View Full Version : The Definitive Supplement Regimen to Help Cure Your Anxiety

11-30-2012, 08:59 PM
After being my own lab rat, and taking everything I could get my hands own, I wanted to make a list of supplements that I feel anyone and everyone having anxiety or panic disorder should be taking. This isn't the only ones you can take, but I highly recommend you at least do these. I truly believe that these remedies not only can help keep you calm, but will actually help rebuild your over sensitive nervous system and help bring your body and brain chemistry back to balance. I hope this becomes a sticky at the top.

I use the word "Cured" a lot when I talk about overcoming anxiety and I do this on purpose. I want you to get used to the idea that you can be cured and not just maintained. You want to get to a level where you do not need to take anything! That is cured. Of course all humans have stress and a certain amount of anxiety occasionally can be normal. The problem is when you step into the realm of it being a disorder. We all know what this is without me having to explain it. I know you may think this may cost you a lot of money, but this can really make a difference. Think of how much the doctor costs you with all those tests and exams and without even a way to cure most people. And if your like I was, you have ambulance and ER visit expenses. These even cost you anywehre near that.

I do not make money or get any endorsements on any of these products. These are products that I used as part of my recovery and believe this to be of great importance in slowly healing you. I am posting links were you can buy these products, and again, I am not making any money off this. I tend to use iherb.com because over $40 its free shipping and their prices are almost always the cheapest. You do the steps to heal your mind, retrain your brain by creating new and better habits, and you need to also do the steps to heal your body, and supplements should be a part of that regimen. Doctors medication can get you functioning, but I have no faith in their drugs to actually offer any type of long term cure for anxiety.

Note: Some people believe in taking amino acids to help increase serotonin and acetyl choline and I did this too. To be honest, it was so long ago, I can't remember exactly what the regimen was. I'd advise you to research for natural ways to increase these 2 neurotransmitters. I will focus here mainly on herbs. I was taking Acetyl-N-Carnitine, Lipoic acid, Fish Oil, amino acid complex, glutamine, taurine, and some others. I don't know if it helped or not because I was doing and taking so many things, but it may have been part of my healing. I will let you do your own research on those. I don't feel that I can recommend those with confidence as their effects aren't totally clear to me. I can recommend the products below though with confidence and really think everyone should be taking all of these for at least some time:

All at the same time 2 times a day:
Passion Flower Extract. 2- 350 mg pills- 2 times a day

Eastern Easentials Calm and Relaxed Formula- 6 pills 2 times a day

Pharma Gaba- 2 capsules 2 times a day (There is debate if GABA can penetrate the blood brain barrier. I say its worth a try.)

Suntheanine. 1 150 mg capsule 2 times a day (This is the amino acid in green tea that makes you feel calm and good. Not the caffeine part)

Take these 5 products I listed above twice daily together. Once after breakfast and once later in the evening.

Before sleep take 2 more Passionflower Extracts pills with 2 cups of chamomile tea. 2 tea bags, use the tea bags twice for a total of 2 cups.
Here is awesome tea! Chamomile, Lavender and Lemon Balm combo all organic! Drink this as much as you want. Buy boxes of this stuff. Cartons, crates! Take baths in it if you have to.

Use 1 teaspoon of organic raw honey with your tea. Let the tea cool for a few minutes before you add it so not to cook the honey and lose its nutrients. If you have a bee pollen allergy or an infant 1 year old or under don't use it.
This stuff is awesome! http://www.iherb.com/GloryBee-Organic-Clover-Raw-100-Pure-Honey-18-oz-510-g/33159


Take Milk Thistle Extract- 1 250 mg pill 2 times daily

1 scoop a day of this incredible green drink. 1 tablespoon (6 g) Contains the Antioxidant Equivalent of 24 Servings of Fruits & Vegetables

1 pill daily of 5000 mg Vitamin D3.

1 capsule 3 times a day of 200 mg of Magnesium Glycinate

What is so great about these supplements, is there are no side effects and they are making you healthier! Not like drugs that add no benefit to your overall health and have side effects. I recommend you get all of these.

No soda. Drink water and the chamomile/ lemon balm/ lavender tea.
No alcohol!
Get in a yoga class 3 times a week. Do it at your own pace no matter how out of shape you are. It isn't a race. Yoga is all about what it does to you internally. Take avery beginning class if you have to. Enjoy being in such a positive healthy exercise environment.
Breathe through your nose as much as possible throughout the day every day.
Read The Power of Now.
Watch the movie The Shift for free here:
Part 1- http://www.veoh.com/watch/v19860476P95FDPpK?h1=The+Shift+(Part+1+of+3)
Part 2- http://www.veoh.com/watch/v19864765ExrqprSW
Part 3- http://www.veoh.com/watch/v19874885WJX7Cp6y

If you are overbreathing or hyperventilating then read and practice this book by Patrick McKeown on Buteyko breathing
Anxiety Free: stop worrying and quieten your mind

Something out there brought you to this anxious state for a reason. It is in this state where you will be motivated to heal yourself and create a much better you. Enjoy the healing process. Believe in something, God, Jesus, The Force, The Flow, whatever you chose. Believe in a greater purpose of your life and that you are being guided by something that wants you to be happy and healthy. Focus on your future happy and healthy non anxious self as if it is happening right now, until you reach it. You know, basic Law of Attraction stuff.

Don't be so hard on yourself and try not to get too dramatic about stuff. Learn to flow with life and try and enjoy yourself. This is not a rehearsal. This is it! This is your life and try to make it the best you can! Leave the bad times in the past and start looking forward. All that matters is what is going on right now and what you will do with the rest of your life.

Good luck!

11-30-2012, 09:35 PM
Cheers for all that :] I'm sure it'll help many people.
Supplements are amazing.

12-03-2012, 04:25 AM
There is a lot of talk out there on the web about supplementing amino acids to increase the seratonin and catecholamine levels. Products like Neuroreplete (i think is the name) was suggested by my MD.

I mention this because in my brief read of your synopsis, i didnt see this facet of non-med care mentioned.

Have you tried this type of approach?

12-03-2012, 06:04 AM
Yes I did do amino acids. It probably did help. To be honest, I don't remember clearly what that regimen was. I recommended L-theanine above which is one. I didn't actually list everything one can do as the list is already quite long. I think amino acids could help, but I am not sure exactly how to do it for best results. I hear Glutamine can possibly trigger anxiety and I don't know if you should only take them as a group complex. I did take an amino acid complex for a bit and L-Glutamine, Taurine, also others. I took Acetyl-N-Carnitine, Lipoic acid, and other things trying to increase acetylcholine and serotonin. Worth a try, but I want people at least to get on what I listed above. I took so much stuff I don't know if it helped or not. I think it helped me health wise but can't say for certain helped with anxiety. It may have. I believe the regimen I listed above is pretty much a must do though whether you do amino acids or not. I am just not sure about them yet. Maybe someone else has used amino acids with success and they can inform us.

I'm going to add a sentence about it now in the original post.

12-09-2012, 06:38 PM
I am going to lock this post as i think that it is so important to look at things like this .

Natural supps are no different to everyday drugs . The difference is that drug companies cant make 1000x profit on it. The natural drugs are real and do work . They are mild and they do not give the nasty side effects that drugs give . They can also be used by starting small to stop any bad side effects.

The problem with anxiety i believe is two fold . But it is often only seen as a one fold problem . It is mainly seen as a mental problem that is in ones head . This might be the case but it didn't start as that and simply changing your thinking is not going to fix it either . Recovery takes wrapping your head around it all so that you lose the fear of the symptoms and then it takes work to get rid of the symptoms .

Amino acids

These are the building blocks of the body . There are about 20 in total . 9 of them the body gets from food and the others the body can make from the first 9 . They build protein and the brain must have this in order to function well.

Each one of these have something they do in the body . For example tyrosine is the precursor to making dopamine in the brain . L-theanine which is the active ingredient in green tea that gives it is calm effect. It effects Gaba , the same thing as benzos

Teas are great but in order to get the effect you sometimes need more . In order to get what one pill has in it you may need to drink 100 cups of tea . Sometimes it may pay to add the active ingredient by way of a supp.

The important thing to look at is that with Amino acids it is about balance and finding the right one . This takes time and it also takes time to work . There are list online that will tell you what each one does and the effect that lack of it adds on the body . It means work to sort it out , not like taking modern drugs but it also gets to the heart of the problem.

There is a few i want to add into this list .

Omega 3s Fish oil . This also plays a very important part in the brain . The brain is mostly fat and needs this to work . It is good for overall health . There is belief that there must be a balance between omega 3 and omega 6. With a junk food diet this is often not the case and there will be higher omega 6. You need a lot and they are big pills that often give reflex . This can be fixed by taking before bed or by taken krill oil.

Vitamin C . This helps the body to heal . You can take large dose as you will pee out what is not needed . Find your dose and take it . High doses will cause diarrhea, so start small and if this happens cut back a bit and that's your dose . Again pills work better because to get what one pill give you you may need to eat 1000 oranges .

I like panics list but we must remember that everyone is different , so it is a personal thing that people need to try and work out what is best for them . Of course there are common things that should be taken to support your recovery.

Do your research on the chemicals in the brain and work out which one it is that may be the problem and work on that one .

There is alot of talk about serotonin but in some it is not . I was told this again and again and when i took something to raise it i would feel worse . I have found out that it is in fact my dopamine levels that are the problem . They both cause simpler problems but there is also a difference . Serotonin being low will cause people to feel guilt , worthless but dopamine will not .

Serotonin will make it hard to get to sleep where as dopamine you can get to sleep but wake early .

In all honesty if you want to get better you need to get off your butt and do it , you need to work on research and find whats wrong with you and fix that . Drugs can work but they can also not work because there is so many factors that play into things and they are often i one pill fix all . For every person that it helps there is one that is on them and still feeling shit . You need to work out if you want to get better or take something that helps with symptoms . I know which one i wanted and thats what i did no matter what i had to do to get there .

A great book that explains how all these supps work on different things is Quit without feeling shit and optimal nutrition for the mind

Panic Cured, I would like to THANK YOU with all my heart for your information.

Fortunately I was able to find a Doctor who works in this natural form of healing.

I was put on Amino Acids also and they have helped, I take the Dr Bach rescue remedy which does soothe me, the herbal teas, lavender, chamomile , rose flower, elderflower etc, magnesium supplements, Vitamin E, St John's wart etc etc.
My panics have stopped, I am still now dealing with the physical/ symptomatic side of things.
It has been awful but better now, Your information is a God send and I urge everyone to read it and consider .

Just one bit of info I need to add, I am on the amino acids under the supervision of my doctor. My doses have now been halved.
The Tryptophane needs care, if you take too much of it, it will trigger anxiety also,
I started with half a teaspoon per day (the plan was to slowly work up to 3), the first day that I took one teaspoon my anxiety kicked in again, so I reverted back to the half teaspoon only (had I not researched this myself I would not have realised that too much of it also causes anxiety and I would have thrown the entire regime away believing that it did NOT work

There for doing your own due diligence, informing yourself on everything possible is VITAL to your healing !

I also found at night, drinking warm milk with a teaspoon of organic honey is very calming and soothing, the milk contains tryptophan. Relaxation tapes, excercise and going through the fear has equalled healing for me.

Also, thanks Forewells, brilliant !

Stressed Papa
01-05-2013, 02:54 PM
All natural, I am loving this list. My one suggestion to is don't go broke buying all these supplements. What I did was start out trying different supplements one at a time and then when I found certain herbs that worked, I would purchase a combo pill for the ones that were beneficial for me.

01-05-2013, 04:59 PM
No don't listen to either of those guys. Take these EXACTLY as I described. This will cost you a lot cheaper than going to the doctor. I posted very cheap options.

02-15-2013, 08:34 AM

Thank you for your contributions to this forum. I have a question for you. I suffer from panic disorder that is triggered especially when I am on the highway. In some of the coping guides mentioned on this forum, it states that we should sit and do nothing, and ride out the anxiety. I am having trouble accepting this approach because when I am on the highway with no immediate way to escape, it is very hard to sit and do nothing when my panic starts to peak. And what I mean by peak is that it becomes so bad that my face goes numb, I lose my ability to focus on the road, my heart races, and I become very lightheaded and dizzy. This is extremely scary and puts me in a dangerous situation with fast cars moving all around me. I feel like riding out the anxiety may cause me to have an accident. Simply getting off the highway becomes a challenge because I have trouble turning my head to change lanes when the dizziness is bad. The whole thing is debilitating, and I am desperate to do something about this. I've seen a psychologist 6 times, and so far this forum seems to offer more techniques than the therapist has. I know this is all about retraining my mind and using exposure to overcome my fears, but how do I do so when my life is at risk? I cannot simply relax during a panic attack as if I was sitting in a chair at my desk. Do you have any advice for me? It would be much appreciated. I will be starting the natural supplement regimen you stated.

02-21-2013, 04:10 AM
I know what you mean. I have been there.

We have to be realistic and realize that driving is not a toy so if there is danger, we must be responsible about it. But everything comes down to the same thing:

1) What is anxiety and what do these body symptoms mean?

2) What to do about it.

Just focus on who you want to be until THAT becomes a reality and do the necessary steps to get there. I have outlined this in many posts!

Anxiety is bullshit!

Good luck!

03-11-2013, 03:57 PM
Hi elusionz, i doubt anyone can give you advise on how to ride out anxiety on the high way, if your anxiety gets that bad i dont think you should be driving as your putting yourself at risk as well as others

03-19-2013, 02:20 AM
While natural supplements do help, each person is different. What OP have suggested worked best for him but it does not mean everyone should take the same route. Try each supplement first then consider combining with additional supplements.

Natural remedies can cause problems and they may arise from interactions with other products. Please be advised of this.

03-19-2013, 05:10 AM
Don't listen to Dyinu. Listen to me! My methods will work for almost anybody. Go read any book on anxiety and they say the same stuff I say. Nobody gets serious side effects from the supplements I mentioned at the proper dosage. Go to a hospital ER one night and ask how many people are in here for supplement and tell me what they say. This guy is just spreading fear based on BS he has no idea what he is talking about. And again, supplements will supplement your recovery, is not ALL you need to do. They will assist you greatly on your journey, but nothing will take place of the true work you need to do on yourself and the bad habits you will need to change. People are so quick to pop pharmaceuticals and then when it comes to legal herbs you can buy at a store without a prescription people get all wrapped up in fear. It's ridiculous!

If you are stuck in the anxiety cycle and you can't get out of it, read my 3 sticky threads and follow them as I described for 1 week, and test the methods out for yourself. But you will see, a lot of what I do is point people in the right direction for them to learn how to heal themselves.

03-19-2013, 05:28 AM
Don't listen to Dyinu. Listen to me! My methods will work for almost anybody. Go read any book on anxiety and they say the same stuff I say. Nobody gets serious side effects from the supplements I mentioned at the proper dosage. Go to a hospital ER one night and ask how many people are in here for supplement and tell me what they say. This guy is just spreading fear based on BS he has no idea what he is talking about. And again, supplements will supplement your recovery, is not ALL you need to do. They will assist you greatly on your journey, but nothing will take place of the true work you need to do on yourself and the bad habits you will need to change. People are so quick to pop pharmaceuticals and then when it comes to legal herbs you can buy at a store without a prescription people get all wrapped up in fear. It's ridiculous!

If you are stuck in the anxiety cycle and you can't get out of it, read my 3 sticky threads and follow them as I described for 1 week, and test the methods out for yourself. But you will see, a lot of what I do is point people in the right direction for them to learn how to heal themselves.

Can I ask what credentials you have?
You seem to be very offended by me, but for what?

I am not trying to make people to stay away from supplements, I simply stated that it'd be at best interest to be informed about what you are taking in your body. Supplements can help greatly but it varies from a person to person and that's a fact.

Realistically speaking most of these herbal supplements aren't FDA approved and are not heavily regulated either.

If anything please ask your doctor before taking supplements especially if you are taking anti-depressants or other medicine at the same time.

03-19-2013, 05:38 AM
Oh no here we go again.

Amy Goodrich
03-19-2013, 08:14 AM

Thank you for your contributions to this forum. I have a question for you. I suffer from panic disorder that is triggered especially when I am on the highway. In some of the coping guides mentioned on this forum, it states that we should sit and do nothing, and ride out the anxiety. I am having trouble accepting this approach because when I am on the highway with no immediate way to escape, it is very hard to sit and do nothing when my panic starts to peak. And what I mean by peak is that it becomes so bad that my face goes numb, I lose my ability to focus on the road, my heart races, and I become very lightheaded and dizzy. This is extremely scary and puts me in a dangerous situation with fast cars moving all around me. I feel like riding out the anxiety may cause me to have an accident. Simply getting off the highway becomes a challenge because I have trouble turning my head to change lanes when the dizziness is bad. The whole thing is debilitating, and I am desperate to do something about this. I've seen a psychologist 6 times, and so far this forum seems to offer more techniques than the therapist has. I know this is all about retraining my mind and using exposure to overcome my fears, but how do I do so when my life is at risk? I cannot simply relax during a panic attack as if I was sitting in a chair at my desk. Do you have any advice for me? It would be much appreciated. I will be starting the natural supplement regimen you stated.

Hello Elusionz,

Have you tried distracting yourself while on the freeway? I still have small panic attacks while driving, although they are way less frequent and rough these days. If I feel a panic attack creeping up these days, I immediately cranck up the volume of the radio and just start singing along (even though I can't sing AT ALL!) :)
This technique has really helped me getting on top of my driving fears. My problem was that I was too focussed on all the things that could go wrong while on the freeway, if you manage to pull your mind away from those thoughts, the panic attack also goes away.

03-19-2013, 04:28 PM
Can I ask what credentials you have?
You seem to be very offended by me, but for what?

I am not trying to make people to stay away from supplements, I simply stated that it'd be at best interest to be informed about what you are taking in your body. Supplements can help greatly but it varies from a person to person and that's a fact.

Realistically speaking most of these herbal supplements aren't FDA approved and are not heavily regulated either.

If anything please ask your doctor before taking supplements especially if you are taking anti-depressants or other medicine at the same time.

Your information is wrong and you are not helping. You are making people have anxiety about supplements when they do not need to. Leave them alone. You do not know what you are saying. I purposefully picked the supplements I recommended because they are helpful and because they are safe. A doctor you do not need to ask about taking herbs since no doctor has any idea about them. You are just wrong! Stop polluting my threads with your fears. You have no proof that any of the supplements I recommended have ever caused anyone harm ever! You think a doctor knows these supplements I recommended? Give me a break!

03-20-2013, 02:21 PM
I've experienced a lasting relief from symptoms by using BioSuperfoods f2 formula. I hope it can work for someone else. It gives a great sense of well being that has been lacking most of my life.

I also do not make money or get any endorsements on any of these products.

04-25-2013, 12:29 AM
you should be strong to face anexiety

05-01-2013, 07:50 PM
I believe that herbal remedies and essential oils can work for you as long as make sure they are right for you and do not react badly with any medication you are taking.
I have booked a free 30 minute session with a naturalife man today to discuss herbal remedies for the menopause. Although warned it might become a hard sale, I am hoping to learn something more than know about this, and will try what advises if can with meds on.
Want to give my new meds chance to work before go completely herbal as did 3 years ago, which worked for a while and then stopped working drastically and had to go back to meds.
As someone has said we are all individuals and not same works for everyone.

05-02-2013, 08:37 AM
Saw nutritionist and no hard sale at all.
He has told me I need vitamin D3 I need and an inflammatory vitamin tablet too to help with stomach/hormones. Also if want to a multi vitamin tablet which is good once I have stopped the one I take from tesco.
He also advised me to stop using Oats so Simple with diet sugar, but use proper rolled oats n the microwave with milk topped with berries or a tablespoon of linseed seeds and agare syrup. He said no fruit juice just water but could drink green tea (like I usually drink). He said this would last me all morning.
He said I must have protein with every meal and he said what I was eating was good and that the tablets have made my weight go up badly.
For menopause he particularly recommended eating tofu and miso soup and sauerkraut - he said soya was good for it.
He did not expect me to buy anything in his shop today and said nothing he had suggested would mess up my tablets but that I could wait and see if Dr has checked my D3 level if wanted before I bought the tablets.
He said I should come off the two pain killers and omeprazole for my knees asap because the Omeprazole will be preventing me taking in vitamins and nutrients.
He said to go back in three months time after trying what he had suggested for the menopause and then he will suggest things to help with my head.

Really impressed totally free and seemed to know his field and no power sale. Definitely going to try what he suggested and will meet him again in 3 months' time.

05-31-2013, 08:12 PM
I don't necessarily believe that supplements DON'T work, I'm sure there's some truth to them, but I was talking to my friend today who thinks they are the absolute dumbest thing on the planet. He did bring up a good point: If supplements worked so well and could be a "definitive cure" as you say, then why aren't drug companies investing and making billions off of them? I didn't really know how to respond because he had a real valid point. Chamomile tea does somewhat work for me though. I'll definitely try the supplements, I don't think they're going to harm me, but what would be your response to previous statement?

05-31-2013, 08:24 PM
Not sure the expensive supplements I bought have made a difference so not going to spend money again. I may not have given them long enough to work but so expensive. I am keeping up with multi vitamins and also D3 but a cheaper version.

06-04-2013, 09:47 PM
Hey, I just started taking Sam-e and Magnesium in the morning based on research I have done. I still need to carry klonipin in my pocket as a safety net, but does anyone have an opinion on these two drugs? Also I am taking a Testosterone gel to raise my low testosterone? Can this have an effect on my anxiety?

06-04-2013, 09:59 PM
Hey, I just started taking Sam-e and Magnesium in the morning based on research I have done. I still need to carry klonipin in my pocket as a safety net, but does anyone have an opinion on these two drugs? Also I am taking a Testosterone gel to raise my low testosterone? Can this have an effect on my anxiety?

Not sure on the testosterone effecting anxiety but please keep us updated with your results! I have made good progress with magnesium but never tried sam-e. Im curious to see how it works for you.

06-04-2013, 10:17 PM
Nf, I will keep you posted. I just learned yesterday that both pills should be taken together in the morning on empty stomach so I started doing that, we will see.

My anxiety doesn't seem to be as bad as some people's on here. I have never vomited from it, nor gone to hospital, nor been confined to my house. That being said, it is still ruining my life. I have been a care-free easy going guy, who has always been very sociable. I don't date, because I am afraid I will mess something up. I feel people are judging me all the time, which I never used to care about. But the odd thing is that some days I will be perfectly fine, actually I will feel I am on top of the world.
I think I have a seratonin problem of sorts. I took a lot of acid and ecstacy during a two year period about 10 years ago and think I am paying for it now. I stumbled upon this problem called Histadelia. I believe everybody should research this Histadelia. I am treating it with Sam-e and Magnesium as I have said earlier and I hope this regulates the releasing of my excessive histamine therefore regulating my serotonin and dopamine levels. Because my brain is terrible remembering things and I have trouble focusing, I can't fully remember the complete ins and outs of Histadelia. Is anyone familiar with this?

06-30-2013, 08:04 PM
ok, so I have been taking Magnesium and Sam-e for about a month and a half now and my overall mood is better but I still suffer from anticipatory anxiety and I am afraid it is getting worse. I doubled the Sam-e dose to 800 mg a day last week but I am still not better. I am debating going on Lexipro as my doctor gave me a prescription just in case I decide to take it. I am going to see my psychologist this week, but he is an idiot, and tell him my problems. I am sick and tired of this anxiety. Please advise or comment

07-11-2013, 09:50 PM
This is what I don't understand. I listed the supplements to take on this thread, yet the supplements you guys are discussing,. is not what I listed. Have you first tried my recommendations? Did you even try the Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed that I keep hollering about?

What are we actually trying to do here:
1) Calm anxiety NOW
2) Create long term benefit to get rid of anxiety for good


We don't just want a natural version of Klonopin, which is a temporary band-aid not a long term solution. I really believe Magnesium Glycinate 600- 800 mg a day is very good for calming and nourishing the nervous system in people with anxiety. It is not a dug, it is a mineral in food naturally, but with a supplement you can get a more concentrated amount to deliver better results. Vitamin D 3 is very important as people do not get enough sun in general. 2000- 5000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day I recommend. If you really do get good sun exposure then maybe you don't need the Vitamin D3 on that day. This stuff really isn't an exact science and you have to use your intuition a bit.

But what about an herbal formula made of many different herbs in an incredible mixture to help calm you instantly, while at the same time offer a true long term solution re-nourishing you so anxiety isn't triggered so easily? I have recommended Calm and Relaxed by Eastern Essentials for at least 2 years now. The guy who created the formula explains it way better than I can. If you read what he says on the website you will get what he is trying to do here, and is so aligned with my opinions on how to cure anxiety. Check it out here: http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/

But these supplements need to be coupled with you healing yourself. Supplementing the weakness, deficiencies and rebalancing using herbs, is so great and important, but you are in the driver's seat. A therapist can help you and is highly recommended. I was going twice a week. Buteyko breathing helped me tremendously and readjusting my CO2/ O2 balance by breathing through my nose and learning to not hyperventilate. In my "Techniques I used to Overcome My Anxiety Disorder I listed so many things I did, that you can see just how many healing modalities are out there. Please read what I wrote there for inspiration and pick what you think may work for you.

But I attribute my success to me always moving forward and always pushing myself to get past anxiety and always knowing 100% that it would eventually be overcome. Doctors look at disease and disorder in a certain way. They see it all as chemicals to manipulate with drugs that have side effects while never creating a long term solution. They do not believe or even think of true healing. A drug can't cure you, because when you stop taking the drug. you are back where you started. Curing means you finally do not need anything at all. This is done by creating a true healing process, and you must give yourself time. Doctors only care their test results are within their "normal range". When you need drugs and doctors then use them, but the cure is up to you. ow you think, how you live your life, sleep, exercise, eat, etc. is so important. DO NOT CATER TO YOUR ANXIETY! OVERCOME IT DO NOT SURRENDER TO IT! But Rome was not built in a day. If you want to be saved then you better save yourself.

11-30-2013, 08:41 PM
good advice Panic.......thank you

12-27-2013, 07:33 PM
I just received the Eastern Essentials "Calm and Relaxed" pills in the mail. I just took six of them tonight. Has anybody else tried these pills and, if so, have they worked? I can only find five reviews for this formula and they are only on Amazon. I'll be sure to document my recovery in the event that these pills have any real effect.

06-01-2014, 08:42 PM
Yes testosterone can increase feelings of anxiety! It is the hormone that both sexes make that give us energy, sex drive, and yes heightened aggression/irritability at times. Please Google the use of testosterone and discuss with your physician

06-01-2014, 08:57 PM
This is exactly the way my fears and panic manifest! I'm zooming down the freeway in the right lane bc I'm too petrified to be in the fast lane and I'm going a bit slower than everyone else bc I am terrified. I can't look away to change lanes bc I feel dizzy and stuck. I try the radio, opening the window, rolling it back up, cleaning the wind shield and playing with the wiper fluid. Ultimately a breathing technique called 4-7-8 is extremely helpful. If I begin the breathing technique as soon as I get in the car it's been warding off the panic. Praying. Positive affirmations. Basically anything that keeps my mind off the Damn highway is a godsend

07-06-2014, 10:13 PM
if you were to recommend only one supplement what would it be? I have very little money but I am very interested in the herbal method ...thank you!

Martita Robinson
09-16-2014, 09:45 AM
Hi PanicCured. :)

You're such an inspiration! I'm an anxiety coach who is looking for stories like yours. I'm creating a blog that will highlight inspirational stories on people healing. I would love to interview you. Please contact me if you're interested. I'm on Facebook at martita.robinson or you can always PM or leave a message on my wall. Thank you so much!!


09-16-2014, 10:20 AM
if you were to recommend only one supplement what would it be? I have very little money but I am very interested in the herbal method ...thank you! I would recommend you google Apple Cider Vinegar as a supplement hard to believe!) And how it relates to leaky gut, often causing anxiety/depression symptoms. I think the leaky gut can be caused from the stress that the anxiety is a test of. Meditation is HUGE for anxiety, it's free, the more minutes we practice it each day, the more anxiety can decrease

10-31-2014, 08:19 PM
I say for anxiety, Chamomile tea daily ritual, and Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed formula, Passion Flower Extract, and whatever else you can afford. Chamomile tea prepared the way I suggested really is just something you should be drinking.

11-24-2014, 01:15 PM
ANXIETY, Somebody help me!! Author: Sara Burillo.
EXCELLENT!!! Fully Recommended! This book saved me... What book saved you? :)

03-09-2015, 02:12 PM
have anyone tried magnesium chloride? I've heard it works pretty well..

03-11-2015, 08:13 AM
There's a lot of information here for me to process, but I'm particularly curious about a couple of things mentioned (which actually might not be the main points of the original post).

1) What is the concern with taking Vitamin B supplements with anxiety? I understand that B-12 may be beneficial for depression. I've been taking vitamin B supplements for a while now.

2) Why breath through your nose? I admit, I've been a mouth breather all my life. I would love to not be a mouth breather, if I can control it. Just curious about the connections to anxiety.

03-11-2015, 04:51 PM
There's a lot of information here for me to process, but I'm particularly curious about a couple of things mentioned (which actually might not be the main points of the original post).

1) What is the concern with taking Vitamin B supplements with anxiety? I understand that B-12 may be beneficial for depression. I've been taking vitamin B supplements for a while now.

2) Why breath through your nose? I admit, I've been a mouth breather all my life. I would love to not be a mouth breather, if I can control it. Just curious about the connections to anxiety.

1) B Vitamins simulate the nerves. In what way exactly I am not sure. But B supplements can over stimulate one with anxiety since anxiety sufferers are ultra sensitive. B Vitamins in food is fine. You need to take out all of the things that cause over stimulation. Calcium and B Vitamins supplements should be removed. In food these are good! After your anxiety calms down, you can take B Vitamins if you want. But my personal opinion, is a healthy person does not need vitamins and can get all their nutrients in food with lots of vegetables and other nutritious foods. That is how I am, but that is only my opinion.

2) Breathing should always been done with the nose, unless strong exercise requires the mouth for many reasons. The nose breathing filters through nose hairs but also creates Nitric Oxide, an important vassal dilator. Also, if you study up on the O2/CO2 balance such as in Buteyko breathing techniques, you find that the worst thing you can do is over breathe. The nose does not allow this, while the mouth simply takes in too much O2 creating a release of too much CO2.

Read this entire page for a better explanation:


03-12-2015, 07:36 AM
1) B Vitamins simulate the nerves. In what way exactly I am not sure. But B supplements can over stimulate one with anxiety since anxiety sufferers are ultra sensitive. B Vitamins in food is fine. You need to take out all of the things that cause over stimulation. Calcium and B Vitamins supplements should be removed. In food these are good! After your anxiety calms down, you can take B Vitamins if you want. But my personal opinion, is a healthy person does not need vitamins and can get all their nutrients in food with lots of vegetables and other nutritious foods. That is how I am, but that is only my opinion.

2) Breathing should always been done with the nose, unless strong exercise requires the mouth for many reasons. The nose breathing filters through nose hairs but also creates Nitric Oxide, an important vassal dilator. Also, if you study up on the O2/CO2 balance such as in Buteyko breathing techniques, you find that the worst thing you can do is over breathe. The nose does not allow this, while the mouth simply takes in too much O2 creating a release of too much CO2.

Thanks! I'll try cutting out my B-complex vitamin and also try to breathe through my nose more (that one will be difficult).

03-13-2015, 11:53 AM
Nice list bro, I'm going to order some of these and eventually post my results. Have you ever heard or had experiences with the Ashwaganda root (also called Indian Ginseng)? My father ordered some and it's supposed to be taken daily just like a pill. Supposedly has a calming effect that Benzodiazepines has.

I've been drinking chamomile tea since I joined here in 2012 and saw this post and it's definitely helped. It's very subtle though and I feel like it would go great with some of these supplements.

03-13-2015, 02:56 PM
Nice list bro, I'm going to order some of these and eventually post my results. Have you ever heard or had experiences with the Ashwaganda root (also called Indian Ginseng)? My father ordered some and it's supposed to be taken daily just like a pill. Supposedly has a calming effect that Benzodiazepines has.

I've been drinking chamomile tea since I joined here in 2012 and saw this post and it's definitely helped. It's very subtle though and I feel like it would go great with some of these supplements.

Ashwaganda is a great herb but my concern is if it could be too stimulating for anxiety. I am not aware of Ashwaganda having a Banzo effect. I would stick to what worked for me, chamomile, magnesium, Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed, and other stuff specifically for anxiety calming or to heal the nervous system without causing stimulation. The Eastern Essentials Heal Anxiety Package now includes the Magnesium and Chamomile. Suntheanine, Gaba, things like this may help. Stay away from all stimulants and alcohol until your anxiety gets under control.

03-13-2015, 03:27 PM
Ashwaganda is a great herb but my concern is if it could be too stimulating for anxiety. I am not aware of Ashwaganda having a Banzo effect. I would stick to what worked for me, chamomile, magnesium, Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed, and other stuff specifically for anxiety calming or to heal the nervous system without causing stimulation. The Eastern Essentials Heal Anxiety Package now includes the Magnesium and Chamomile. Suntheanine, Gaba, things like this may help. Stay away from all stimulants and alcohol until your anxiety gets under control.

Ah, maybe I just misheard about it having a benzo type effect. I'm strapped for cash right now but ordered the passionflower and suntheanine, both of them have 200+ reviews and average out to 4.5 stars rating so I'm pretty curious to see what they do. I've smoked marijuana every day for about 5 years, sometimes it helps my anxiety and looping thoughts, but other times it's made it far worse, it's odd how it's changed its effect on me as I've grown up. But I've taken your advice and I'm taking a break from it for a while. I'm having the worst anxiety and looping thoughts I've had in 2 years.

03-16-2015, 06:30 PM
Ah, maybe I just misheard about it having a benzo type effect. I'm strapped for cash right now but ordered the passionflower and suntheanine, both of them have 200+ reviews and average out to 4.5 stars rating so I'm pretty curious to see what they do. I've smoked marijuana every day for about 5 years, sometimes it helps my anxiety and looping thoughts, but other times it's made it far worse, it's odd how it's changed its effect on me as I've grown up. But I've taken your advice and I'm taking a break from it for a while. I'm having the worst anxiety and looping thoughts I've had in 2 years.

What you'll want to do is see yourself on a path. That path leads from here to anxiety free. There is only one place that path leads to and that is no more anxiety disorder. Along that path you will pick up various techniques, books, supplements, etc. that all help you get to the end of the path. Part of what you need to do in order to reach the end of the path, will be from yourself, such as changing bad habits, adjusting certain trains of thought, facing your fears, not seeking the safe place or safe person, rethinking your life, etc.

03-18-2015, 04:19 PM
What you'll want to do is see yourself on a path. That path leads from here to anxiety free. There is only one place that path leads to and that is no more anxiety disorder. Along that path you will pick up various techniques, books, supplements, etc. that all help you get to the end of the path. Part of what you need to do in order to reach the end of the path, will be from yourself, such as changing bad habits, adjusting certain trains of thought, facing your fears, not seeking the safe place or safe person, rethinking your life, etc.

Yeah, thanks for the advice man, I'm always trying to fix my way of thinking to get myself out of the loop. Fortunately my thought loops stopped after 5 days and I feel good now.
I got the Passion Flower extract and Suntheanine in the mail today and was confused about what you recommended -
Passion Flower Extract. 2- 350 mg pills- 2 times a day
Are you saying I should be taking 4 pills a day total of this? Do these supplements need time to build up in my body or will I notice anything after 45 minutes after they're done digesting?

03-18-2015, 05:30 PM
Yeah, thanks for the advice man, I'm always trying to fix my way of thinking to get myself out of the loop. Fortunately my thought loops stopped after 5 days and I feel good now.
I got the Passion Flower extract and Suntheanine in the mail today and was confused about what you recommended -
Are you saying I should be taking 4 pills a day total of this? Do these supplements need time to build up in my body or will I notice anything after 45 minutes after they're done digesting?

I took Passion Flower Extract. 2- 350 mg pills- 2 times a day = 4 per day.
These are my favorite:
Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed Pills- really great for actually nourishing the nervous system
Magnesium Gycinate
Passion Flower Extract
Vitamin D3-3000-5000 per day
Chamomile Tea
I took green drinks like barley grass, wheat grass or other high antioxidant green drinks, but be careful if there is caffeine.
Suntheanine I took too. I took tons of stuff so hard to really say what each one did. I just did anything and everything I could do.

Don't expect it to be like a Benzo where you are laid out completely, but you may feel something after 1-2 hours of taking it. It is the long term you want to focus on.

03-22-2015, 06:11 PM
I'll tell you dude, I was skeptical at first. But I've been taking the Passion Flower and Suntheanine for about 5 days, and have been completely calm the whole time, this stuff definitely works (for me at least). I was at work yesterday and it was a busy Saturday night, I'm a waiter and when there's a lot of people in the restaurant all calling out for me my mind starts spinning in circles and I work myself up. Last night I was just completely 100% calm no matter what happened, I had no problems walking up to people and talking to them, it was pretty great, I'm eager to see what other circumstances this stuff will effect me in.

The only downside is that I did feel a little too calm, I drank maybe 2 sips of coffee and felt great after that.

03-22-2015, 09:12 PM
I'll tell you dude, I was skeptical at first. But I've been taking the Passion Flower and Suntheanine for about 5 days, and have been completely calm the whole time, this stuff definitely works (for me at least). I was at work yesterday and it was a busy Saturday night, I'm a waiter and when there's a lot of people in the restaurant all calling out for me my mind starts spinning in circles and I work myself up. Last night I was just completely 100% calm no matter what happened, I had no problems walking up to people and talking to them, it was pretty great, I'm eager to see what other circumstances this stuff will effect me in.

The only downside is that I did feel a little too calm, I drank maybe 2 sips of coffee and felt great after that.

Skip the coffee! Too calm is not the least of your troubles right now. Maybe try and cut the Passion Flower dose in half if it is making you tired and see how that works. But I would stop all stimulants until your anxiety is better. Continue to work on yourself as part of overcoming anxiety MUST come from you, although the supplements and other things do help and I took and did lots of them. But remember, the final curtain going from where you are now to 100% anxiety free will come from within you. As your body heals this will all get much easier. Part of the healing is not getting in the way of your body's own healing process, by not feeding the fire. Anxiety is a bluff. Out bluff the bluff!

04-05-2015, 03:27 AM
Hi. This sounds like a great program. My question is whether it's okay to take all these supplements at the same time as taking Cipralex, which is what my Dr. had prescribed, & which I've just stared taking. Any risk of negative interactions, etc.

I'd like to try as much as I can to be proactive about my situation, but just to be sure I'm being safe.

Thanks to you for all this great information, I've reviewed it several times, & appreciate all the time you took to post this.


04-05-2015, 06:44 PM
Useless advice. Most of these supplements are nothing more than snake oil.

04-05-2015, 09:10 PM
Useless advice. Most of these supplements are nothing more than snake oil.

Please point out which ones are snake oil. You seem to be able to make a blanket statement about supplements I took and now am completely anxiety free. So tell me which ones are useless, why and how you know this? You are wrong by the way.

04-05-2015, 09:34 PM
Hi. This sounds like a great program. My question is whether it's okay to take all these supplements at the same time as taking Cipralex, which is what my Dr. had prescribed, & which I've just stared taking. Any risk of negative interactions, etc.

I'd like to try as much as I can to be proactive about my situation, but just to be sure I'm being safe.

Thanks to you for all this great information, I've reviewed it several times, & appreciate all the time you took to post this.


Man, I am really in no position to answer that kind of question. I took tons of supplements at the same time, but I don't know about drug interactions, and even if I did, I doubt I would be legally allowed to say anything here. Read my other sticky post of Techniques I Used to Cure My Anxiety which has lots of stuff you can do.

04-07-2015, 02:31 PM
Thanks, no worries. I appreciate all the time an effort you put into your original posting.


04-07-2015, 02:38 PM
Thanks, no worries. I appreciate all the time an effort you put into your original posting.


In the past when taking antidepressants, I've taken everything on that list bar the amino acids. I left them for later, in case the AD didn't work for me.

05-16-2015, 06:39 PM
absolutely awesome post. People do not seem to realize that a major contribution to anxiety is DIET. if you eat s**t all the time how can you expect to not feel like s**t?! I suffer from anxiety and went on a sugar free, gluten free diet for 2 weeks when my panic attacks and depersonalization was extremely bad. It helped so much!

Another supplement to consider is Ginkgo Biloba for brain fog/confusion, as well as mood lifting.

But yeah great post, extremely helpful!

05-28-2015, 09:58 PM
ive found supplements to work really well. as long as you work on yourself and make lifestyle changes as well

07-09-2015, 04:25 PM
Very interesting!!!

07-20-2015, 07:34 AM
ive found supplements to work really well. as long as you work on yourself and make lifestyle changes as well

What supplements have you been taking and do they work? I am currently taking "stress Ease" by jamieson it has b1 35mg, b2(riboflavin) 35mg, b6 15mg, b12 30mcg, vitamin c 500mg, vitamin e 20mg AT/30IU, biotin 15mcg, folate(folic acid) 1mg, niacinamide 50mg, pantothenic acid 20mg, minerals are:calcium 150mg, magnesium 75mg zinc 5mg and because there wasn't any vitamin d I picked up 1000 IU. Does this sound ok?? I have no idea what I'm doing with all this, I am not on any medications besides my birth control and tecta for my acid reflux. I am also starting to drink as much as I can camomile tea with lavender.

07-24-2015, 11:29 AM
remember that lots of water will also help :)

07-24-2015, 12:08 PM
remember that lots of water will also help :)

Thank you, I drink a lot of water actually, gave up Pop, juice and I only drink very little milk. I have been for approx. 2 months putting a slice of lemon in my water and I'm down 20lbs :) I drink lots of camomile teas. I feel it has helped a lot. :)

08-31-2015, 08:38 PM
Hello! I'm new to this forum. I found the initial post incredibly helpful. I wanted to order the Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed, but I see that they are only available in 21 bottle special orders. I couldn't find anywhere else to purchase these. Does anyone know of any other way to get these other than the 21 bottle order? Thanks!

09-17-2015, 06:07 AM
Thanks. That was a great help. I have used a few pills of Ritalin before. 1 pill before going to work and I felt okay the whole day. Does anyone know if there is any side effect to that?

10-13-2015, 01:15 AM
I take Zoloft pills, brand Pzifer!
Helped me great with my panic attacks and depression...

James Waide
04-11-2016, 06:05 PM
I am coping with anxiety with the Natural pen. It has been a God Send.
I got tired of the "happy pills" and knew there had to be a all natural remedy for anxiety.
Try it 1689

04-26-2016, 01:26 PM
I want to know today in April 2016 and has been followed by going to PanicCured, has had a relapse ?, he had to do or take something to keep free from anxiety ?, greetings.

Mr Hall
06-18-2016, 07:03 AM
Really Good advice. I'm sure this will help a lot of people :)

06-27-2016, 05:42 PM
Ah, maybe I just misheard about it having a benzo type effect. I'm strapped for cash right now but ordered the passionflower and suntheanine, both of them have 200+ reviews and average out to 4.5 stars rating so I'm pretty curious to see what they do. I've smoked marijuana every day for about 5 years, sometimes it helps my anxiety and looping thoughts, but other times it's made it far worse, it's odd how it's changed its effect on me as I've grown up. But I've taken your advice and I'm taking a break from it for a while. I'm having the worst anxiety and looping thoughts I've had in 2 years.
I feel you on the marijuana thing. I've smoked it for about 10 years now, and these days after a bad anxiety trigger, there's totally been some different effects! It's either calming or it makes it worse. I've slowed down a lot, but might need to stop completely. Never thought it would come to this lol, if anything I would trust medicinal. Until then, I've started on magnesium. Hoping for the best. I know it's been a while since your post, so hope you are doing better!

07-25-2016, 03:09 AM
I want to know today in April 2016 and has been followed by going to PanicCured, has had a relapse ?, he had to do or take something to keep free from anxiety ?, greetings.

No I do not have relapses. I live a life with no panic attacks and no anxiety disorder. But relapse is the wrong way to look at it. The point is does one get past the actual disorder. Fears are normal to have every so often. I am not without worry or fear, but I do not get panic attacks and I do not have an anxiety disorder. A few years ago I smoked some insane super strong medical grade weed with 75% THC hash oil on top of it doing a mega fat bong load. I got so stoned, I did have somewhat of a panic attack and felt my whole body vibrating and everything turned into a South Park cartoon. I wasn't used to it since I haven't been that stoned in years or actually, maybe ever. I basically laid down and listened to music for hours. Nothing lie that since. But that is not a disorder. My daily life is basically anxiety and panic disorder free. I hope you understand what I am trying to get across.

07-26-2016, 01:17 PM
Hello, thanks for the great info PanicCured. To you, or anyone else, - it appears the eastern essentials website no longer exists. Can I still get this stuff you mentioned from them somewhere else? Or is there a replacement product you can recommend?


07-26-2016, 01:52 PM
Hello, thanks for the great info PanicCured. To you, or anyone else, - it appears the eastern essentials website no longer exists. Can I still get this stuff you mentioned from them somewhere else? Or is there a replacement product you can recommend?


Not sure what happened. Why don't you email them? Someone must have their email here. Did the website get moved?

07-27-2016, 09:19 AM
Not sure what happened. Why don't you email them? Someone must have their email here. Did the website get moved?

Not sure, I was hoping someone here would know that. I can't find anything on Google either.

To anyone else reading this, when is the most recent that someone ordered this from them? Just trying to figure out what may have happened and how long ago...

07-27-2016, 09:51 AM
Not sure, I was hoping someone here would know that. I can't find anything on Google either.

To anyone else reading this, when is the most recent that someone ordered this from them? Just trying to figure out what may have happened and how long ago...

Try this: [email protected]

07-27-2016, 12:41 PM
Try this: support easternessentials com

Thanks, I just sent them an email. It didn't bounce back which is a good sign. I'll report back once they respond.

07-27-2016, 01:40 PM
They responded and said they are "restructuring their business" but want to know what products I'm interested in. I'm going to give them the ones mentioned here.

07-27-2016, 01:50 PM
PanicCured - I have another question for you... I'm currently on prescription meds for my anxiety. Do I need to first get off these before the supplements will actually work. Or can the supplements complement the Rx meds? Perhaps you don't know if you weren't ever on Rx meds.

07-27-2016, 03:03 PM
PanicCured - I have another question for you... I'm currently on prescription meds for my anxiety. Do I need to first get off these before the supplements will actually work. Or can the supplements complement the Rx meds? Perhaps you don't know if you weren't ever on Rx meds.

Well obviously I don't know. I am not a doctor. I suppose the question is can some herbs or supplements have negative effect on the drugs. When it comes to herbs like chamomile, I tend to not worry too much. Supplements which may be more like chemicals maybe more of a concern. But I don't know really. I took Klonopins and took lots of herbs and supplements. I took Zoloft but only for a short time.

07-27-2016, 06:24 PM
Chamomile is safe but the rest of herbs........ I am a herbalist from old Country , I know that some herbs should be checked for interaction with the meds. I am on Klonopin and what I take is Lemon balm extract (made by me) and chamomile or mint is not interacting. When you take ST. Worth do not take AD. Major interaction. If you take any medication, not necessarily for anxiety, check with your doctor. i am on beta blockers and can not take magnesium supp

07-28-2016, 07:42 AM
Thank you both for your replies. The goal for me is for these supplements to completely replace Rx meds. I will talk to a doc about the best way to go about getting off them to replace them with these.

07-28-2016, 01:37 PM
PanicCured, can I ask how you discovered the Eastern Essentials company, and their products?

07-28-2016, 09:58 PM
PanicCured, can I ask how you discovered the Eastern Essentials company, and their products?

When I had anxiety I went totally off the rails in treating myself as a lab rat. I took so many supplements and did every modality I could get my hands on. Even some weird electrical headband thing to create alpha waves. I even did some crystal healing thing, homeopathic, and of course, I saw a psychologist. I called a few people too. David Johnson from some anxiety DVD program, the Buteyko breathing guy Patrick McKeown, and also another Buteyko breathing group, Sasha and I think her husband. What was funny is the 2 Buteyko groups were having this inner battle I almost got in the middle. Oh yeah, I contacted Charles Linden and he went ape shit at me because I asked a question without having proof I bought it, and he accused me of downloading it off the internet and wouldn't help me unless I proved I bought it. I told him that was bullshit! Then his wife sends me an email what a great guy he is and how dare I talk to him like that. Man, that was a weird time in my life. I ended up having some conversations with the Eastern Essentials guy. How I found all these guys was probably obsessive Googling. It's all GMP good stuff. No need to worry. You can trust him. It's just a well put together Chinese herbal formula.

07-29-2016, 05:01 AM
I know what you mean. I have been there. We have to be realistic and realize that driving is not a toy so if there is danger, we must be responsible about it. But everything comes down to the same thing: 1) What is anxiety and what do these body symptoms mean? 2) What to do about it. Just focus on who you want to be until THAT becomes a reality and do the necessary steps to get there. I have outlined this in many posts! Anxiety is bullshit! Good luck! up tin ngÃ*y má»›i, má»i ngÆ°á»i bán tốt nhé

08-16-2016, 05:21 PM
Download the Medscape app for smarthphone, there you can check the interactions quickly even with alternative treatments, im a general practitioner doctor and i can say your always should be cautious and to Panic Cures thanks for the answer, you are a inspiration for those who suffer anxiety

10-17-2016, 06:03 PM
Passion Flower right after breakfast? Does this make you sleepy or drowsy? I'm not sure I could function during work hours if so.

Also why no vitamin B? It was my understanding that B12 if deficient could cause depression.


12-18-2016, 06:50 PM
. I had been having huge panic attacks from withdrawl off antidepresents , even though I was doing a slow withdrawl.

I was nervous to take L-Theanine supplements, and St.Johns wort to help me taper off, because I heard it might interfer with the other meds I was taking. Magnesium helps huge !

I take CBD every day now. I don't think there is a real limit on how much you can take because it is non psychoactive. I still just take it two times a day.

I take Oil of Sunshine variety mostly. I like it because it seems easy to dispense after I received it . I don't always notice the effects from it that day, but a week or two into the
Oil of Sunshine and I think it is really helping with the severity of my panic attacks.

Wish me luck!

12-19-2016, 12:28 PM
Also why no vitamin B? It was my understanding that B12 if deficient could cause depression.


Some b vitamins are used for increasing energy levels, which is counterproductive for anxious people with nervous energy. If there's a deficiency, it's my understanding that people with anxiety should supplement the specific vitamin instead of taking a B-complex (which contains a variety of Bs).

12-21-2016, 11:14 AM
I hate to open this up and stir the controversy...

But I have been researching online, talking to doctors and psychologists who specialize in anxiety, using myself as somewhat of guinea pig.

I am forced to conclude that supplements do little if anything for anxiety,

The only positive impact that they have is either a) if you are deficient in a particular vitamin or mineral or b) the placebo effect.

Show me one legitimate study, conducted scientifically that shows a decrease in anxiety directly related to supplementation. There's not a whole lot of proof out there.

01-09-2017, 09:10 AM
I hate to open this up and stir the controversy...

But I have been researching online, talking to doctors and psychologists who specialize in anxiety, using myself as somewhat of guinea pig.

I am forced to conclude that supplements do little if anything for anxiety,

The only positive impact that they have is either a) if you are deficient in a particular vitamin or mineral or b) the placebo effect.

Show me one legitimate study, conducted scientifically that shows a decrease in anxiety directly related to supplementation. There's not a whole lot of proof out there.

Doctors do not cure anxiety either and of course they will tell you they do not work. That is not their business or field of study! So the doctors who have no cure for anxiety are telling you do not seek alternative methods. Does that sound right to you? You think a blood test tells you every single thing you need to know about deficiencies? Herbs have been used since prehistoric times. They actually do indeed do something. You don't believe herbs work? Go drink 3 bags of chamomile tea and tell me how you feel then.

01-30-2017, 02:19 PM
I wanted to share my experince with some of the herbal meds recommended here.

I bought Calm tablets (Vitamin B complex and some other herbals), Passion flower extract tablets, Magnesium, Vitamin D3, and L-Theanine. I am not taking them as mentioned here because my body reacts rapidly and strongly to medicine so I started by one of two (passion flower at night as it can make you drowsy) and calm in the morning (because vitamin B complex makes you active). Of all, I think Calm is working great for me. I am much less anxious (and I am under lots of stress these days). I am actually thinking of increasing it from one tablet to two (in case of an anxious occassion). I drove on a highway today and I was relaxed. I need to challenge myself more by going to the places that provoke anxiety but I am going to do it slowly. I am not takign Magnesium as much beacuse I eat lots of Magnesium rich food and I want my doctor to check my Magnesium level in order to avoid any negative reactions. Oh, and I drink Chamomile or a Calm tea (which has bunch of different herbals) with honey atleast once a day. I try to do some running as well. I want to go for yoga but have not been able to adjust my schedule. I do go for therapy (not sure if its helping right now). I am also adding more protein rich foods in my diet (looking for a protein powder).

Keeping my fingers crossed for more calm days!!

01-31-2017, 09:58 PM
I wanted to share my experince with some of the herbal meds recommended here.

I bought Calm tablets (Vitamin B complex and some other herbals), Passion flower extract tablets, Magnesium, Vitamin D3, and L-Theanine. I am not taking them as mentioned here because my body reacts rapidly and strongly to medicine so I started by one of two (passion flower at night as it can make you drowsy) and calm in the morning (because vitamin B complex makes you active). Of all, I think Calm is working great for me. I am much less anxious (and I am under lots of stress these days). I am actually thinking of increasing it from one tablet to two (in case of an anxious occassion). I drove on a highway today and I was relaxed. I need to challenge myself more by going to the places that provoke anxiety but I am going to do it slowly. I am not takign Magnesium as much beacuse I eat lots of Magnesium rich food and I want my doctor to check my Magnesium level in order to avoid any negative reactions. Oh, and I drink Chamomile or a Calm tea (which has bunch of different herbals) with honey atleast once a day. I try to do some running as well. I want to go for yoga but have not been able to adjust my schedule. I do go for therapy (not sure if its helping right now). I am also adding more protein rich foods in my diet (looking for a protein powder).

Keeping my fingers crossed for more calm days!!

My advice is drop the B vitamin supplements during anxiety. Eliminate ALL caffeine and alcohol 100%. 5000 IU Vitamin D3 a day, 400 mg Magnesium chelate, do up the Chamomile tea with raw organic honey, passion flower extract. There is this great chamomile tea mix that is chamomile, lemon bam and lavender see if you can find online. It's awesome! But remember, you still have to do the work, you can't just rely on drugs or supplements. Skullcap is great too.

02-03-2017, 12:42 PM
. I had been having huge panic attacks from withdrawl off antidepresents , even though I was doing a slow withdrawl.

I was nervous to take L-Theanine supplements, and St.Johns wort to help me taper off, because I heard it might interfer with the other meds I was taking. Magnesium helps huge !

I take CBD every day now. I don't think there is a real limit on how much you can take because it is non psychoactive. I still just take it two times a day.

I take Oil of Sunshine variety mostly. I like it because it seems easy to dispense after I received it . I don't always notice the effects from it that day, but a week or two into the
Oil of Sunshine and I think it is really helping with the severity of my panic attacks.

Wish me luck!

Is CBD oil can cure anxiety ? Recently I am having severe anxiety and irrational fears. I could not work due to that. Last try I might do is Cbd oil. Any information will be helpful. Please help.

02-03-2017, 05:30 PM
Is CBD oil can cure anxiety ? Recently I am having severe anxiety and irrational fears. I could not work due to that. Last try I might do is Cbd oil. Any information will be helpful. Please help.

I got your PM and sent you a response. You'll be ok, hang in there!

02-06-2017, 02:45 AM
Hi.Panic. i like a lot of what you have written. The teas.sound great. I am a fan of supplements. I believe they have their place. There is one i cant take because it interacts with vasodilating meds and that is st johns wort. I.am interested in eastern essentials but there seems to be a problem with the eastern essentials site. Have you tried kanna?

02-08-2017, 12:27 AM
Hi.Panic. i like a lot of what you have written. The teas.sound great. I am a fan of supplements. I believe they have their place. There is one i cant take because it interacts with vasodilating meds and that is st johns wort. I.am interested in eastern essentials but there seems to be a problem with the eastern essentials site. Have you tried kanna?

I don't know too much about St. Johns Wort. Wanna do you mean Kava? Yeah I love Kava and used it but that is one of those controversial herbs so I don't recommend it. But you may decide for yourself. I used a tincture of it from a quality respected company.

It looks like Eastern Essentials changed their format but they respond to [email protected] it appears.

02-08-2017, 02:04 AM
Hi PanicCured. No I meant kanna...otherwise called sceletium tortuosum. Kava is great but given the meds I take increase chances of liver toxicity and cancer, I have to be careful. I am trying herbal routes for my other ailments too.

02-08-2017, 04:09 PM
My advice is drop the B vitamin supplements during anxiety. Eliminate ALL caffeine and alcohol 100%. 5000 IU Vitamin D3 a day, 400 mg Magnesium chelate, do up the Chamomile tea with raw organic honey, passion flower extract. There is this great chamomile tea mix that is chamomile, lemon bam and lavender see if you can find online. It's awesome! But remember, you still have to do the work, you can't just rely on drugs or supplements. Skullcap is great too.

Thanks for your feedback. I really want to cut back on caffeine but I don't know how to keep myself active at work and (sometime) at home??

My nutritionist also suggested to drop caffein because she is suspecting low blood sugar level but I just can't seem to give up altogether even though I have reduced it to a cup only.

02-09-2017, 02:50 AM
Thanks for your feedback. I really want to cut back on caffeine but I don't know how to keep myself active at work and (sometime) at home??

My nutritionist also suggested to drop caffein because she is suspecting low blood sugar level but I just can't seem to give up altogether even though I have reduced it to a cup only.

So you have anxiety and you consume caffeine everyday? Does that make logical sense to you? It's ok once you get past the anxiety but in the process of getting better, is that really wise?

02-09-2017, 02:03 PM
So you have anxiety and you consume caffeine everyday? Does that make logical sense to you? It's ok once you get past the anxiety but in the process of getting better, is that really wise?

Like I said I only take one small cup to work and dont even finish that. I have been cutting down caffein intake. However, I work long hours and I need something to stay awake and energized and I cant seem to figure out how to do it without drinking coffee or tea?

02-09-2017, 05:24 PM
Like I said I only take one small cup to work and dont even finish that. I have been cutting down caffein intake. However, I work long hours and I need something to stay awake and energized and I cant seem to figure out how to do it without drinking coffee or tea?

One small cup of coffee is fine. Well done cutting it down to that. I hardly drink coffee but drink a heap of tea and I've never noticed any difference between when I drink decaf or regular. I think the psychological stress of being fanatical and denying yourself stuff overrides any chemical benefits :)

02-10-2017, 06:01 PM
One small cup of coffee is fine. Well done cutting it down to that. I hardly drink coffee but drink a heap of tea and I've never noticed any difference between when I drink decaf or regular. I think the psychological stress of being fanatical and denying yourself stuff overrides any chemical benefits :)

Thank you for kind words. Would you like to share if you drink herbal teas or caffeinated tea? I am hoping to switch from coffee to tea latte (much less caffein) but kinda enjoy the coffee taste.

02-11-2017, 01:49 AM
Like I said I only take one small cup to work and dont even finish that. I have been cutting down caffein intake. However, I work long hours and I need something to stay awake and energized and I cant seem to figure out how to do it without drinking coffee or tea?

Well, my attitude when I was dealing from anxiety was go full on 110% 24/7 until I was better. I took everything I could, did everything I could, did every therapy could, read what I could and never let up until it was gone. For me, a sip of coffee would have mentally at least caused a panic attack, no way could I have drank a whole cup. Now I don't even feel 1 cup, but back then I was so sensitive, I went full on as hard core as I could. I was naturally feeling caffeinated. Of course I would slip up, maybe have a beer or something, but if you want to take advice from someone who is panic attack free now when it used to happen to me daily, my advice is go full on healing mode and get better ASAP! Then get back to your life. That's my suggestion, you can take it or leave it.

02-11-2017, 03:15 AM
Thank you for kind words. Would you like to share if you drink herbal teas or caffeinated tea? I am hoping to switch from coffee to tea latte (much less caffein) but kinda enjoy the coffee taste.

Caffeinated tea. I do buy decaf sometimes but as I say, I don't notice any difference in my anxiety levels. I've tried switching to herbal tea but I just don't like it.. I think because I was brought up drinking tea with milk and sugar from a very young age (my Dad is British!) so it was like mother's milk and still is. I do drink herbal teas but more as a "medicine" thing (like I've been feeling nauseous for some reason so I bought some ginger and apple tea today).

02-11-2017, 05:51 PM
Thank you for kind words. Would you like to share if you drink herbal teas or caffeinated tea? I am hoping to switch from coffee to tea latte (much less caffein) but kinda enjoy the coffee taste.

I've switched to decaf coffee. I used to depend on it as a pick me up in the mornings but like you i still like the coffee taste.

02-21-2017, 03:14 AM
Remember everybody, supplements are there to "SUPPLEMENT" the anxiety/panic recovery process, they are not the cure in itself, unless of course you are someone who has a 100% physical problem that something like supplements or pharmaceuticals can treat completely. I am not one of those people, and I am assume most people are like me, where the work must be done regardless what substance you consume to help you. The core treatment should be based on changing behaviors, life style, and actually doing things that retrain the brain and nervous system be it meditation, exercise, learning how to manage a panic attack properly, etc., kind of like diet and exercise and a structured workout program are needed to go from very overweight and out of shape to very healthy and fit. You can take all the anabolic steroids you want and protein powders, L-Glutamine, and whatever workout pills you can get your hands on, but you won't end up winning body building competitions if you don't actually lift the weights and do them properly. Getting past anxiety is most likely the same thing.

06-06-2017, 10:30 PM
New member here. I realize it's been a few months since anyone posted on this thread but I'm starting to get desperate. Looks like the Eastern Essentials is no longer available. Can anyone suggest a substitute?

Absolute newb to supplements. I did post in the welcome page. Thanks.

Barong Baj Baj
07-03-2017, 05:18 PM
I think its a really interesting approach. How scientific and pragmatic you are about it. I'm gonna share this about I think. Cheers for the post

08-06-2017, 11:12 PM
New member here. I realize it's been a few months since anyone posted on this thread but I'm starting to get desperate. Looks like the Eastern Essentials is no longer available. Can anyone suggest a substitute?

Absolute newb to supplements. I did post in the welcome page. Thanks.

Hi there! As supplemnets ia part of the healing process, not the only thing, I listed a number of great stuff here, not only Eastern Essentials. Eastern Essentials still does orders if you email them apparantly. easternessentials at gmail seems to work.

10-02-2017, 05:12 PM
I was in the same exact situation plenty of times in my life. What calms me down is that I turn the AC on all the way, and I automatically call someone to talk ( in my case my mom ) . Someone who knows you suffer from anxiety. It helps, it really does calm you down while driving.

01-30-2018, 12:18 PM
Thank you, great info!

07-14-2018, 12:24 PM
anymore updates on ppl taking these supplements and the benefits? There is only a shoppers drug mart and walmart where I live so Im not too sure which of the listed supplements on page 1 would be carried there

07-14-2018, 03:33 PM
Its been two months now that I have been using PanicCured recommended list and It has worked for me.
I found most of them at my local WalMart,but I have found that by going to a vitamin store that specializes in vitamins and supplements
you will get a higher quality and dosage.
I have also started taking other vitamins and supplements to boost/increase energy.
and have changed what I eat and drink
no more junk food, fast food, beer,soda,coffee. for me lol

07-14-2018, 04:35 PM
Its been two months now that I have been using PanicCured recommended list and It has worked for me.
I found most of them at my local WalMart,but I have found that by going to a vitamin store that specializes in vitamins and supplements
you will get a higher quality and dosage.
I have also started taking other vitamins and supplements to boost/increase energy.
and have changed what I eat and drink
no more junk food, fast food, beer,soda,coffee. for me lol
Which ones did you find at Walmart? I just got back from Walmart 5 minutes ago. You can pm me if you want. The only stuff I found was herbal relax and sleep which has 50mg valerian extract (equivalent to 200mg raw herb whatever that means) 25mg hops extract, 25mg passionflower extract( equavlebt to 100mg raw herb). Citrate magnesium 150mg, Webber naturals super calm which contains 112mg rhodiola, 50mg suntgeanine L theanine, 25mg pantothentic acid, pharma gaba. I didn’t find passionflower, but will buy vitamin d next time. Also what did you use as a replacement for eastern essentials? I’m thinking about getting some amino acids but no idea what at Walmart

07-14-2018, 04:35 PM
Anybody try 5 htp?

07-14-2018, 04:44 PM
Also can you explain how healthy diet helps with anxiety? I got a major gagging problem. When I get nervous I want to gag then it stays around for days or weeks and sometimes can’t talk. Only way I stopped it is put an awful taste in my mouth like buckleys to get rid of my sensitive lips/tongue as rite now I don’t have nervous stomach but feeling I could urge is there. I would start another thread but last one or both didn’t get approved I guess

07-19-2018, 09:09 PM
Hey PanicCured. I first saw this post 5 years ago when I first got anxiety disorder when I turned 19. Back in that time I only tried the Passionflower and L-theanine and found it worked a bit.

Now years have past and I am 24. Anxiety went haywire due to some stupid decisions. So I immediately came back to this post and read it more thoroughly...

And so I started taking Magnesium Glycerate, Vitamin D3, and Milk Thistle in addition to the Passionflower and L-theanine I had laying around from a year or so ago and I kid you not within 3 days I went from waking up nearly every morning shaking.... to being completely calm. Amazing stuff. I will post again in 2 weeks to see if this is a coincidence or if I somehow had some sort of major Magnesium deficiency. My doc put me Clonodine which I just got off of, which is used to calm down war vets... and adding 3 more supplesments seems to have stopped it all. Crazy stuff man.

Just felt like writing that and wanted to say THANK YOU. Thank you for your help 5 years ago, and now.

08-04-2018, 07:27 PM
Is mag glycinate, vitamin d3 , milk thisle , l theanine , passion flower still works for you ? Is your anxiety completely gone or still working on it ?

I have a severe anxiety and chronic fatigue. I could not stay alone at home somebody has to stay with me. If I am alone it gives me panic attack. It's like not having somebody there and if I need help with anxiety attack puts me in fear mode. I have to have help near by otherwise I get panicky. Due to this reason I could not accomplish what I wanted to. I was completely normal until 2007 and stress took over then anxiety.
Had a flu and took tamiflu and my anxiety sky rocketed and extra fears about everything kicks in. I am still fighting my anxiety and panic.

Due to my anxiety can not work or fly any where. Is there anything that I can take to calm panic or anxiety attack for at least 10 hours and fly ?
I really want see my native country and old friends.

I desperately need help.
Any advise from anybody would be great. What to do ?

Please help.

08-06-2018, 03:26 PM
Is mag glycinate, vitamin d3 , milk thisle , l theanine , passion flower still works for you ? Is your anxiety completely gone or still working on it ?

I have a severe anxiety and chronic fatigue. I could not stay alone at home somebody has to stay with me. If I am alone it gives me panic attack. It's like not having somebody there and if I need help with anxiety attack puts me in fear mode. I have to have help near by otherwise I get panicky. Due to this reason I could not accomplish what I wanted to. I was completely normal until 2007 and stress took over then anxiety.
Had a flu and took tamiflu and my anxiety sky rocketed and extra fears about everything kicks in. I am still fighting my anxiety and panic.

Due to my anxiety can not work or fly any where. Is there anything that I can take to calm panic or anxiety attack for at least 10 hours and fly ?
I really want see my native country and old friends.

I desperately need help.
Any advise from anybody would be great. What to do ?

Please help.

Are you asking me?

Anyways it's been 3 weeks...

Anxiety is not completely gone, and there are still some hard days. I noticed that it started to have the most effect after 3 days.

I am a lot calmer now, and after excercising for about an hour a day for 5 days a week and eating better food I am much more calm.

08-06-2018, 07:56 PM
Are you asking me?

Anyways it's been 3 weeks...

Anxiety is not completely gone, and there are still some hard days. I noticed that it started to have the most effect after 3 days.

I am a lot calmer now, and after excercising for about an hour a day for 5 days a week and eating better food I am much more calm.

Yes, thank you.

08-07-2018, 01:22 PM
Thank you for the movie recommendation. It meant a lot at this stage of my life :)

Campbell smith
09-25-2018, 03:00 AM
Recent clinical and laboratory research has actually proven that chamomile tea can significantly decrease high levels of stress and anxiety, as well as lessen depression. During the height of my anxiety disorder living in Bali Indonesia, I relied on chamomile tea especially before bed time to give me the rest I needed.

08-10-2019, 11:56 PM
Self taught but heres my tip:*Dont. Stop. Thinking.*Think about your positioning, your allies, your opponents, your targets. Think two steps ahead in game and think back after the game to see what went right, wrong, and totally FUBAR. You cant improve if you dont try. The other way i learned was by extreme trial and error. If you can think of the idea, Ive probably tried it. I dont recommend this tip much since its time intensive and can be very punishing when things go wrong but itll teach you a lot.*

01-21-2020, 02:04 PM
I've been trying Phenibut, L-Theanine and Aniracetam to help with my anxiety in the last few weeks. I can admit that the combination does seem to be helping, I was a little more social during the holidays than I normally am (used to spending it alone or away from family). And work seems to be improving as well since I'm not feeling quite as timid as I normally do when it comes to group meetings or speaking. I'm going to do a bit of looking into these other mentioned items and see if they will work well with what I'm currently taking.

01-26-2020, 08:41 PM
I've been trying Phenibut, L-Theanine and Aniracetam to help with my anxiety in the last few weeks. I can admit that the combination does seem to be helping, I was a little more social during the holidays than I normally am (used to spending it alone or away from family). And work seems to be improving as well since I'm not feeling quite as timid as I normally do when it comes to group meetings or speaking. I'm going to do a bit of looking into these other mentioned items and see if they will work well with what I'm currently taking.

There is a new Magnesium supplement on the market that is supposed to be the only one or at least the best one to penetrate the blood-brain barrier called Magnesium L-Threonate. I have no way of knowing if this is true, but I purchased this to try it out and the one I have been using is by Jarrow Formulas called MindMag.

07-03-2020, 03:21 PM
Hey Panic Cured!

Used your supplement list and over the course of a year my anxiety gradually healed up.

Have some more anxiety based on a stupid decision I made, so I am back at it.

I have some questions:

1. Why do you say not to take any B Vitamins or Calcium until the anxiety is 'under control'? I've been reading an anxiety workbook by Edmund Bourne, PhD and he recommends B-vitamins along with Calcium in his supplement section. He also mentions amino acids like L-Theanine as well as Passionflower so I don't see any reason to distrust his advice. Why do you say to wait until the anxiety is at manageable levels?

2. For Magnesium Glycinate you're telling me to take 150% of the RDA for my body type. Is this to build up storage? If so, how long should I be taking 150% RDA until I reduce down to 100% RDA?

3. Any clue what the "warning" is on ORAC Greens is for? It says not to take if nursing or pregnant. Has kind of freaked me out and kept me from taking it.

4. Any thoughts on fasting in relation to GAD and Panic Disorder? I have been trying to fast for religious purposes ever since my screw up and there are some times when it seems the fasting is making it worse. Some say it makes it worse. Some say fasting helps their anxiety. Very odd.


09-12-2020, 04:21 AM
Sorry for the late response. I have not been on here in a while.

1. First off I am not a doctor nor do I have a PhD. But what I read and at the time, and believed was my experience, was that calcium and B Vitamins are too stimulating to the nervous system. In healthy people they are not, but I was so incredibly sensitive to anything, that I believed Vitamin B complex would trigger it. I have no proof of this, but this was what I believed at the time. My goal was to eliminate anything that can trigger my overly sensitive nervous system. I felt B Vitamins and Calcium supplements were in this group. Not in food, just in supplements. I have no proof of this, but this was what I believed during my panic era of my life. Calcium, there is debate if one should take it in supplement form or not, and some believe too much calcium can cause problems, in supplement form, not food form. You can research that if you want.

2. I don't put too much faith in gov't dietary requirements, that is me, you don't have to agree with me. But from what I read, Magnesium is very difficult to overdose on, as it doesn't just stay in the cells like calcium does. I took 400 mg to 800 mg per day of elemental magnesium. Now I take 300 mg a day in my Naturalo multivitamin, which I consider the best multivitamin on the market.

There is a new Magnesium supplement on the market that is supposed to be the only one or at least the best one to penetrate the blood-brain barrier called Magnesium L-Threonate, and this is the one I recommend now if you are going to take a magnesium supplement. But know this, magnesium can cause major diarrhea with the citrate version being the worst. L-Threonate and Glycinate seem to be less of this, but you will have to test it yourself and see how sensitive you are to it.

3. Just email the company and ask them. However in hindsight, I don't know if green drinks really matter for getting over anxiety. I think my main point was just to get as healthy as possible. There is debate now if cereal grass is healthy or not. At the time, I felt one scoop per day of high Orac Green drinks from Paradise Herbs or Amazing Grass were awesome. My personal opinion is they are still good. But you have to understand natural products in the US are forced to put warning labels on them.

4. I know nothing about fasting.

I'll tell you this though, supplements are just to supplement, not the cure in itself. The hard work is what you do to break those bad habits and anxiety cycles and slowly reset your brain and your mind. Read my posts about techniques to get past anxiety. Also, find a therapist that specializes in anxiety and panic disorder to help give you tools to work on. And remember, not getting anxious about anxiety is so important. That means, when you first feel the symptoms come on, don't get anxious about that, and allow it to ride out and fade away. This is not the only thing you need to do, but if you can master this single thing, you will see immense progress.

Good luck!

11-03-2020, 09:07 PM
Sorry for the late response. I have not been on here in a while.

1. First off I am not a doctor nor do I have a PhD. But what I read and at the time, and believed was my experience, was that calcium and B Vitamins are too stimulating to the nervous system. In healthy people they are not, but I was so incredibly sensitive to anything, that I believed Vitamin B complex would trigger it. I have no proof of this, but this was what I believed at the time. My goal was to eliminate anything that can trigger my overly sensitive nervous system. I felt B Vitamins and Calcium supplements were in this group. Not in food, just in supplements. I have no proof of this, but this was what I believed during my panic era of my life. Calcium, there is debate if one should take it in supplement form or not, and some believe too much calcium can cause problems, in supplement form, not food form. You can research that if you want.

2. I don't put too much faith in gov't dietary requirements, that is me, you don't have to agree with me. But from what I read, Magnesium is very difficult to overdose on, as it doesn't just stay in the cells like calcium does. I took 400 mg to 800 mg per day of elemental magnesium. Now I take 300 mg a day in my Naturalo multivitamin, which I consider the best multivitamin on the market.

There is a new Magnesium supplement on the market that is supposed to be the only one or at least the best one to penetrate the blood-brain barrier called Magnesium L-Threonate, and this is the one I recommend now if you are going to take a magnesium supplement. But know this, magnesium can cause major diarrhea with the citrate version being the worst. L-Threonate and Glycinate seem to be less of this, but you will have to test it yourself and see how sensitive you are to it.

3. Just email the company and ask them. However in hindsight, I don't know if green drinks really matter for getting over anxiety. I think my main point was just to get as healthy as possible. There is debate now if cereal grass is healthy or not. At the time, I felt one scoop per day of high Orac Green drinks from Paradise Herbs or Amazing Grass were awesome. My personal opinion is they are still good. But you have to understand natural products in the US are forced to put warning labels on them.

4. I know nothing about fasting.

I'll tell you this though, supplements are just to supplement, not the cure in itself. The hard work is what you do to break those bad habits and anxiety cycles and slowly reset your brain and your mind. Read my posts about techniques to get past anxiety. Also, find a therapist that specializes in anxiety and panic disorder to help give you tools to work on. And remember, not getting anxious about anxiety is so important. That means, when you first feel the symptoms come on, don't get anxious about that, and allow it to ride out and fade away. This is not the only thing you need to do, but if you can master this single thing, you will see immense progress.

Good luck!

Most of the illnesses we get are from lack of the necessary nutrients, thus the supplements. The food we consume nowadays is not enough to sustain good health, so it is really important for us to take supplements to fight vitamin deficiency.

11-05-2020, 03:57 PM
Most of the illnesses we get are from lack of the necessary nutrients, thus the supplements. The food we consume nowadays is not enough to sustain good health, so it is really important for us to take supplements to fight vitamin deficiency.

Good point. Just be aware our bodies are not made to process refined unnatural products and thus kidney issue often arise from long term supplement use. It can be quite chronic for a few and lead many into secondary complications. That said, it's the lesser of two evils.

There are diets out there such as juicing that can overcome the need for supplements. Soil depletion can be overcome by purchasing from local farms and buying real food is still a thing when no longer eating out of plastic of cardboard containers. Supplementation is as much an industry filled with disinformation campaigns liken to that of Big Pharma. Each to their own of course. Best to find the middle ground.