View Full Version : Greetings fellow anxiety victims!

04-26-2007, 05:56 PM
Hi guys and gals! Well, like your good selves I am a sufferer of anxiety (although it has never been diagnosed officially) and this forum has helped me so much in knowing that I am not alone.

Haha...where do I begin. The weird thing is that I am very outgoing and extraverted with people, but also suffer this horrible and frankly annoying condition. I am currently 19, and since being 13 I have always been a chronic worrier-any small thing can get to me although lately I have risen above such things.

My main problem is hypochondria. I am obsessed with my health and dying...and of course, the vicious circle of fearing this stuff makes one feel the symptoms. Now...I did used to have a heart condition that is common and not deadly, but ever since that was corrected, I have been obsessed about my heart (amongst other things-whenever I have a spot its cancer, or a headache a brain tumour. One of those worrying folk). I constantly take my pulse and worry. I was helped a lot by reading on this forum that anxiety affects the heart and I identified with many symptoms-the skipped beats, pains, fatigue etc. I know my heart is in good shape as in June last year it kept pounding and going very quickly (around 119 beats per min). This lasted for weeks, and so I went through the specialists and doctors-convinced I was gonna die and after many checks (ECGs, echos, 24 hour monitors) they concluded my heart is normal. The twist is this....lately, my heart has gone back to a slower/normal beat and so what do I do? Worry that its too slow and I have heart failure. Lol...dumb I know. Anyway, as such I always concentrate on it and worry whenever my heart feels 'odd'.
There are some of my anxiety credentials for ya!

Nice to join you folk!