View Full Version : Feeling better.

12-01-2012, 06:44 PM
Hi guys, I've finished my first week of my medication, and feel so much better. I got my first full night of sleep last night in months, and haven't had a panic attack in three days which is huge.
You all are awesome when you helped me through my worst attacks.

There will still be bad days I know, but its nice to feel good some days. The therapy and medication together have been working wonders for me. :)

12-01-2012, 06:49 PM
Good for you for taking the initiative to see your MD and be honest about what you are going through. That took guts!

12-01-2012, 07:11 PM
Awesome! I hope it works out for you! Whatever your doing keep it up!

12-01-2012, 08:49 PM
If u don't mind me asking... What exactly did they prescribe? And very happy you are doing better. That has to be an awesome feeling.

12-02-2012, 12:14 AM
I feel...like a normal person. It is quite amazing. I still have some anxiety and tiredness but its a fair trail considering just last week I was vomiting from panic attacks.

I was prescribed Celexa. And it has a good track record with me thus far. I feel relaxed and happy, I'm enjoying time with my family, I can go to the grocery store without getting bad claustrophobia and having a panic attack, it's great.

I'd advise everyone to see a doctor and get help, whether its medication or therapy or both.

12-03-2012, 04:20 AM
As you continue to feel better, dont forget to keep checking in here. Its so common for those who get better to forget about the help that others still need. Plus, its always good to hear good news updates.


12-03-2012, 04:24 AM
As you continue to feel better, dont forget to keep checking in here. Its so common for those who get better to forget about the help that others still need. Plus, its always good to hear good news updates.


No worries! I'm still here multiple times a day. I still have my anxiety, but the help I'm getting is on its way to working. I will always be here to lend support

12-03-2012, 06:04 AM
Hi guys, I've finished my first week of my medication, and feel so much better. I got my first full night of sleep last night in months, and haven't had a panic attack in three days which is huge.
You all are awesome when you helped me through my worst attacks.

There will still be bad days I know, but its nice to feel good some days. The therapy and medication together have been working wonders for me. :)


Can I ask - what medication? and dose?