View Full Version : So stressed

11-28-2012, 10:05 PM
Ok so my friend texted me saying "I'm scared" I asked why and she told me how she was "so happy I was her friend and that she loved me" I asked what was wrong and then she asked if I ever tried to kill my self, so obviously I started freaking the fuck out. I called her and started pacing around my house nervously and was trying to talk loud so my parents heard me and they looked in the phone book and called her parents so now her mom is talking to her.... She said she's attempted suicide 3 times all by O.D on painkillers and she knows I have bad anxiety and I just really don't need this stress right now!:( my god I'm scared!!!:(

11-28-2012, 10:44 PM
I'm glad you got your parents and her parents involved. She is with her mom now and you stopped from going through with it.

11-28-2012, 10:44 PM
I'm glad you got your parents and her parents involved. She is with her mom now and you stopped from going through with it.

She said she took the pills though!

11-29-2012, 01:20 AM
Her mom is with her and if she did her mom can take her to a hospital.

11-29-2012, 01:58 PM
Take comfort in knowing that you did the right thing for your friend. She obviously needs serious help. Your a good friend. Your going to need help yourself if you want to help her. Keep us posted!