View Full Version : General Anxiety Disorder and Exercise

04-26-2007, 12:38 AM
It appears that I may have GAD for life. I have not only complicated sleep apnea (this is NOT insomnia) but I also have a right temporal lobe lesion that as I understand it, has an effect on behavior and anxiety. The anxiety is largely due to poor quality of sleep caused by sleep apnea. Again, complicated sleep apnea is not insomnia. For a definition, please google complex sleep apnea or sleep apnea. At the moment, there is no successful treatment for my type of sleep apnea.

As my heart rate is kind of high, above resting 100 bpm because of my
anxiety NOT because I am out of shape. I am wondering if I should do
any running on the treadmill? I find that at times even walking and
"thinking" can give me anxiety. I have not noticed any benefit in doing
more strenuous cardio like running on a treadmill and I am concerned
about stressing the heart further. My heart rate just stays weigh up. When I am on the tread-mill, my heart rate reaches 150 easily which is near my maxium target heart rate. I tried beta blockers but I have nasty
side-effects from them. Any suggestions?