View Full Version : Is this anxiety and why?

11-28-2012, 04:06 PM
OK..... Heres the deal. I wake up most mornings hungry but nauseus. How can I be both? Sometimes it subsides and I eat and everything is great. If I can't eat I take a xanax and the nausea is gone in 45 minutes. Sometimes thats it and the rest of the day is fine. I'm talking normal days with no trigger points. Then out of absolutely nowhere the nausea comes back! I just deal with it and sometimes it goes away. I try not to dwell on it. Other times I take another xanax when I don't feel like dealing with it anymore. 45 minutes I'm fine again. Don't want to be popping pills! Is this anxiety and where the hell does it come from!? There are obvious situations that I know that it will be there and I understand that. But the other times I don't get and all the therapists and docs. I've seen can't answer that! Makes no sense. ANYBODY else experience this and any advice.


11-28-2012, 04:29 PM
Nausea is a symptom of other conditions, obviously it's not a disease in and of itself. Nausea is a very common symptom of fear, anxiety, and/or stress. All those mentioned can cause the body to function abnormally (nausea) along with other stomach and intestinal distress. Anxiety caused nausea should not be considered as a serious problem (if it is stress, fear, anxiety causing it)

11-28-2012, 04:30 PM
You'd have to chronicle your schedule completely to see if there is anything on your schedule that elicits this. Even then it just may come out and not be related to anything in particular. Xanax's half life is about 12 hours so I'm not sure if that means anything. Anxiety happens. If your counselors can't determine what you're anxious about, you may just have a predisposition to it. Maybe another therapist is in order. I wish I had a better answer. Alankay

11-28-2012, 04:50 PM
Your nausea could be caused by a number of things (including anxiety - perhaps derealization coupled with a stressed stomach) but get a professional, medical opinion on it before you make any conclusions based on forum posts.

11-28-2012, 05:54 PM
Seen no less than six phychiatrists and therapists over the years and lots of different meds. They always seem to tell me that I have alot on my plate. Especially the last couple of years. Lost 20 yr. job and marriage broke up after 23 but such is life. I don't dwell on it and don't want to get into over analyzing my past. I probably would go crazy! Asked my current doc if I might be bipolar or ADD. He said he didn't think so.......That I was just nervous! No sht. Didn't need him to tell me that. Could it be suppressed feelings? IDK? I think maybe a gastro-intestinal issue but then why does the xanax make it go away? However temporary. Like I said once before,since I quit adding alcohol to the mix I'm so much better but not where I want to be!