View Full Version : Grrr palpitations and panic attack

11-26-2012, 04:37 PM
Just laid in bed watching TV and my heart started fluttering which in turn turned into a full blown heart racing, nervous shaking panic attack, it's my own fault as I was watching a hospital programme of a young man having an operation on his heart and I'm obsessed that my anxiety is in fact something wrong with my heart, which I do have a heart complaint which I've never had any trouble with but I'm sure that this is where my anxiety has stemmed from the fear if it getting worse and me dying.. It's made me worse tonight though as my hubby is on nights and my kids are in bed and I'm scared of something happening to me and nobody to look after my kids...ggrrrr I get so angry with myself cos I know it's my own doing x

11-26-2012, 04:57 PM
I have only ONE thing to say to you... and that is STOP.

STOP watching stuff like that when you're not in the right frame of mind to be doing so, it will invariably set you off.

I had to stop watching ANYTHING mildly distressing during my worst period, including wildlife programs & horror movies - I just couldn't handle them... AT ALL.

I had to leave the cinema on a couple of occasions - I swear my heart was beating so hard & fast it was smacking the person in front on the back of their head!

It only take one tincy wincy little distress image or sound to light the anxiety fuse, so best try to avoid such things... for now.

11-26-2012, 05:16 PM
Your so right, I have switched it off now, although I wouldn't wish these symptoms on anyone I'm so glad someone else does have the same symptoms as me , it helps me realise it IS just my anxiety...I can't watch horror films or anything medical when my anxiety is up so don't know why I bloody did it x

11-26-2012, 05:28 PM
... and a feckin' heart operation! the WORST possible thing you could have watched... tut tut.

DON'T DO IT AGAIN until you're out of the anxious danger zone! It's really not worth it.

Seriously, the process is very straightforward:

Distressing image and/or sound ---> brain freaks out ---> nervous system + adrenal glands respond ---> heart goes flippety floppety!

11-26-2012, 05:40 PM
Lol thanks dazza I am indeed my own worst enemy sometimes x