View Full Version : Bad Night

11-26-2012, 02:27 AM
It's 3:00 in the morning and I'm wide awake pissed off at myself. It started with a migraine. I can usually take my migraine medicine and my headache would be gone in about 30 minutes. For some reason it took a couple hours before it went away. Of course this made me freak out. It hurt so bad. Then came the wave of panic. The rapid heartbeat and feeling like I can't breathe. I could not take my Xanax because I had taken my migraine med. and I didn't want to mix the two. I finally did fall asleep, but it was restless sleep. I would wake up in a panic. Either i would feel my heart beat or my breathing was out of sorts and I felt lightheaded. Now I can't fall asleep because I'm afraid. It really pisses me off. I know there is nothing wrong with me and I keep trying to reassure myself but it's not working. I feel so defeated when I let panic win.