View Full Version : How can I ask my parents for antidepressants?

04-28-2007, 10:19 PM
I desperatley want to go on an antidepressant but I dont know how to ask my mom about it. I am terrifed to talk to her about it and I came here for guidance about what I should say, or what options I have on my own. I appreciate any help I can get!

04-28-2007, 11:41 PM
I think you should be honest with your mom about your eating disorder (which you mentioned in your other post).
Tell her you've tried to stop, but you're unable to.
Tell her you want to see a psychiatrist.
Be honest with the psychiatrist about your problems, and if medication is appropriate, they will prescribe it.
It's really important that you do this as soon as possible, because bulimia can be very deadly.
Purging can mess up the electrolyte balance in your body, and cause you to have heart palpatations which can kill you. Chronic, long-term purging can also do yucky things such as dissolve all the enamel off your teeth, and eat holes in your trachea.
I'm not telling you this to make you more anxious or depressed, I'm telling you to make you realize it's important that you get help right away.

Because eating disorders mess up the chemicals in your body and brain, bulimia especially can cause mood swings and depression.
So, your depression could be entirely triggered by your eating disorder, in which case antidepressants aren't going to help much as long as you keep purging. You need to get help with this problem.
Once it's resolved, then it will be clear whether you need medication.
The depression might resolve itself once the eating disorder is under control; you never know.

Again, please tell your mom what's going on as soon as possible.
If she doesn't take you to a doctor, then tell your school nurse, or go to a public health clinic.
If you could stop this on your own, I know you would've already.
It's not a sign of weakness to ask for help.
Please do this. And post and let us know how it goes.

Best wishes!

05-02-2007, 06:47 PM
thanks to your support I finally worked up the nerve to ask my mom about going on an anxiety medication...she said she would "call someone about it" but I am absoltely positive that she wont. Oh well, im 3 monthes from college, so as soon as I can have control over my own health care Ill do what I see fit.

I also have been more active in a eating disorder recovery group that I joined (normaleating . com-really great site) and I am really determined to stop purging..and thats helped a lot.

Thank you for the really encouraging post, I feel a lot better now that I know Ive exhausted my options and done the best I can (at this time) to handle my problem.

Thinking of you

V for Victor
05-04-2007, 01:48 PM
If your mom could be convinced that you really do have anxiety? Maybe she would be more willing to work with you.

Could you maybe just see about talking to a doctor and maybe being checked out for anxiety?