View Full Version : Vertigo

12-01-2012, 08:04 PM
About a week ago I began feeling vertigo. The ground feels like it is moving and sometimes I feel like I am on a boat.

I know this probably isnt related to anxiety, but I am feeling very anxious about it. I am going to see a doctor on monday to discuss this, but thought I'd pop in here in the meantime to ask if any one else has experienced this.

I had this happen to me last May. It last 6 weeks the last time.

Of course I am going crazy thinking I have a brain tumor. :(

No other huge symptoms going along with this. Mostly just horrid thoughts in my head. A couple uncomfortable (but not intolerable) headaches.

12-01-2012, 08:21 PM
You know, I have a symptom, which I call having "sea legs". I always thought it was part of the fibromyalgia, but now I'm reconsidering. I've been off work for a while, and my anxiety has decreased, and I haven't experienced that particular symptom since then. It feels weird, but once you know it's not going to hurt you, it's easier to just ride it out. I hope this helps.

12-01-2012, 08:53 PM
I get this feeling all the time, it's horrible.
Sometimes it's so bad that I feel like I will fall over.

12-08-2012, 05:21 PM
I used to get this while driving. It would scare the heck out of me. I went through all types of tests before figuring out it was anxiety.

12-08-2012, 05:47 PM
About a week ago I began feeling vertigo. The ground feels like it is moving and sometimes I feel like I am on a boat.

I know this probably isnt related to anxiety, but I am feeling very anxious about it. I am going to see a doctor on monday to discuss this, but thought I'd pop in here in the meantime to ask if any one else has experienced this.

I had this happen to me last May. It last 6 weeks the last time.

Of course I am going crazy thinking I have a brain tumor. :(

No other huge symptoms going along with this. Mostly just horrid thoughts in my head. A couple uncomfortable (but not intolerable) headaches.

This was me late last year. It started off slowly with the occasional dizzy spell (after which I would have a panic attack) and then it became full-on constant pain and dizziness. I was so scared, and thought I was losing my mind. I spent all day Christmas day at home alone in bed, and sent my babies off to the family celebration with my parents, so they wouldn't have to miss out. One day it got so bad, I was constantly dizzy and my head was pounding. I told my Mum to take me to hospital and, even though there was an 8 hour wait in the emergency room, and people were suggesting I just go to a GP, I refused to leave until I'd been seen. I was very anxious and only the hospital would do. It turned out to be a really bad middle ear infection, which is basically what they call it when they've ruled out every other possible medical condition (because there is no way of diagnosing it otherwise). My blood pressure was dropping dramatically every time I stood up. They put me on medication to stop nausea and dizziness and, thankfully the medication worked. After a week I came off the medication and I was better. I haven't had a problem with it since, though I have a couple of friends who regularly experience vertigo....just not to that extreme.

12-08-2012, 05:57 PM
I had vertigo back in 2009 it was due to very little sleep, lots of partying (I had graduated high school) My mom and I had linked it to caffeine I'd been caffeine free since then and no massive vertigo spells like in 09 though when the weather changes it affects me and makes me dizzy but being caffeine free seems to have done it

12-08-2012, 10:02 PM
I have vertigo that stemmed from a concussion after a car accident. I notice when I'm stressed it can act up-or even in car rides where there's lot of stopping and starting.
Whatever u do-don't stress and carry around medication to stop the dizziness! Even over the counter stuff like Bonine will help!

12-09-2012, 01:09 PM
I get this feeling quite often too and I sometimes have a panic attack straight afterwards if the dizziness is really bad it also makes me very tired too x