View Full Version : New here and need advice.

11-29-2012, 03:34 PM
I joined because I am at my worse with panic attacks and anxiety.. I have been dealing with it for years but it seems to be getting worse. I take Doxepin( been on it 13 yrs) and it doesn't help me at all. I have been starting to even have panic attacks in my sleep. I am a mother of 3 and married and I feel terrible that I have become this person who wont even leave the house and enjoy life with my family. I feel hopeless today, lost, scared and just don't know where to turn. Any advice on coping with anxiety and panic attacks would be greatly appreciated.

11-29-2012, 05:00 PM
If it doesn't work try a new medicarion

11-29-2012, 07:12 PM
I completely know how u feel and what you are going through. I have also been battling anxiety and panic for 12 years now . I have good months and bad months. But right now I am having terrible anxiety and panic attacks . The panic attacks are the worse in my sleep. I wake up in extreme terror, my heart pounds, I shake , I feel like I need to go to the e.r. It is horrible. I downloaded a meditation app and have been using that to try and get relaxed and back to sleep. It has been helping me a bit, but because my attacks have been so intense Ativan is what I have been taking. I feel your pain and hope you find some relief. My panic holds me back from doing things I love as well. It crushes my spirits but I try to tell myself I have been through this before and will be able to get through it again.

11-29-2012, 08:13 PM
I completely know how u feel and what you are going through. I have also been battling anxiety and panic for 12 years now . I have good months and bad months. But right now I am having terrible anxiety and panic attacks . The panic attacks are the worse in my sleep. I wake up in extreme terror, my heart pounds, I shake , I feel like I need to go to the e.r. It is horrible. I downloaded a meditation app and have been using that to try and get relaxed and back to sleep. It has been helping me a bit, but because my attacks have been so intense Ativan is what I have been taking. I feel your pain and hope you find some relief. My panic holds me back from doing things I love as well. It crushes my spirits but I try to tell myself I have been through this before and will be able to get through it again.

I totally agree with meditation.I also downloaded a meditation app for my phone and it has been wonderful. I try to do it at least once a day, sometimes more if I'm feeling a bit more stressed.
I too, when I first came here, was drowning in overwhelming feelings of anxiety. I have done a number of things to try to reduce my anxious feeling...including meditation, Tai chi, additional exercises, changing my diet, making sure i get proper rest, finding something lighthearted to laugh, setting small goals for myself that anxiety had caused me to stop doing, and giving myself a pat on the back when I accomplish those goals, etc. I'm not going to lie to you, its a day to day struggle, but each day seems to get just a little easier.