View Full Version : How to eat when im stuck in an anxiety cycle

12-02-2012, 12:59 PM
I find it impossible to eat while I'm have a long term anxiety attack. I have nausea and vomiting. This has lasted 6 days but I need to eat.

12-02-2012, 02:06 PM
I haven't had the sickness but I get the nausea and severe indigestion. Like you said you do have to eat! Just try eating little and often if you can't face big meals. Try to have as much fruit and veg as you can :)

12-02-2012, 02:27 PM
I find it impossible to eat while I'm have a long term anxiety attack. I have nausea and vomiting. This has lasted 6 days but I need to eat.

I know how you feel...I stick to things that are light and easy to digest. Chicken noodle soup, crackers, sugar cookies, bananas, plain bagels, rice, toast.
I hope this helps and that you feel better soon...all of the foods I listed are gentle...try the banana-you need the potassium and try to buy water with electrolytes. Even Gatorade!

12-02-2012, 03:50 PM
You do need to eat. You can really damage your heart, among other things, by starving yourself. I have trouble eating, too. Try to do it where you feel safe, and you won't be interrupted. Try toast or other bland things mentioned above. Smart water has electrolytes in it. And don't forget to reward yourself for good behavior. I buy a new color of nail polish when I reach a goal I had set for myself.

12-02-2012, 08:43 PM
I found yogurt good and easy to eat. Easy to eat and has protein and carbs. I like organic strawberry, raspberry or vanilla yogurt that was either low fat or regular so you get some fat in you too.

12-03-2012, 01:07 AM
Agree with yoghurt... it's like baby food for adults :-)
Maybe even bio-yoghurts. The types with good bacteria which help reduce bad bacteria in your digestive system.

You should absolutely avoid processed foods and foods with high sugar.

Eating too quickly or skipping meals can further cause issues. Eat slow and chew it properly.

When you decide to start eating again - make sure it's healthy stuff. Especially fruits, veggies and fibre. A nice, soft banana is a good starting point!

12-03-2012, 03:45 AM
I also have problems eating with the anxiety. I have recently looked into juicing and smoothies. My yoga instructor has anxiety and she does smoothies. My doctor told me you still get all of the nutrients, just don't have to chew. Might be worth a shot.

12-03-2012, 05:30 PM
Protein and fat won't be in juice. You need these.

12-05-2012, 08:34 AM
I have a lot if issues with regular nausea, vomiting, and indigestion, heart burn, acid reflux as well. I was prescribed a daily regimen of Prilosec and Nexium. For the crisis moments, in order to make sure I get nutrients, I drink chocolate flavored Ensure. It goes down easy, and tastes pretty good too.

12-05-2012, 09:02 AM
I did a juice diet for30 days. It can really be refreshing to do so, but I would speak with my doctor first, just to make sure you're doing something safe. Good for you for going to yoga! That's tough work!

12-05-2012, 12:29 PM
I get this badly, I find it impossible to eat when I am having an attack, the build up of an attack or just feeling overly anxious!
Me and my boyfriend where in Pizza Hut at the weekend, my dizziness and palptations started, and I got the Uh Oh.... feeling and I knew I was going to have an attack, I was scared at the fact it was in PIZZA HUT! In public, that wound me even more. Anyway, it was a short mild attack but I could not eat my food! I felt like being sick. The sight and thought of food was knocking me sick!
I thought this was just me, I did not understand that it was common!

12-05-2012, 03:12 PM
I get this badly, I find it impossible to eat when I am having an attack, the build up of an attack or just feeling overly anxious!
Me and my boyfriend where in Pizza Hut at the weekend, my dizziness and palptations started, and I got the Uh Oh.... feeling and I knew I was going to have an attack, I was scared at the fact it was in PIZZA HUT! In public, that wound me even more. Anyway, it was a short mild attack but I could not eat my food! I felt like being sick. The sight and thought of food was knocking me sick!
I thought this was just me, I did not understand that it was common!

Deep pan or stuffed crust?

Meat feast with BBQ sauce... oooooooooooooooh fuckin' yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh