View Full Version : Get Your Mind Right to Cure Your Anxiety

11-25-2012, 10:36 PM
I used to have anxiety, daily panic attacks, and agoraphobia, but I cured it!

People underestimate the power of the mind. It gets downplayed as just simple positive thinking like wishing upon a star or telling Santa what you want for Christmas. But it is crucial you get your head together to cure your anxiety. Your brain controls your body and your mind affects your brain, and your thoughts control your mind. When you are drowning in a whirlpool of anxiety and panic, and you are engulfed in this living hell, you must use your own WILL to get you out of the whirlpool and above the water. You can't find the answer within the whirlpool. The answers lie above water on land. Anxiety causes symptoms, which causes anxiety, which causes more symptoms, which causes more anxiety until you create a never ending loop of shit that you are drowning in. JUMP OFF THE LOOP BY USING YOUR WILL TO FOCUS ON YOUR HEALING! You can't fight anxiety, you can only let it go, and heal yourself. Let all the negativity run its course and pass over you like a wave. Do not attach yourself to the negative thoughts and feelings but let them go. Be grounded in the present moment and let it all pass by you.

Focus your mind and attention on the goal, which is excellent mental and physical health. Only focus on this. Only focus on solutions, not how shitty your life is or why it got like this. Just focus on your future self: an anxiety free person living a happy life. By focusing your mind on this, you will little by little find the necessary help, and you will little by little go towards that goal. Don't chalk this up as a pep talk. This is how you heal anxiety. Forget about anything that has happened before right now. Only focus on your goal. How will you feel and be when your anxiety is cured? Stay with that thought, image and feeling. Fake it until you make it. Pretend you are normal and act as if!

You must create new neural pathways in your brain. Go to the anxiety. Do things that make you anxious and override them and come out the other side. If you are scared of something and you back away, you are telling your brain to adapt in this way. You are telling it that will hurt your survival so you must run from it. NO! Train your brain that you CAN go to it and it is ok. If you go to the fear, you are training your mind to adapt that it is not a situation worthy of anxiety. For example: The cure for Fear of Flying is to fly. If you schedule a a flight for a wedding, and right before the wedding you get scared and don't fly, then call and make up a lie and say you can't go because you are sick, that trains your brain that this is acceptable. It will then adapt to cowering in a corner as the correct way to be. You have trained your brain to think flying will kill you. You must get on that flight and deal! You must get on the plane. You will feel amazing once you land. You have begun to re-train your brain. That is how you train your brain, and that is how you build new neural pathways. Use this flying example for all things that cause you anxiety that you are hiding from.

There are many supplements and things you can do to help you, which I have talked about in the Techniques thread above, but let's begin with the core issue, which is your mind. Get your mind right and change your lifestyle to fit what the goal of your future self is.

A pity party will not help you. Dwelling on your symptoms and letting everyone know how horrible your life is doesn't help. 24/7 only do things that will get you out of the whirlpool and to your goal. Watch your negative thinking.

Do this meditation multiple times a day: Sit straight up in a chair in dark, and silence. Close your eyes. Become the observer and practice not clinging to any thoughts. See all the fears and worries come up but just watch them come over you and dissolve. Do not attach to them. Separate yourself from them and watch them fade away. Look at the battle going on inside your mind. Notice all that static. Let them pass without you attaching to them. Deepak Chopra, is way smarter than me, and he said, "The goal is not to stop your thoughts as that is impossible. But just don't attach yourself to your thoughts and become the observer." Do this also when you are not meditating. Anxiety symptoms, just let them come and watch them go. Do not attach to them. They will take you for a ride that will sap you of your money and your soul. Re-train your brain- they are just feelings and thoughts and will pass so who cares.

Don't let your mind take you to the darkside. Get off the loop. Little by little rise to the light and get your head above the water and do not look back. Only focus on your goal of being anxiety free and only think about solutions, not your problems.

You must find that strength deep within you and use your WILL to move forward and upwards, and not to sink back down to where you've been which is backwards and downwards.

Forget about anything that has happened before right now. Begin again NOW, and only look towards a bright future. Leave the past in the past. Visualize who you want to be and ACT AS IF it is happening right now, carry out your life AS IF until you make it. Fake it until you make it!

You are a caterpillar and you must do the necessary steps to have you become the butterfly. Enjoy the process!


11-25-2012, 10:49 PM
Optimistic and inspiring as always, Sir Panicured. I cured my anxiety too for the most part, I hardly ever deal with it at all anymore. There are sometimes where I'll worry a little bit about something but I'll shrug it off and it's gone in minutes. It's like the "Uh oh" feeling monster is creeping up and I just smack it in the face with a cast iron frying pan. :D

Positive thinking, mental strength and sheer willpower got me through. Also a crapload of vitamins and stuff. And Distractions.
Tried meditation, but meditation was the thing that got me into the whole mess to begin with. When I reached a state of VERY DEEP meditation on accident, suddenly woke from it, and felt ethereal, and was convinced I somehow died. because everything was cold and gray and I felt like I was floating through the air. x.X but hey I hear it works great for others. Just my little incidident made it hard for me to ever try it again.

Also, cutting caffeine out worked amazingly too. I went cold turkey from it. Ended up in withdrawal with horrible headaches. But once that passed it was easy. and since I love my coca cola, I switched to Caffeine free so I could still enjoy the taste but without the caffeine. Tea's work wonders as well. Japanese Green tea worked great, also peppermint. Chamomile is amazing but the taste is rather ghastly imo.

But yes, my story is a success story, so don't give up :D

11-25-2012, 10:50 PM
I used to have anxiety, daily panic attacks, and agoraphobia, but I cured it!

People underestimate the power of the mind. It gets downplayed as just simple positive thinking like wishing upon a star or telling Santa what you want for Christmas. But it is crucial you get your head together to cure your anxiety. Your brain controls your body and your mind affects your brain, and your thoughts control your mind. When you are drowning in a whirlpool of anxiety and panic, and you are engulfed in this living hell, you must use your own WILL to get you out of the whirlpool and above the water. You can't find the answer within the whirlpool. The answers lie above water on land. Anxiety causes symptoms, which causes anxiety, which causes more symptoms, which causes more anxiety until you create a never ending loop of shit that you are drowning in. JUMP OFF THE LOOP BY USING YOUR WILL TO FOCUS ON YOUR HEALING! You can't fight anxiety, you can only let it go, and heal yourself. Let all the negativity run its course and pass over you like a wave. Do not attach yourself to the negative thoughts and feelings but let them go. Be grounded in the present moment and let it all pass by you.

Focus your mind and attention on the goal, which is excellent mental and physical health. Only focus on this. Only focus on solutions, not how shitty your life is or why it got like this. Just focus on your future self: an anxiety free person living a happy life. By focusing your mind on this, you will little by little find the necessary help, and you will little by little go towards that goal. Don't chalk this up as a pep talk. This is how you heal anxiety. Forget about anything that has happened before right now. Only focus on your goal. How will you feel and be when your anxiety is cured? Stay with that thought, image and feeling. Fake it until you make it. Pretend you are normal and act as if!

You must create new neural pathways in your brain. Go to the anxiety. Do things that make you anxious and override them and come out the other side. If you are scared of something and you back away, you are telling your brain to adapt in this way. You are telling it that will hurt your survival so you must run from it. NO! Train your brain that you CAN go to it and it is ok. If you go to the fear, you are training your mind to adapt that it is not a situation worthy of anxiety. For example: The cure for Fear of Flying is to fly. If you schedule a a flight for a wedding, and right before the wedding you get scared and don't fly, then call and make up a lie and say you can't go because you are sick, that trains your brain that this is acceptable. It will then adapt to cowering in a corner as the correct way to be. You have trained your brain to think flying will kill you. You must get on that flight and deal! You must get on the plane. You will feel amazing once you land. You have begun to re-train your brain. That is how you train your brain, and that is how you build new neural pathways. Use this flying example for all things that cause you anxiety that you are hiding from.

There are many supplements and things you can do to help you, which I have talked about in the Techniques thread above, but let's begin with the core issue, which is your mind. Get your mind right and change your lifestyle to fit what the goal of your future self is.

A pity party will not help you. Dwelling on your symptoms and letting everyone know how horrible your life is doesn't help. 24/7 only do things that will get you out of the whirlpool and to your goal. Watch your negative thinking.

Do this meditation multiple times a day: Sit straight up in a chair in dark, and silence. Close your eyes. Become the observer and practice not clinging to any thoughts. See all the fears and worries come up but just watch them come over you and dissolve. Do not attach to them. Separate yourself from them and watch them fade away. Look at the battle going on inside your mind. Notice all that static. Let them pass without you attaching to them. Deepak Chopra, is way smarter than me, and he said, "The goal is not to stop your thoughts as that is impossible. But just don't attach yourself to your thoughts and become the observer." Do this also when you are not meditating. Anxiety symptoms, just let them come and watch them go. Do not attach to them. They will take you for a ride that will sap you of your money and your soul. Re-train your brain- they are just feelings and thoughts and will pass so who cares.

Don't let your mind take you to the darkside. Get off the loop. Little by little rise to the light and get your head above the water and do not look back. Only focus on your goal of being anxiety free and only think about solutions, not your problems.

You must find that strength deep within you and use your WILL to move forward and upwards, and not to sink back down to where you've been which is backwards and downwards.

Forget about anything that has happened before right now. Begin again NOW, and only look towards a bright future. Leave the past in the past. Visualize who you want to be and ACT AS IF it is happening right now, carry out your life AS IF until you make it. Fake it until you make it!

You are a caterpillar and you must do the necessary steps to have you become the butterfly. Enjoy the process!


This was amazing...thank you for posting!

11-26-2012, 01:28 AM
This was amazing...thank you for posting!

THANKYOU panicured, your post on amino acids, dr bach, chamomile teas etc etc and how you cured your anxiety was a godsend to me,
it has helped me immensily !
With the help of my doctor who beleives in bio chemical pathways/nutrition and heavy metals etc, he put me on an amino acid formula, vitamin b's, st Johns wart, magnesium etc and i havent had an anxiety or panic attack since two weeks after taking these. Now I am dealing with the body symptoms, having blood tests to determine inflammation which is causing me pain , fingers crossed it will be okay. x I WANT TO.................. T H A N K Y O U !!!

and to all the other sufferers please look into it, BUT under a doctors supervision and you must find a doctor who beleives in this and not just the usual meds..... I was determined NOT to take meds.

You cannot take st johns wart with the prescribed meds either, very dangerous.. so be careful.

11-26-2012, 04:00 AM
Thanks for this.

11-26-2012, 07:25 PM
It takes come courage to take responsibility, but when you do, it's miraculous what can happen. The best way to think is "I am the disease, therefore I am also the cure."

Chilli, thanks for the kind words, but I don't fully agree with you. All the doctors did for me was have me drop thousands of dollars, take every test known to man, tell me I am ok then I got addicted to Klnopins. It is good to go to a doctor and get the symptoms checked out so you can rule out it's not a serious disease and then be sure it is in fact anxiety, but going to doctors and hospitals probably made my situation worse. Doctors can't cure you of anxiety. Meds can be used temporarily, if you don't get addicted, but they still are not the cure.

"You cannot take st johns wart with the prescribed meds either, very dangerous.. so be careful."

Give me a break! Pharmaceuticals now cause more deaths per year than car accidents. Show me 1 person dying from an herb, let alone St. Johns Wart. If you are on MAO Inhibitors do not take St. Johns Wort, but it is not going to like explode your brain or something.

I am also a big fan of the Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed Formula which treats the immediate anxiety and as a long term cure. You need somethign to nourish you back to health, not just sedate you. Everyone here should be taking this.: http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/

Get at least 2000 mg Vitamin D3 and 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate a day.

But this post was dedicated to the fundamental mechanism of this whole shenanigan and that is first you must get your mind right. All the rest will follow.

I'm here to help!