View Full Version : Tea

11-29-2012, 09:51 AM
My anxiety attacks are at it's peak when I'm trying to sleep. It has been worse over the past two weeks after I saw my ex. I've only been getting about 2 hours of broken sleep a night an it's killing me at work. I am not a tea drinker but I see a lot of people recommending tea as a remedy for a good nights sleep. Any recommendations on a fairly good tea (for a non tea drinker) that can help with this battle I'm in at night? I am interested in any natural sleep remedies but nothing prescribed or over the counter. Thanks for any input

11-29-2012, 11:39 AM
Couple things.

As far as tea, get the sleepy time brand chamomile tea, it tastes minty and it seems to settle you, but not knock you out.

Second, you can try a supplement called melatonin, it should be in the vitamin section, it works fairly well, but it seems to make me groggy the next day.

Third, the best thing to do is get yourself prepared to sleep, you can sit in a dark room, breathe deeply for a while, meditate, just something to get yourself as relaxed as possible before you lay down.

11-29-2012, 11:56 AM
Go to youtube, see if yoga nidra works for you.

11-29-2012, 01:33 PM
I drink the vanilla chamomile flavored tea and I drink it with the extra strength sleepytime tea. The stronger you make it the better it will work. Try picking up a good book while you drink your tea and that should work.

11-29-2012, 08:19 PM
Cammomile tea is VERY good....it always does the trick for me...puts me right to sleep.

11-29-2012, 08:22 PM
Try decaffee green tea x 2 teabags, slightly bitter at first, but very calming.

Otherwise hot ribena (or local national equivelent!)

11-30-2012, 01:23 AM
Some sleep tips:

1/ Go to bed as late as you can handle. 1.0 or even 2.0am if you have to.

2/ Empty your bedroom of all clutter and JUST make it a bedroom.
Having laptops / paperwork etc. in ya room is not a good idea.

3/ Make your bed as comfortable as possible. Get a new matress + pillows if you have to.

4/ KEEP YOUR ROOM COOL. This one is vital for a good night's kip. Get too hot and your brain + body will NO LIKEY!
I keep a window open and fan on throughout the year!

5/ Chamomile tea is naturally calming

6/ Exercise more in the evening

7/ Reduce energy foods + drinks to a bare minimum

8/ Do something boring before bed... like watch rubbish tv. Don't play games or stay up all night on your computer, for example.
The less stimulants the better.

11-30-2012, 01:33 AM
Chamomile or sleepy time just like everyone else! While it may not put you to sleep, I promise you will feel calm. And sleepy time tastes the best! And avoid caffeine.