View Full Version : Anxiety Treatment... What is popular vs. What is effective...

11-26-2012, 04:48 AM
Hi everyone... I have developed a huge appreciation for the website Curetogether.com (http://Curetogether.com) as it seems to be the only major online resource for patient-driven outcome research in healthcare. The site aggregates users' reviews of various treatments for conditions, and is able to use this data to provide some very insightful research into what is REALLY effective.

I write a small review Curetogether.com's research on anxiety here (http://www.nathanielmills.com/anxiety-treatment-what-is-popular-vs-what-is-effective/), but the raw data can be found here (http://curetogether.com/anxiety/treatments/). Long story short, the top five treatments listed as most effective for treating anxiety were:

Spending Time with Animals (Pets)
Deep Breathing

I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts on this data.