View Full Version : Never on Meds

11-28-2012, 11:09 AM
Is anyone here not on medication and dealing well with anxiety?

I've never been on Meds and am only attending a councillor not a psychiatrist. I've had anxiety on and off for 6 months not realizing I actually had it for the first 3. I feel like I'm getting better but am kinda in a rut at the moment. I don't know what to do to make my self better.

So it would be great to hear how other people deal with it without the aid of medication

11-28-2012, 01:01 PM
I went to a counselor at tirst and had many sessions but in time, my anxiety got worse. But that was just my case. Actually I think people should first try a therapist and go to a pdoc only if you're not getting anywhere or if things continue to get worse(or if they are in great distress). I don't think one should jump right on the med train despite what many think here. Since most anxiety is from psychological conflicts, stresses or abuse it's good to start with psychotherapy. I wish counseling was all I needed to control my anxiety. :( ALankay

11-28-2012, 02:48 PM
I agree with forwells, I do not take medication for that same reason. I use to suppress my anxiety with Xanax or alcohol but just makes the depression and attacks, for me, worse when I become dependent