View Full Version : feeling a little down!

11-25-2012, 08:06 PM
All the time I just get these horrible nagging thoughts about dying, and how I would miss everyone so much, and there's still so much more I want to do. And I depress myself by thinking that we will all be gone one day, so it demotivates me a lot. I guess it's why I've never put in 100% effort with things! I have just got a new job though after monthes of no success, so hopefully that will help a little. I just want these thoughts to go away! I also feel guilty over very silly or small things and over think all the time, it drives me crazy. Does anyone have any advice? I want to appreciate life, not fear it!

Thanks guys xx

11-25-2012, 08:18 PM

It sounds like you have symptoms of both anxiety and depression. Have you ever been diagnosed with either of those things? Are you being treated now? Yes, some day we will all be gone, but right now you are an important person in this world! Your family and friends need you, your job needs you, hell, even the diner where you eat needs you. Your smile can brighten someone's whole day--they need that, too.

Have you ever tried journaling your thoughts and feelings? Sometimes, we can find insight in that. I hope you find what you are looking for.


11-26-2012, 06:50 AM
Hay Sunnie, thanks for the reply.

I used to go to the doctor a lot and they said it was anxiety, but I haven't gone back for a while because it got better for a while and now its bad again/seems to be evolving into something more perminant. I will arrange to go back but I'm scared of what they'll tell me, I've been putting it off. I've also always put off meds because I'm afraid of what they'll give me!

Sigh, I am my own worst enemy hahaha.


11-26-2012, 06:51 AM
Oh and yes I have tried writing down my feelings in the past - I think I will start a new one to see if it helps.