View Full Version : My anxiety is crippling me and holding me back.

11-25-2012, 11:09 PM
I'm a fourteen year old girl who is a freshman in high school and I have been struggling with anxiety for not even a year. It feels like I am about to explode. My anxiety started last year when my stomach started to growl during Spanish class. I was worried about what other people were going to think of me, even if they didn't think about it twice. This year, it has gotten worse. This year it seems to particularly happen in the morning. My chest feels like it's sinking in and I am very, very doubtful about everything. This year it happens during History class. My stomach starts to hurt, the room begins to spin, alarms go off in my head, I feel dizzy, and worst of all I feel hopeless. My parents and my History teacher are aware of what is happening to me constantly. I sometimes go and talk to the counselor at school, but she seems to brush me off every time I go, telling me that maybe I should see a professional. Right now, it's one in the morning. My anxiety makes it hard for me to sleep or focus on anything. I've started taking St. John's Wort because my parents don't want me to turn into a robot by taking more stronger solutions. I hate going to school. It is mainly at school where I feel this way. I constantly skip because I'm too afraid to feel this way again. When I'm at home, I'm just fine. Can anyone explain why I constantly feel this way? I'm so tired of it and I want some answers. I just don't want to feel like this my whole life...

11-25-2012, 11:11 PM
And last Monday I went in the bathroom and skipped my History class which lasts an hour and a half. I couldn't breathe and I was so scared. My teacher wrote me up because I had been in my first period class so now I have to serve detention. I just don't know what to do anymore..

11-25-2012, 11:33 PM
I'm in the same situation as you u feel like I have certain classes where I think of new things that scare me or where I am just the most anxious... I also skipped school for about a month by telling my parents I was throwing up(terrible mistake) I got a shit ton of HW and I havent finished it so that's really stressing me out. If you want to talk
More about your anxiety you can Kik me


11-26-2012, 12:12 AM
When I was in high school I went through something very similar. The idea of going to school my jr. Year made me anxious. I missed a lot of school. I felt sick to my stomach very morning and that year was so hard academically. I felt like very one was staring at me. I though I was fat and that pele thought I was crazy.