View Full Version : Expecting the worst

11-28-2012, 03:22 AM
I sit here in my quiet neighborhood people outside bbqing...it's just so peaceful.
Yet I'm here so nervous for no reason. Twitchy, shakey, just blah. I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack soon and that just scares me. I haven't quite learned how to control it yet.

So. Miserable.

11-28-2012, 04:56 AM
I sit here in my quiet neighborhood people outside bbqing...it's just so peaceful.
Yet I'm here so nervous for no reason. Twitchy, shakey, just blah. I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack soon and that just scares me. I haven't quite learned how to control it yet.

So. Miserable.

It doesn't matter what's going on around you, beit peaceful or chaos... it's what's inside your head that controls your mood.

11-28-2012, 04:57 AM
Describe to me EXACTLY how you feel right now?

In terms of your thoughts and any physical symptoms.

If a stranger were to walk in and observe you now, how do you think they would view you? What would they see?