View Full Version : please help!

12-02-2012, 12:03 PM
hi im wondering can any one help me as i feel like i havent really found out whats wrong with me and its not nice at all basically when i was on holday about 2 months ago i had what i read up as panic attack iv never had anything like it before and was quite scary the next day i felt really bad but the day after that i was ok i came back home and was fine for a few weeks then suddnely i started to feel unwell and i have now felt bad for about 3 weeks i have what i feel as a low level anxity it is def always there but i can get on with my daily life but i do feel a bit dizzy. i have been to the docs and he has given me beta blockers which havent seemed to make a massive difference. the thing is im not really a worrying sort of person i have everyday worries i suspose but i have always been laid back so im struggling to understand why this has happened to me. also like i say im finding it hard to find some one with similar symptons to me as i dont really get attacks as such i just feel a constant level of back ground uneasyness like dizzeyness. i have had my bloods checked and ecg they are all fine.
any help would be really apprichated

12-02-2012, 12:18 PM
Hi, I have the same symptoms as you. They only started when I was about to turn 30. Like you I was never a worrier, I was always a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason" so this is so new to me. Like you, I don't have constant panic attacks, in fact last one I got was well over a year ago, but I don't know whether that's because I've started anticipating them and doing breathing exercises. By the way, I'm on live chat too if u want to talk there.