View Full Version : Help!

11-30-2012, 07:25 PM
I began having a panic attack that causes extreme vomiting yesterday morning and I CAN NOT get myself to calm down. I have too much going on in my life and my brain has decided that being home with my husband is reason to fight or flight. I'm staying at my mothers because at least that takes me out of the situation, but the anxiety comes in waves and will not go away. 48 hours of this is H.E.L.L please someone help me! Even the breathing techniques aren't helping!

11-30-2012, 07:47 PM
Off course it comes in waves. That's anxiety.:( This may follow you if the hubby is not the true cause(he may be a "victim" of this too as well as you). There might be a reason you went to your mothers. Maybe you feel she had an answer or insight(maybe). Maybe she does. Talk to her about you worries, fears, concerns history and see if you can find a reason for your anxiety. If this is no help see a therapist. Perhaps being home is the only time you center on all this and nothing more. PM me any time. Alankay

11-30-2012, 08:10 PM
2 things to try to calm down. Exercise(aerobic) and distraction(talk to folks about things you're passionate about). Well 3....an OTC antihistamine could be worth a try or chamomile/passionflower teas. Alankay

11-30-2012, 08:39 PM
No 4..........................:)