View Full Version : Feeling sad and aniexty stress

12-02-2012, 02:26 PM
Today has not been good and I know I just want alittle relief. Been crying on and off most of the weekend. I want to be around my kids but it is hard. Seems like I get stressed from it. I am only on day 19 of my AD. Everyone says it takes time there has to be a light at the end of the tunnel . I even feel like my lorazapem isn't giving me as much relief unless my body just fighting from fear of not getting better or working. I don't up my dose on my AD for another 14 days which of course I dread because for some reason I had a hell of a time with 5 mg to 10mg. Maybe it's just my body not being used to it and ugh. Feel like depression is worse I never thought I had depression I figured on aniexty but they must go hand and hand. Waiting for call backs from counselors ugh. I hope it helps because when I talk to my loved ones about things I don't feel relief maybe because they are too close to me ? Anyway thanks for reading just want my normal self back I will even settle for a day without sadness and bit less restless.

12-02-2012, 03:04 PM
You are not alone, honey. Please stay strong, you'll get through it. If you need anyone to talk to, we are here.

12-02-2012, 03:53 PM
Anxiety and depression do go hand-in-hand, so it's not unusual to experience both. But it's obviously a new sensation to you. Don't worry, you're not going crazy. Those feelings are really there. It's hard to work through, but I suggest journaling your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, if we get our fears on paper, the brain relaxes and doesn't send those alert messages. We are all here for you. You are not alone.

12-02-2012, 05:30 PM
Wynlowe, the good news is that even if the meds you're on don't work for you, the chances of psychiatrists getting you on med(s) that will work for you are high. Everyone's brain chemistry is different. So when a doctor prescribes you meds for your anxiety and depression, he/she won't know if that pill(s) will work for you. But if the medication you're on now doesn't help, stay positive, because at some point they'll put you on meds that will work for you. Psych meds work for the vast majority of people who give psychiatry a chance.

12-03-2012, 04:14 AM
Man, i can relate. It took a few weeks for my drugs to kick in, along the way, i got worse before getting better. It sucked. Now that the drugs have kicked in, im not perfect, but am way better. Therapy helps too. I am also trying to read and meditate, which i can do now that the drugs work (no way in heck i could have done that previously...) One big thing for me is just giving love to the young part of me that is the part of me that causes the anxiety. I literally talk out loud to my self to reassure myself.

Anxiety and depression suck. It will make you stronger and hopefully compassionate for others. There are some positives about this crap our brain puts us through.

12-03-2012, 04:26 AM
I was never depressed but as my anxiety hit rock bottom, along came with it anxiety. The two combined is the absolute worst feeling ever. Stay strong and keep telling yourself that you are in control, not the anxiety. It works for me.

12-03-2012, 07:20 AM
I had my very bad anxiety started 5 weeks ago .. I took the generic lexapro

But I asked my doctor to do some tests for me and I found that my "vitamin D " level is very low . I found out most of the people suffering from depression have a very low vitamin D in there body and they became much better after taking the vitamin D ..
You guys needs to Check your vitamin D level too . You can search the Internet ( depression and vitamin D) you will find its related somehow ,, good luck