View Full Version : new here and to anxiety

11-30-2012, 10:29 AM
Hey i'm new to this site and this is my very first post. I don't know much about my anxiety except that i've had it since I was fifteen and its basically becoming more of a factor in my life. I don't know anyone with anxiety so have noone to talk to about this kind of stuff, Hence me being on this site

11-30-2012, 11:31 AM
Hi! This is a good forum, lot of interesting people to learn from and relate to. I'm new to, I think this is day 3 for me. As I have stated in an earlier thread, my anxiety has gotten significantly worse as I got older. I've been dealing w them the past two weeks every second that I am awake, makes me want to jump out a window ha but I'm keeping it together. Glad you joined

11-30-2012, 11:31 AM
Hey welcome,

In what way does anxiety affect you, do you get panic attacks or have panic disorder or is it more general anxiety