, 02:56 PM
Thanks for your replies. Things are slowly getting better. I'm not as panicky but I still feel the physical effects like back pain and fatigue. Trying to relax so I'm not so stressed but it's easier said than done.

12-05-2012, 03:18 PM
Thanks for your replies. Things are slowly getting better. I'm not as panicky but I still feel the physical effects like back pain and fatigue. Trying to relax so I'm not so stressed but it's easier said than done.

Totally. I buy baby lotion with lavender in it. It really helps soothe me out. I also use candles, baths, hot tea or cocoa, music and avoiding anxiety producing activities, like watching tv. The shows are ok, but it's the ads and news shows that make me feel like crap. I got rid of all my tv's.

12-05-2012, 03:22 PM
My experience with this fucking shit bollox disorder is that, just as you think you're over it... like completely... as in feeling on top of the world and that it's gone forever... it can strike again at any given time.

I've had a handful of periods where i've gone a few successive weeks feeling completely normal, as if anxiety disorder was all just a bad dream.
On these occasions, I've said to my partner and family; "That's it... I'm cured. No more meds. No more problems" and I've been 100% convinced this is the case, as I feel no pains, no worries... just calm, happy and loving it.

But... along comes a stress and fuck me... I'm dragged back into it all again. Pains / worry / anxious / nervous / heart palps / heart races etc.


Gotta laugh though, lol

The silver lining is that the good times are now outweighing the bad. Anxiety has a kind of half life. It's dying... but it's not going down without a fight.

12-11-2012, 09:13 AM
Totally. I buy baby lotion with lavender in it. It really helps soothe me out. I also use candles, baths, hot tea or cocoa, music and avoiding anxiety producing activities, like watching tv. The shows are ok, but it's the ads and news shows that make me feel like crap. I got rid of all my tv's.

I always enjoy a cup of cocoa or tea before bed and that seems to help me relax some. I never really thought tv would set me off but I have had a few attacks while just sitting on the couch watching a show. Gives me something to think about.

12-11-2012, 09:15 AM
My experience with this fucking shit bollox disorder is that, just as you think you're over it... like completely... as in feeling on top of the world and that it's gone forever... it can strike again at any given time.

I've had a handful of periods where i've gone a few successive weeks feeling completely normal, as if anxiety disorder was all just a bad dream.
On these occasions, I've said to my partner and family; "That's it... I'm cured. No more meds. No more problems" and I've been 100% convinced this is the case, as I feel no pains, no worries... just calm, happy and loving it.

But... along comes a stress and fuck me... I'm dragged back into it all again. Pains / worry / anxious / nervous / heart palps / heart races etc.


Gotta laugh though, lol

The silver lining is that the good times are now outweighing the bad. Anxiety has a kind of half life. It's dying... but it's not going down without a fight.

Yes, it truly likes to hit you hardest when you're down/stressed. I just try to tell myself "it's only anxiety. It can't hurt me". Now to just get my mind to truly believe that. Lol.