View Full Version : Dizziness

11-27-2012, 06:32 AM
I would say that I am dizzy most of the time. Near enough all day everyday, even when I am lying down. Earlier I had a funny moment when my eyes felt like they zoomed in and out and felt like things were moving and it sent me into an instant panic and I just had to sit down. Also my legs always deal right or weak and sometimes when I am stood up it feels like my calls are really right and that I am going to fall over and I tend to stand on my tip toes a lot rather than on the whole of my foot. Can anyone else relate to this? I know that dizziness is a symptom of anxiety, but all day everyday?

11-27-2012, 06:33 AM
feel tight or**

11-27-2012, 06:51 AM
Whats on your mind? Were you thinking? Or trying to remember stuffs?

11-27-2012, 06:58 AM
Whats on your mind? Were you thinking? Or trying to remember stuffs?

Huh? No. I just always feel dizzy, every day!

11-27-2012, 08:29 AM
I am the same way. I would like my doc to send me to an ENT... I just need to make an appointment. I also have TMJ so not sure if my dizziness comes from that. I do notice the more I think about it the more off balance I feel ... if that makes sense. But my dizziness just hits me out of nowhere and I always fear falling but never have. So I'm confused if its from TMJ, or if I do have an inner ear problem or if it truly is anxiety. I have just recently started getting this tingly feeling just behind my ears... but it only happens in late afternoon to evening time

11-27-2012, 10:15 AM
Did you have it checked? I used to be dizzy all the time, but as i learnt more about anxiety, and how i didnt let the dizziness bother me, it stopped. But, it will come once a while when my brain is working hard. It gets easier to cope with anxiety after thousands of dollars spend on docs and test and books and stuffs. I used to just check in the A&E. So one day i told myself, is this how i want my life to be? Im just gonna accept it as it is. Its not easy i tell ya. You need support. And you need to read about anxiety over and over and over again. You need to scream the anxiety off you. My screams are on FB. Cant help it, i need to just rant it off like a nutcase.

12-01-2012, 07:05 AM
I'm dizzy all day, it just varies in severity. Plus the fact I've had a headache every day for the last 7/8yrs. Doctors just ignore me, say it's 'all in my head'......WELL YEAH, IT IS !! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-01-2012, 07:33 AM
Any one of you had your sinuses checked? Sinusitis can cause really bad dizziness. And it doesn't have to be sinusitis on both sides of your face. It can effect one side only, causing the dizziness to feel worse. If you get bad head aches and occasional pressure on the bridge of your nose it could seriously be sinus related.

12-01-2012, 12:24 PM
Mine are alright. I just need a lobotomy.

12-05-2012, 10:46 AM
TMJ can most definitely cause dizziness due to its close proximity and function related to the cervical spine and vestibular system. We treat cervicogenic headaches related to TMJ quite often.

12-06-2012, 06:19 PM
I used to be dizzy all the time too, its usually just the anxiety, and the more you think and worry about it the more it gets to you. I hate when people say "I cope with it like this...", sorry but that just seems to me to be people who have given up, and when you give up and give in to the anxiety its just going to get worse. Really just accepting it and not so much ignoring it but accepting the fact its just abnormally overactive right now is what helped me through it. Do I still have little spurts of dizziness and other stuff? Yes. But i'm recovering, and once i've recovered I know ill never be back the way I was over a year ago because i'll be that much stronger than I was then. Keep fighting, don't let people tell you you can "cope", you CAN and WILL beat it. I promise. Remember, acceptance, not avoidance.

12-19-2012, 12:08 AM
Welcome to my world in March 2010 I was under heaps of stress and my old headaches came back that I had in my teens and 20's I had one day of really bad Vertigo that went away and the dizziness remained Im dizzy 24/7 and off balance and feel Like Im swaying and will fall over
I have had a Ct brain & sinus and numerous tests due to my chronic headaches, recent diagnosis Anxiety Disorder and Severe Adrenal Fatigue I have a headache everyday never stops and panic & anxiety I am not well and lifes hard but Im doing some good reading on Nervous disorders and anxiety
I think the drs have missed something or something is growing in my head or something is wrong with my spinal fluid flow ???? BUT it proably is jst all anxiety and fear adrenalin fear cycle

12-19-2012, 06:23 AM
Try sea sickness tablet. My friend used to have bouts of dizziness from stress. It helped her a lot.
