View Full Version : Wow, I'm glad I found this website

04-26-2007, 09:22 PM
Ever since august I just haven't felt right, I had some weird feeling in my throat and couldn't stop thinking about it, and at that time, my dog wasn't doing too good so I believe those 2 things caused my anxiety (my dog is dead now, died a couple months ago :( ). I never really thought I had anxiety at all till about a month ago, when I decided to read up on symptoms after seeing a doctor.

In september I had a weird numbness feeling in my arms and legs, which I really worried about, around the week I had that, I had a panic attack. Which I didn't realize at the time but now I do. Ever since then I've had weird symptoms that I constantly worried about.

My anxiety isn't Bad, but it still bothers me everyday, I still worry thinking I have a serious illness when I feel perfectly fine. I've even had blood tests. I worry less now, and I believe I'm on the right road :)

Some symptoms I've been having
-Spots in vision
-Muscle Aches
-Upset Stomach

After reading this forum just today, I can't believe how many people I can relate to, and even 1 person on this forum I realized I'm exactly like, and I feel im not alone in this world.

04-28-2007, 04:27 PM
Wecome Chea

I'm glad that you no longer feel alone.


04-28-2007, 06:08 PM
Yes, it's been a big step for me too, to realize that all my physical symptoms are not indicative of a serious disease, but more than likely caused by anxiety.
Good luck on your journey to wellness.
You're certainly NOT alone. :)