View Full Version : eye muscle spasm causing anxity/ stress

04-26-2007, 08:04 AM
Hi, i'm 17 years old and have recently been diagnosed with an eye condition known as esophoria or "high AC/A" ratio. It basically means my eyes go in too much when viewing things st close distance. Therefore, because my eye muscle are too strong they go into spasm (causing blurred vision aswell as producing alot of phycological stress).
I wear prescibed bifocals to reduce the stress and do eye stretches to reduce stress. Both of these things have helped a huge amount in reducing the stress/ anxiety caused by my eye muscles going into spasm. However, i have been feeling extremely relaxed (way too relaxed) after relaxing my eye muscles. For eg, i accidentally cut myself yesterday and only realised i had done so about 10 minutes after doing it. I have also been feeling extremely faint and lightheaded. Its as if i have now gone from one extreme (really stressed) to the other (really relaxed) and in a short space of time. I dont suppose theres anyone out there with similar problems or knows of someone with a similar problem. I would like to know why im feeling too relaxed (like when your drunk or on weed). Is it because i have been under such stress for so long because of this condition and now when i relieve the stress my body feels too relaxed (used to having stress present). Or could it be because the exercises are relaxing my eyes too much (ie, there's not enough eye induced stress present). Either way, i know that feeling this relaxed isnt normal.. its dangerous. I'm also looking for any advice on what i should do. I'm currently at school studying art, biology, geography and maths. For the majority of this year i've been under stress/ anxity and have only recently indentified the cause. Now i can manage the stress but i am left feeling way too relaxed. I feel faint and ill at times and my heart rate feels slow. I basically feel ill. I therefore dont know what to do. Should i continue with school and bacause theres alot of close work my anxity levels are going to vary, so at times i will be anxious and others way too relaxed. Should i continue with school and hope it levels out or should i stop (ie, remove all colse work so remove all stress) and leave my body to get back to normal with as little stress as possible present?

Thanks alot, any information, advice would be greatly aprecisted :)

04-26-2007, 01:04 PM
I don't have any answers for you, but wanted to say don't feel alone. I don't think anyone has anything completely unique anymore. As far as what you should do... your symptoms are a bit complicated and unless someone is actually a doctor on this board they're probably not going to feel comfortable advising you. I would recommend you go back and visit your doctor and see what he/she has to say. If you don't get the answers you need to get your life back to where you want it, find another doctor. In addition to your medical doctor I would suggest you meet with a naturopathic and/or complementary doctor. When both medical worlds work together it can make for a speedier recovery.
Hang in there... and keep posting if you need some support.