View Full Version : light headed

12-02-2012, 08:38 AM
hi all, been having bad anxiety for around 4 yrs always worried about my health usuall symptoms i get are short of breath, tight/ pain in chest and over the last month the worst has been light headed feeling doc says anxiety and so does my therapist but i dont get how it can be there all day its driving me crazy. anyone else had this like all day everyday?? kinda feels like iam drunk all the time and my eyes ache. pharmacist says it could be because i was taking a double does of lorazepam every night for like a month and i am getting like a hangover effect from it and me being me takes it to the extreme. i ve stopped taking them the last 2 nights so hopefully gets better soon but god knows.
cheers people

12-02-2012, 08:48 AM

Sounds like there's no denying you have anxiety disorder and with that comes a whole mixed bag of the most god-awful symptoms. Not least of all light-headedness.

Throughout the year - I've had most of the symptoms anxiety had to offer, including derealization - a sense of detachment from the real world.
Although I can't say I was ever dizzy as such, derealization certainly made me feel a little tunnel-visioned.

I blame this on the fact that my brain was too busy fighting the fears and anxieties of a heart attack. So busy that it had little time to process sensory functions such as vision, smell, touch, etc.
Makes sense when you think about it... if in a REAL fearful situation, like about to crash ya car... you're hardly gonna be functioning properly are you.

In fact, I recognise a similarity between the times where I've NEARLY crashed the car and times of high anxiety / panic. I recall a brief moment of derealization while skidding to a halt in panic. They sensations match quite well.

The only difference of course is that the fear is in our heads and not an actual situation.

Perhaps this is what you have, or perhaps it is indeed the hangover effect.
Diazepam, although an awesome calmer... leaves me feeling a bit "out of sorts" for some hours after - and that's just taking half a pill!

Other things to check:

Ear infection

Go see a doc just in case.