View Full Version : Help!!!

12-02-2012, 10:42 PM
I've been diagnosed with general anxiety, I don't like taking meds! Is there any natural remedies to cure anxiety? I get my anxiety level up by stressing about my anxiety. Like driving alone, or going on long trips, II fear about something may happen to me if I'm driving alone, and I get light headed, and ringing in the ears. It feels like I may pass out. I'm always tensed up 24/7. I really need help. This anxiety is taking over. I start a new job as a District Manager of Dollar General and it requires a lot of driving. The job pays really well, and I can't afford to let this anxiety ruin my career and life! I need help!!!

12-02-2012, 11:38 PM
I've been diagnosed with general anxiety, I don't like taking meds! Is there any natural remedies to cure anxiety? I get my anxiety level up by stressing about my anxiety. Like driving alone, or going on long trips, II fear about something may happen to me if I'm driving alone, and I get light headed, and ringing in the ears. It feels like I may pass out. I'm always tensed up 24/7. I really need help. This anxiety is taking over. I start a new job as a District Manager of Dollar General and it requires a lot of driving. The job pays really well, and I can't afford to let this anxiety ruin my career and life! I need help!!!
Nobody wants to be on meds! But they are sometimes necessary.

12-03-2012, 12:06 AM
Most anxiety is mind over matter, it's all in your brain. Trust me that's easier said then done it doesn't make it go away by thinking that. But I've gone without meds for so long and like you said it's taking over so that's what I knew I had to do something with a low dose would be ok for you. I take 10mg of lexapro I just started it and so far it seems good!! Don't be ashamed to take a med. trust me millions suffer from anxiety prob the closest people to you do and either do not know or keep it to themselves. I get anxiety about taking a medication and I cannot stand being along I need to stay busy and I can stay calm and laughing very much help relieve some of my anxiety also. Don't be afraid to look different drugs up yourself lexapro Prozac celexa Effexor Zoloft and just remember medication is not a cure. Counseling could help as well :) hope this helps

12-03-2012, 01:22 AM
Are you able to listen to music while you're driving? I did a lot of driving for my old job, and the thing that made it great was me-time and the radio. Anxiety has a cause, or many causes. In order to get "cured", you have to discover what that is, and work through it. It's not easy or quick, and it takes work. There is no 1 answer for everyone. You may want to try a progressive relaxation exercise (you can find a ton on YouTube). I also recommend journaling your thoughts and feelings. Meds have their place, but won't cure you, they only help manage symptoms. Are you able to attend therapy? If so, avail yourself of this gift. Good luck, and let us know how you are doing.

12-03-2012, 03:42 AM
I use natural methods to help control my anxiety. I refuse to take the medicine...or should I say I have been refusing. Here lately I have been considering it. I use aromatherapy. I went to the health food store and bought lavender oil, a roll on anxiety relief oil, and a stress relief inhaler. They do work. What helps is that they remind me of the scents at the spa I go to...so I begin to relax most of the time after a quick sniff. I also have found yoga works. I bought a meditation fountain which is cordless and runs off of batteries...may not work well for the car though. I burn sage and incense too. I get about 75% of my anxiety in the car too...I find I have to talk myself through the drive. It helps. I have to have something to focus on and that is a good way. Hope this helps :)

12-05-2012, 02:32 PM
All my anxiety comes about, when I think about death, when I'm alone and think what if something happens to me and no one is around to help. I get light headed or get a head ache I think what if I have a brain problem or something like that. I use to take a Generic of Paxil 15mg. It helped a little. I "WAS" the kind of person that was tuff and I didn't let things get to me, but now its a different ball game. I can't watch shows or movies that has some medical sene in it because my mind starts turning. "Like I have that symptom" and then it's anxiety time. It's never ending. :(

12-05-2012, 02:51 PM
I just gave in to medicine 5 days ago.

but some of the natural stuff I did was,

Deep relaxation (videos on youtube)
Fish oil

I still do all the natural stuff though. The deep relaxation and jogging work the best.

12-05-2012, 03:30 PM
Listen bud, some of us have a stronger will power and endurance level than others.
We're all different.

If you can't handle your despair then it's because you don't have a high enough endurance level.

For those with low endurance levels - medication is there to make up for it.

If taken as recommended it is absolutely harmless and can completely transform you.

12-05-2012, 03:44 PM
I cured my anxiety with natural remedies. Never touched a single pill.
Took lot's of supplements, changed my diet, said good bye to Mary Jane and caffeine, never EVER gave up hope for even a second. Each time I'd get an attack I'd grow 10 times stronger against it. Now, I feel normal again and have been feeling normal for 2 months.

12-05-2012, 04:00 PM
I cured my anxiety with natural remedies. Never touched a single pill.
Took lot's of supplements, changed my diet, said good bye to Mary Jane and caffeine, never EVER gave up hope for even a second. Each time I'd get an attack I'd grow 10 times stronger against it. Now, I feel normal again and have been feeling normal for 2 months.

You know, I'm not sure about this taking supplements and changing diet malarky as a general fix for all.

Let's say someone's frightened of heights... I mean, like seriously. A phobia.
Pretty similar to anxiety, dontcha think?

You reckon pumping a few vit-c pills down their neck and making them eat a plate of veg everyday is gonna cure them?

I don't buy it as a be all and end all.

Sure, a better life style can improve mood (e.g. exercise + eating well). But just supplements? nahhhh... doubt it.

12-05-2012, 04:17 PM
You know, I'm not sure about this taking supplements and changing diet malarky as a general fix for all.

Let's say someone's frightened of heights... I mean, like seriously. A phobia.
Pretty similar to anxiety, dontcha think?

You reckon pumping a few vit-c pills down their neck and making them eat a plate of veg everyday is gonna cure them?

I don't buy it as a be all and end all.

Sure, a better life style can improve mood (e.g. exercise + eating well). But just supplements? nahhhh... doubt it.

Probably right. To be honest I don't really know the EXACT thing that got rid of mine. Just listed all the things I did.
I wish I knew the exact thing though, in case it ever sneaks up again.

12-05-2012, 09:13 PM
I use to smoke $100 a day of Mary Jane, and drank about a case of deer a day. That was my every day routine for about 10 years. I stopped all that stuff now. I use to drink about 2 gallons of Tea a day until about 5 months ago. I'm caffeine free now. I mean I come from a family that is a worry wart, I don't know if maybe that had something to do with my anxiety. Now I'm fighting this monster "ANXIETY".

12-05-2012, 09:24 PM
Wow, that's a lot of pot and beer. Good for you for kicking both!