View Full Version : I dont understand

04-24-2007, 09:29 AM
I dont understand how the doctor says i have Anxiety . I was really bad with the flu about 3 month ago . But i thought Anxiety was just about Worry And Stress . N i wudent say i was . I only Worry when i feel something on my body that isent right ? . :S :S :S . All The symtoms are in my head Such as tightness and numbness . Sometimes in my face . And my feet are cold and achy sometimes to . Am 16

04-24-2007, 12:40 PM
You may have anxiety about health. That is very common and it gets triggered whenever there is something wrong with your body. And it is not the same with hypochondriac, which is when you are all fine, but you are obsessed there is something wrong with you.