View Full Version : School anxiety

11-26-2012, 07:56 AM
How do you guys cope with having anxiety attacks during school, or at work? Those are probably the worst places for them to occur. :(

11-26-2012, 08:57 AM
My anxiety is still bad at school, but I've never actually had an attack in school! It takes my mind off my problems sometimes!

11-26-2012, 09:05 AM
My anxiety is hit & miss at work/school. Usually I am too busy to let my mind wander but sometimes I do get a moment where my mind starts racing. It causes me to worry about having an attack in public and what I would do. Luckily I've been able to control it with deep breaths.

11-27-2012, 09:17 PM
I think you best option too is breathing exercises.. These can be used anywhere, anytime. I use mindfulness there are many other techniques. I have also learnt to catch my thoughts before they snowball and cause an attack.

11-27-2012, 09:40 PM
I Didnt cope at all I just Didnt go to school for two months until i failed and it was my last year in school :/

11-27-2012, 10:11 PM
Thank you everyone, I definitely need to learn how to catch my thoughts before they fly out of control. I've been going though a lot the past few weeks and I am also going through a very very painful breakup right now. So my anxiety level seems to be through the roof at the moment. The deep breathing does help though.

11-27-2012, 10:21 PM
Thank you everyone, I definitely need to learn how to catch my thoughts before they fly out of control. I've been going though a lot the past few weeks and I am also going through a very very painful breakup right now. So my anxiety level seems to be through the roof at the moment. The deep breathing does help though.

I think you have every right to feel a little down at the moment and it is perfectly normal to feel a little on edge. You are only human after all.

My dog(best friend) of 16 years died last week and my anxiety shot through the roof until I accepted the sadness/guilt and stopped fighting it. Then the anxiety dissipated and I was able to grieve and then recover. I also reminded myself that however bad I felt at this moment, nothing lasts forever and the pain/suffering will pass, which it did, as soon as I let go of it.

11-28-2012, 11:59 PM
Thank you brad72.. I appreciate it. I hope you are doing better with the loss of your dog. :( I know that's a tough thing to go through.

11-29-2012, 12:52 AM
Well if I get anxiety attacks at work, I'll randomly disappear into the changing rooms or stock room and just calm myself and text people (working part time in retail atm)
That usually calms me down a bit. Are you able to distract yourself at all when the anxiety comes at ya? Like when the "uh oh" feeling comes, does it work at all if you just start doing things to distract yourself. Like idk... when I got them, I'd start doing random math crap, and I suck horribly at math so I had to think ;] and that took my mind off whatever I was scared of. At school you could just start reading something in a textbook. Something like that. Try to read words backwards xD or find something funny in the room. There's always something funny to look at in the classroom. The guy in the back passed out on his desk snoring, er... the creepy guy picking his nose.

But, if all else fails, you just gotto wait out the storm. If you need to let your teachers know that sometimes you just have to randomly leave the room to calm yourself somewhere, they should be understanding. Anyways. Goodluck love :] Hope I helped atleast a little.

12-05-2012, 09:04 PM
Thanks for the reply! I usually go and hide in the bathroom. I work in a pharmacy so it just sucks because I'm supposed to be professional and then things like this happen. This whole breakup situation has not helped at all and I'm just trying to get a grip on all my emotions right now before I drive myself insane... :(

12-05-2012, 09:17 PM
I went through a tough breakup last year that really aggravated my anxiety and I also got a side helping of depression!! I know this isn't a relationship forum but part of what help me get through the breakup was accepting that it was over for good (this was difficult for me), cutting off contact with that person (continuous contact prolongs the pain and takes longer to move on) and forgiving that person for anything that they might have done (let go of any hateful feelings) and then of course... Give it time... After a year and a half of being single I have finally been talking to a new person that I'm interested in bit found that the fear of dealing with a breakup again one day is causing my anxiety to act up a bit- that and the fact that I have my constitutional law exam tomorrow (law school causes an immersed amount of anxiety) ... I'm gonna try to get some sleep but I hope my break up advice will help ease the anxiety you feel from your breakup, best of luck and remember to give it time

12-05-2012, 09:28 PM
Yeah you're right... Time is all I can give it. I'm hoping to get away for awhile to be with family in another state which really will be helpful I'm hoping. I say dont feel super anxious about someone hurting you again, I have worried about the same thing for when And if I meet someone else... but just think positive. I appreciate your advice and I truly hope your test goes perfect! :)