View Full Version : High bp

11-27-2012, 05:06 AM
I know anxiety causes high bp, I was in a science lesson and the task was to take our bp and pulse rates, the teacher said mine was quite high, how high is high for it to be anxiety? It's got me so paranoid now :(

11-27-2012, 08:23 AM
When i checked my BP Yesterday at the clinic it was 145/87 which is considerably High.
Normal BP is 120/80 or lower But anything higher is considered high BP. Anxiety and Depression Both can increase your BP Significantly even for someone aged 18 like me.
You should always stay away from sweets and sugary and salty foods. Eat more Fruits and drink more water Because they make matters worse.
I eat two bananas, Drink chocolate milk and low fat milk on a daily basis to help lower my BP and they Really Help
Dont worry...

11-27-2012, 08:54 AM
Hi thanks for your reply! I can't remember what my blood pressure was now but I know I was rather 38 or low 40's, the bottom number was also 89! This really panicked me as I'm at the doctors right now lol, can anxiety actually raise bp this much!? It got me really anxious and worried! My bp is always up and down, I'm on the contraceptive pill so my bp gets taken every 6 months, and I've never had a problem with it since my anxiety started. I've been to get bp checks with my anxiety, it's been 119, 124, 132, 135 etc so really it ha been going up and down and if there was anything major, and not anxiety, I think my bp would be constantly high? Right?

11-27-2012, 05:18 PM
I have to take BP meds now, after having my second child...I developed post partum hypertension. Never had problems before or during my pregnancy, just immediately after my c section my BP shot up to 186/100...which is extremely high....they would not release me from the hospital until it was brought under control by meds. Ive been on bp meds ever since, despite losing all the baby weight, eating better, exercising, etc. I do have a family history of bp issues though, so perhaps it just got around to me. It's now controlled with a dieretic...taken once a day.

11-27-2012, 06:57 PM
I am only 21, healthy (well according to charts I'm a little overweight but not that much) and my BP is high. It's always like 140ish...when I go to hospitals I am always so afraid. My anxiety is through the roof. And my heart rate is always so high. I was wondering the same thing, how much anxiety can affect BP. I'm going to buy an at home BP monitor and check throughout the day. And if its normal at home then I don't think I have a problem.
Hope it's just anxiety.

11-27-2012, 09:32 PM
Hi thanks for your reply! I can't remember what my blood pressure was now but I know I was rather 38 or low 40's, the bottom number was also 89! This really panicked me as I'm at the doctors right now lol, can anxiety actually raise bp this much!? It got me really anxious and worried! My bp is always up and down, I'm on the contraceptive pill so my bp gets taken every 6 months, and I've never had a problem with it since my anxiety started. I've been to get bp checks with my anxiety, it's been 119, 124, 132, 135 etc so really it ha been going up and down and if there was anything major, and not anxiety, I think my bp would be constantly high? Right?

Yup You are absolutely Right Anxiety causes temporary spikes in BP it cannot cause it to be always High. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/anxiety/AN01086 Read this link it might help you understand

11-27-2012, 10:39 PM
For me no matter how high my anxiety levels get my BP is always a steady 120/80. My HR might jump to 150bpm but I know that can't hurt my as it can get to 185bpm when riding my mountain bike up some steel hills. Personally I wouldn't read to much into your BP and especially never go onto Google or similar sites to self diagnose as they have no censorship and therefore anything can be written, regardless of how false the information might be.

When a doctor looks at you BP they look at other things as well to form a diagnosis. If your doctor is not concerned then neither should you be. Remember also that some people will get high BP from their genetics and there is nothing they can do about it......"it is what it is".