View Full Version : Please help...

11-27-2012, 05:33 PM
I have suffered from anxiety attacks for just over 2 years. Lately i have been more anxious. Including tonight when i experienced the start of an anxiety attack. This has petrified me. I haven't felt like this for ages. Can anyone relate, what symptoms you get or give me advice on coping strategies


11-27-2012, 05:39 PM
Anxiey attacks are the worst. When I get them, I am convinced I'm dying. The way I have learned to cope is exercising breathing techniques. When I stary feeling that first sign if heart palps, I begin breathing deeply and it usually ends there. It doesn't work everytime but it does help me calm down before I go into full blown attack mode.

11-27-2012, 09:04 PM
Mate sorry that you are going through a rough patch. Anxiety attacks are never fun but then again they are not meant to be, or evolutionary wise we would all have been eaten by wild animals long ago.

One thing you need to remember is that anxiety, like sadness, happiness, joy are all a normal part of the human emotion. We, as anxiety sufferers just struggle and fight with anxiety more because our minds tells us it feels so terrible. But unfortunately, the more we fight with our anxiety and try to make it go away the more it will fight back and make us feel worse. Think of it like this, it is much harder to push someone away than walk arm in arm going the same direction. I am not saying we should like the anxiety, we just need to let go of struggling with it. Have you ever noticed when you paid no attention to your anxiety you suddenly realise your feel fine. It is that easy.

For me the best tool I ever learnt to combat anxiety was mindfulness. It uses breathing to ground yourself to the present moment, not the past or future. It also trains you to catch your thoughts before they snowball into something unproductive. Another thing that works for me is to have a little chuckle when anxiety come backs, and I say to myself in a funny voice, "ah, anxiety my old friend, I was wondering when you were coming back for a visit".

At the end of day remember you will have good and bad days. Everyone does and there is nothing wrong with that. But also remember that nothing lasts forever, like when a bell rings. At first it is loud and intense, then after a short time it ebbs away till you can no longer hear it, just like the feeling of anxiety.

11-27-2012, 10:08 PM
I'm sorry. I understand, and you've come to the right place. This forum and talking to all these awesome people who know exactly what your going through has got me through many anxiety attacks.

I have crippling panic attacks, and many ER visits. Some of my symptoms include violently puking, gasping for air, shaking, feeling like I'm about to have a heart attack, and all around debilitating. I feel physically and mentally sick 24/7. It's the worst.

I went to the doctor and he prescribed me celexa, I'm only on day two, its a long term medication and it makes me feel really irritable And nauseous. I'm hoping the good side effects kick in soon. I tried therapy and breathing exercises but didn't work for me because I have severe severe anxiety.

I drink a lot of chamomile tea too, which is a natural relaxant.