View Full Version : Where is my mind

11-26-2012, 06:42 AM
Does anyone else wake up through the night seeing things on the ceiling or walls? All night last night I kept seeing spider web type things when I opened my eyes, after a few seconds they went away but it kept making my heart race until I couldn't sleep and just cried because I feel like I'm losing my mind. I also wake up terrified that I hurt my daughter in my sleep. I was so freaked out about that too in the middle of the night, I made my husband go check to make sure she was ok :( what the hell is wrong with me?!

11-26-2012, 09:28 AM
Well anxiety can make your mind go so fast and along with having an imaginative mind you can "think" so see things or be afraid your seeing "vague" things and scare yourself even more. Many of us cringe and are afraid we will hurt someone but we never do. It's a mini obession or obsesive thought fueled by anxiety/fear although you probably are not actually obessive. Anyway anxiety is the root cause and this is just another symptom that scares us even more. You are very anxious. Have you seen a doc or therapist about this? I bet these "things" are vague, right? PM me any time. Alankay.

11-26-2012, 09:59 AM
Yes! This happens to me all the time. Sometimes i can get it a few nights in a row, sometimes I can go a week without it happening.

I wake up all of a sudden, my heart is pounding the first thing I see in my room, whatever it is, takes a shape of a scary face or figure. For example, it was my wardrobe last night. I stare at it for a few seconds and seem to fall straight back asleep.

Sometimes I'm afraid to go to sleep because of this happening or even the thoughts of having nightmares.

I hope this helps!

11-26-2012, 01:32 PM
Yes I get things like this, its made me very over paranoid and scared of the dark. I have had worries before about hurting people in my sleep but it will never happen. I also seem to get Sleep Paralysis - where you start dreaming when you are not fully asleep so you could be having a nightmare and be fully aware of it but not be able to move. Anxiety and the mind is much stronger than some people realise! Here if you ever need to talk x

11-27-2012, 05:55 PM
I always have the most horrible dreams , I also get the eye problems as well it makes me so scared :(

11-27-2012, 06:12 PM
I get scary visions when I have sleep paralysis. One time I saw this demon like creature crawling on the ceiling. It was terrifying, I was trying to scream but could't move. When I did get a sound out I woke up hubby and scared the ish out of him.