View Full Version : Sleep paralysis

11-26-2012, 06:11 PM
When you start to dream but you're still half awake/aware of it. Usually start having a nightmare and are physically unable to move or speak, and your breathing speeds up a lot. You eventually pull yourself awake. It's completely unharmful physically but it can be really terrifying. I've had it quite a few times now and I know its linked with my anxiety.

Does anyone else get this?

11-26-2012, 06:26 PM
Sounds like a night terror.

11-26-2012, 07:43 PM
It is like that I guess. Its when your brain goes into the REM stage of sleep too early, so you start dreaming too early - it normally takes a few hours to get to this stage and then you are fully asleep, but this happens within 5 minutes of drifting off so you are still aware of what's happening but can't do anything about it because your body has shut down so you can't move. It can be really scary :(

11-26-2012, 10:16 PM
This happens to me quite often. It really is terrifying and super annoying. I haven't found any way to control it, but I do notice it happen more if I'm napping or just trying to sleep in. Hate it!

11-27-2012, 03:42 AM
I get it constantly - even pre anxiety.

I was thinking that maybe it is something to do with my medication. (I get a bit overheated at night). When I was little it used to happen when I was sick.

I also have it when I get nightmares. Last week, I dreamed I was drowning - it was a lucid dream - I KNEW I was dreaming, but couldn't snap out of it. I literally felt my lungs burning as they filled with water and it was only as I drowned that I woke up. Horrible!!

11-27-2012, 05:53 AM
Yeah I've had this a few times over the years. I don't believe it's related to anxiety and I've had it LONG before anxiety came onto the scene.

You're right in that it feels like a temporary paralysis... a state of some awareness but unable to move or do anything about it.

I recall it sometimes felt like my breathing had stopped and on awakening, I'd be gasping.

It seems like a pause in the process of waking up. I.e. you're going through the process of waking, but you're stopped and suspended in this semi-awake state for longer
than is comfortable.

Nowt to worry about. It happens sometimes.

My father gets the same. It seems to be inherent.

11-27-2012, 08:09 AM
Yes I get dreams just like that too! I always notice that I'm breathing really fast and heavily aswell but I can't stop it til I wake up. I don't think there is anyway to cure it really, just to try and get a better sleeping pattern - mine tends to be all over the place which is why I think I get it. I've read that it is related to anxiety disorders but I don't know.. I'm going to mention it to my doctor and see if he thinks it is. I just sometimes am afraid to sleep just because it feels so horrible when it happens! Sigh. :)