View Full Version : Totally Out There Thought

11-30-2012, 09:31 AM
Anyone ever thought that their anxiety attacks came on as a pre warning of something that was about to happen in your life AND then something actually DID happen? I know I know. Seems far fetched, way out there logic. But I can tell you, I never suffered a panic attack EVER. Then one day, out of the blue, I have my first ever attack. For two days I kept visualizing myself being buried in a grave. I got put on meds and put under a specialist. Finally got in control of the panic attacks only to find myself dead... and I'm not kidding.... dead one month later!! Obviously I'm alive and kicking now.... but it's just a thought. R panic attacks also there to pre warn us?!!

11-30-2012, 11:49 AM
Im confused. What do you mean you were dead? Like you were technically dead and the docs brought you back?

11-30-2012, 12:04 PM
Im confused. What do you mean you were dead? Like you were technically dead and the docs brought you back?

What ^agraves911^ said ?

11-30-2012, 12:31 PM
there... deleted :-)

11-30-2012, 02:56 PM
Dazza I think she meant that a month later she was dead not dead for a whole month

11-30-2012, 03:26 PM
Ok, I'm very confused. You were dead??? Like they shocked you and brought you back to life? The meds made you feel like you were dead?

Please, I need an explanation on this one....

12-01-2012, 06:54 AM
Exactly a month before my "death" I suffered my first panic attack. Totally out of the blue and no trigger that set it off. For two days, before they medicated me, I had nightmares of being lowered into a grave. I'd wake up screaming and crying and I swore that I was going to die. Eventually dr's put me on medication and the nightmares went away.
Exactly a month later I was admitted into hospital as part of my liver was not functioning. They wanted to remove that end of my liver plus the gall bladder. I remember talking to the anaesthetist while I was being prepared for surgery. He was explaining what drugs he was administering etc. He started injecting me with the drugs that would knock me out for surgery. I told him that my hand was burning. He said I would feel a sting. I told him no, it wasn't stinging, it was burning like it was on fire. At this point it felt like my whole arm was on fire. And that's the last thing I remember. When I eventually woke from my coma I spoke to the anaesthetist. He said that right after I spoke I went into immediate cardiac arrest. No heartbeat, no pulse. They started resuscitation straight away and continued to try and revive me for over 10 mins. Eventually they stopped resus as I did not respond. They called a time of death and tried to call my husband (who didn't answer the phone). They then called my mom and asked her if she could come to the hospital. She had a feeling that something was wrong and asked the dr to tell her then what was going on. The dr advised my mom that I didn't survive. At that moment, while the Dr was talking to my mom, the monitor that I was connected to beeped once. The dr told my mom to get to the hospital straight away, and he commenced resuscitation again. The second time round he said they eventually got my heart beating. I was hooked up to life support and was placed in ICU. My family were told that I was most likely brain damaged, as the monitors were showing no brain activity, and i would never wake up. To cut a long story short, the entire time I was in the coma I could hear everything going on around me. I heard what people said, knew when my family were there etc. I just couldn't move, open my eyes, respond or feel anything. I just got used to that and accepted that I might always be like that. Until one day when my family were at my bedside and I heard the dr suggesting to them that they turn off the life support. That freaked me out and I remember trying to fight to wake up and move. I don't know what happened but I eventually blacked out. The next memory after that was waking up. It took a long time but eventually I was slowly taken off the machines that were keeping my organs working. I spent some time in hospital and eventually went home. I suffered no brain damage, much to the dr's surprise, and have had no problems since (apart from my panic disorder). And yes, I did eventually get my surgery after a 2nd try and my liver is all good now. It was later discovered that I have a fatal allergy to a muscle relaxant and an anaesthetic.
So, back to my original strange question. My panic attacks started exactly one month prior to me dying on the operating table. I can't help but wonder whether the panic attacks started as a pre warning as to what was to come. Why would I get a panic attack, totally out of the blue, never had one before, and spend two days dreaming of my own funeral! Coincidence?!!!

12-01-2012, 07:02 AM
And Dazza; Next time, I suggest you try reading a thread properly before you try being all sarcastically funny!!

12-01-2012, 07:38 AM
Although Dazza. U got me wondering... if someone had been dead for a month, then came back from the dead, they'd technically be a zombie right?! So, do zombies suffer panic attacks?!!!!! Hmmmmm. ROFL. Sorry. I'm sleep deprived!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha.

12-01-2012, 01:41 PM
Wow. What a miracle. And as strange as it sounds, it has to be a coincidence. Although I can definitely see why you thought that your panic attack was a foreshadowing.

12-02-2012, 12:19 AM
Ya know... I've heard of some pretty whacky anxiety symptoms, from excessive urinating to blurred vision, from jelly-legs to painful fingers, from being frightened to go outside to itchy skin...

but DEATH... actual DEATH... and for a WHOLE MONTH... WOW, that tops it!

The "Most fucked up anxiety symptom award, 2012" goes to KALITA

<crowd cheers>

Your a fucken douchebag! Why are you even on this forum, why comment something so restarted? This ain't Facebook asshole! We are here to help each other out, not to make someone's misery a comedy for your own pleasure.

12-02-2012, 12:42 AM

Let's just say that you are right. Your anxiety was foreshadowing an event. That some part of you can "sense" an event before it happened. Great! That would be fabulous if we could all have that! But how does that lead you to an anxiety disorder? Are you freaking out over every little thing now, and wondering if it's your time to go? If you are sensitive to unusual experiences, then I can see how you'd be freaked out. Plus, you didn't just have a near-death experience. You were in a coma and on machines, which is about one of the most horrible experiences I can think of. (PS: I'm glad that you're ok now.) My wife and mother-in-law have these tendencies, too. They have a habit of obsessing over minutia. Is that what's going on with you?

12-02-2012, 04:52 AM
SunnieDebris. Ever since that event I'm freaked at the thought of dying. Any health issue sets off my panic attacks. I know we will all die eventually, so I don't know why it freaks me so much. It's not an event I can control. You die, you die!! But even the simple thing of indigestion can set me into a full blown attack and convince me that death is near. I had my first anxiety attack before my near death experience and I can't help but wonder, if I had never had the near death thingy would I still be having panic attacks? Or are they worse now because I had that experience?!! I think I over think too much!!

12-02-2012, 05:25 AM
Your a fucken douchebag! Why are you even on this forum, why comment something so restarted? This ain't Facebook asshole! We are here to help each other out, not to make someone's misery a comedy for your own pleasure.

I don't even know what a douchebag is? do enlighten...

Why am I here? Simples... because I suffer from anxiety disorder 'n all.
(Worse than some but a lot better than others)

It did strip me of my personality for a while. I wasn't able to enjoy anything... just lived in fear of a heart attack.
BUT, I've regained most of who I was before this all started and at last I'm able have fun again.

Anixety disorder has a very humourous side to it you know. Some of the stuff I read, despite having endured similar, has me in stitches of laughter - I won't deny it.
I can laugh because I know it'll pass. For me, you, and everyone else on this forum.
One day it'll all be gone and you'll look back and laugh yourself.

Don't take it so seriously. By doing so, you're adding more dispair & frustration to your life. Finding the funny side actually helps cure you, ironically. It has me anyhow.

12-02-2012, 05:36 AM
Just to add something to my previous post, on the subject of taking stuff too seriously...

This, actually, is our problem. All our lives we've been anxious over stuff.

Scared to talk in front of the class at school. Scared to fly. Scared to talk to strangers. Scared of our own shadows sometimes. Scared of feckin' everything! lol

All this accumulating fear is why you're where you are today. An anxious, quivvering wreck. Your brain's been overloaded with fear and anxieties for too long and now... * POP *, the bubble's finally burst.

How you feel right now is what excessive worrying does to you. It's taken hold and now rules your anxious, pittiful life.

Sucks doesn't it?

You may have heard or read about the "fuck it" method. Where, if you're scared or anxious over something... you somehow turn that around, re-gear your brain and just... say... "fuck it".
Break free of the fear that shackles you. Fear is not dangerous, it is just a emotion. A primitive instinct that's gone bad.

Normal life is just a "fuck it" away you know. It's just round the corner... waiting for you.

12-02-2012, 06:04 AM
You're restarted dazza!

12-02-2012, 06:46 AM

I'm a restarted bar-steward! lmao

12-02-2012, 06:49 AM
Like totally!

12-02-2012, 06:50 AM
also deleted... :-)

12-02-2012, 07:15 AM
You are also a receptacle for fluid to irrigate a woman's rude parts.

12-02-2012, 07:35 AM
A hairy axe wound?

12-02-2012, 07:39 AM
Man, this is a seriously intense story! I don't mean this in a bad way, but did this really happen to you or was it like a dream or something? The way you told it seemed very casual. But I the logic of anxiety predicting an event doesn't make sense. They are not related. People have anxiety and it doesn't always lead to what they fear. It is possible that your body was in bad shape and your nervous system was sick or something which led to some anxiety. I mean, if you were going to die on the operating table a month later, ten my guess is the month before you were not healthy and these problems may have helped bring out anxiety. Just my guess.

But you didn't actual die right? You were in a coma? This is really interesting and would like to hear more of your story. Thanks for sharing.

I really do not know how moderators do not ban Dazza. Does this person offer anything besides annoyance? Does anyone need non stop wise cracking?

12-02-2012, 08:20 AM
Me I do!!!

12-02-2012, 08:24 AM
Hmmm, I probably will get banned eventually... BUT...

Lest you not forget, I've also been there and done it with the anxiety and panic attacks. I've spent a good three-quarters of this year believing I was about to drop dead of a heart attack and I could list the fucked up mental issues & physical symptoms that have been plaguing me on both sides of A4.

Like you, I've gotten through it... (I didn't use supplements though. I tried, but they had absolutely zero effect... apart from Chamomile tea and rescue rememdy which may or may not have worked. Not sure really.)

12-02-2012, 08:35 AM
He's never annoyed me. It's all down to personal tastes.

12-02-2012, 01:49 PM
I don't even know what a douchebag is? do enlighten...

Why am I here? Simples... because I suffer from anxiety disorder 'n all.
(Worse than some but a lot better than others)

It did strip me of my personality for a while. I wasn't able to enjoy anything... just lived in fear of a heart attack.
BUT, I've regained most of who I was before this all started and at last I'm able have fun again.

Anixety disorder has a very humourous side to it you know. Some of the stuff I read, despite having endured similar, has me in stitches of laughter - I won't deny it.
I can laugh because I know it'll pass. For me, you, and everyone else on this forum.
One day it'll all be gone and you'll look back and laugh yourself.

Don't take it so seriously. By doing so, you're adding more dispair & frustration to your life. Finding the funny side actually helps cure you, ironically. It has me anyhow.

I meant retarded, a douchebag is just a term that I use when someone is being a smart ass. But your right finding the funny side of things with us suffering from anxiety/depression works at times. Especially when the episode is over, you think back and can't help to laugh a little on the thoughts that go through our heads while our episodes. I understand now since you explain yourself dazza. No hard feelings man. I just thought you were being a jerk to someone going through a bad time in their life. But I comprehend you sarcasm . Peace!

12-02-2012, 04:28 PM
Ok, I understand now Kalita.....wow, that is really scary. I have known two people that have gone in for simple procedures that ended up passing away due to the anesthesia. It's something you just won't know till you are in a situation where you need anesthesia.
It is indeed a miracle though...and the fact that you've fully recovered is a blessing. It's also amazing that you could hear what was going on around you when you were in the coma. It really makes my belief stronger that people shouldn't be so quick to remove someone from life support...you never know what can happen.
I'm not so sure about the forwarning though.....a month before your surgery, were you already aware of your liver problem and the fact that you needed surgery? Perhaps you were just stressing about that , and it triggered the panic attack.
Dazza, I do appreciate your sense of humor. I think its a good idea not to take things so seriously. A good laugh is helpful to reduce stress. I'm trying to learn to be a bit more light hearted myself.

12-02-2012, 08:39 PM
[QUOTE=Saldav;68630]I meant retarded, a douchebag is just a term that I use when someone is being a smart ass. But your right finding the funny side of things with us suffering from anxiety/depression works at times./QUOTE]

But Dazza is not funny and actually hinders people from getting good advice by telling them supplements do not work and killing threads with stupid jokes. Is anyone on here for comic relief? Hey it's a free country, and some may think he is funny, but I am willing to guess many people here find it annoying and counter productive like I do. I just hope Dazza can stop polluting my posts. Please stay off my threads. I'm not a fan.

Back to the original topic. Lets hear more about this near death experience. This is fascinating!

12-03-2012, 07:34 AM
PanicCured, yes. It really did happen. And yes, I'm very casual about it because if I wasn't, it'd take over my life.

And yes.... come to think of it, you guys may be right. I did have the liver issue for a couple of months prior to dying on the operating table. Maybe the whole stress of that was enough to push my anxiety out!! Thanks guys. Seriously. I never thought of it like that.

Dazza.... just keep being you. Whatever gets you thru life buddy, keep doing it. It would be one heck of a boring world if we were all alike.

And yes EVERYBODY. Please, if you ever have a loved one in a coma TALK TO THEM!! We can hear you! Not always, and I don't know how to explain it, but when you're in a coma, sometimes you're not there. It's just nothing. Black. No memory. No feeling. Nothing. Like passing out I guess and not dreaming. But there ARE plenty of moments when you ARE conscious and can hear everything going on. I would never have stayed so sane if my family and friends had not have come each day to talk to me. And listening to the drs and nurses speak was the only way I knew what was happening to me. The talking DOES help. It's comforting. I have absolutely no recollection of being dead. No, I did not see a light, or hover over my body. I was clinically dead for just over 10 mins. And I have no experience to tell you about that. All I can tell you is of what I went thru before, during and after my coma. I guess for some reason I wasn't supposed to remain dead.

12-03-2012, 10:11 AM
Ya know... I've heard of some pretty whacky anxiety symptoms, from excessive urinating to blurred vision, from jelly-legs to painful fingers, from being frightened to go outside to itchy skin...

but DEATH... actual DEATH... and for a WHOLE MONTH... WOW, that tops it!

The "Most fucked up anxiety symptom award, 2012" goes to KALITA

<crowd cheers>

You should be banned from this forum. There is something seriously wrong with your sense of humour. Get some help before trying to "help" other people.

12-03-2012, 10:18 AM
There is something seriously wrong with your sense of humour.

That's your opinion

12-03-2012, 04:48 PM
In hindsight, my original reply was innapropriate - for that I apologize.

However, in my defense, the original message was unclear and seemed of a spiritual or nightmare nature.

It started:

Anyone ever thought that their anxiety attacks came on as a pre warning of something that was about to happen in your life AND then something actually DID happen? I know I know. Seems far fetched, way out there logic.

Pretty whacky stuff so far. A whacky reply is justified.


But I can tell you, I never suffered a panic attack EVER. Then one day, out of the blue, I have my first ever attack. For two days I kept visualizing myself being buried in a grave. I got put on meds and put under a specialist.

Suggesting whacky nightmares or visions and nothing REAL as such.


Finally got in control of the panic attacks only to find myself dead... and I'm not kidding.... dead one month later!! Obviously I'm alive and kicking now.... but it's just a thought. R panic attacks also there to pre warn us?!!

Now, call me Mr. pedantic, but this ending just doesn't make sense. You can't "find yourself dead one month later".
I mean, sayyy whattttttttt? I took this to be either a typo or some spiritual weirdness.

Then, without explanation, they immediately go on to ask "are panic attacks there to pre-warn us", as if this sentence or question was the most dominant of the entire post, skipping over the god-awful fact that they'd actually been in a coma!

Yeah... I should have asked for clarification before jumping to conclusions, but, well, you can kinda see that this was hard to take seriously in the first instance.

Anyway... enough said.

12-03-2012, 05:14 PM
I have to say your story scared me. I always have these fears that I am going to die, and have wondered and hoped it is not a sign of something to come. I just tell myself, if every person that had this problem actually had something wrong with them, then it would happen alot.

12-03-2012, 07:10 PM
In hindsight, my original reply was innapropriate - for that I apologize.

However, in my defense, the original message was unclear and seemed of a spiritual or nightmare nature.

It started:

Anyone ever thought that their anxiety attacks came on as a pre warning of something that was about to happen in your life AND then something actually DID happen? I know I know. Seems far fetched, way out there logic.

Pretty whacky stuff so far. A whacky reply is justified.


But I can tell you, I never suffered a panic attack EVER. Then one day, out of the blue, I have my first ever attack. For two days I kept visualizing myself being buried in a grave. I got put on meds and put under a specialist.

Suggesting whacky nightmares or visions and nothing REAL as such.


Finally got in control of the panic attacks only to find myself dead... and I'm not kidding.... dead one month later!! Obviously I'm alive and kicking now.... but it's just a thought. R panic attacks also there to pre warn us?!!

Now, call me Mr. pedantic, but this ending just doesn't make sense. You can't "find yourself dead one month later".
I mean, sayyy whattttttttt? I took this to be either a typo or some spiritual weirdness.

Then, without explanation, they immediately go on to ask "are panic attacks there to pre-warn us", as if this sentence or question was the most dominant of the entire post, skipping over the god-awful fact that they'd actually been in a coma!

Yeah... I should have asked for clarification before jumping to conclusions, but, well, you can kinda see that this was hard to take seriously in the first instance.

Anyway... enough said.

I'm your defense I read it and thought about the exact same, I just kept coming back frequently waiting for clarification

12-03-2012, 07:15 PM
Wish there was an option to delete a response

12-03-2012, 07:18 PM
in* not I'm... Stupid iPhone

12-03-2012, 11:47 PM
That's your opinion

That's right and I am not the only one on this forum who is of the same opinion.