View Full Version : I really need to talk to someone about this.

11-24-2012, 04:10 PM
Hi guys,

I'm going to explain how I feel right now. It's hard to write because my mind is in a billion places at once.

Last Thursday I begun taking Citalopram daily. I know of side effects.

Generally, my anxiety attacks were medium level, I would have sudden moments of "OH F*CK F*CK F*CK" then eventually calm down, sit down and shake a little. They would consist of heart palpitations, dizziness, and random fits of different things.

So Sunday evening last week, I'm feeling tired. It's 6:00pm, way too early, but screw it, time to sleep if my bodies tired. Suddenly things are feeling wrong, my ears ring, and my head aches, I don't get headaches. I jump up, go downstairs, calm down a bit. Whilst looking at the computer for symptom issues, my eyes blur. I'd been having eye strain recently. Suddenly, the moments of panic came back into my heart. Then my chest begun to hurt a bit. This is when I worry. I run upstairs. I grab my partner and tell him 'panic attack'. Then as he hugs me, I feel something different. My ears, feet, hands and vagina all at once suddenly start feeling odd, this weird icey burning feeling. "NO WAIT, NO IT'S NOT." At this point I begin to run, I run outside screaming. I'm burning up, I take some clothes off, yell into my hands, and he calls an ambulance as I scream "PLEASE JUST SEND HELP!". So they send the ambulance, they do every test.. EKG, Blood Sugar, heart monitor, blood test for damage, but afterwards, a doctor comes in and says it was a very severe anxiety attack.

The part that set me off was the burning cold feeling. I'd never had that before. And when you feel that in relation to worry about your heart, holy crap it's terrifying!

So this fades away til earlier this evening. Long story short, that sends me into a wild panic, I get some palpitations, and I've been having random cold bits all over my body today and having massive panic attacks. I'm at the point I'm running to the toilet during my panic attacks because I'm about to crap my pants in fear. The cold burning has mostly been behind my legs though this time.

This is not nice. I am suffering in the most intense fear.

What I want to know:

Are these symptoms normal to a panic attack?
I do not have a doctor available, is there a chance this could be citalopram doing this to me?
If so, will it end within a couple weeks possibly?
Should I be worried?
Have I got anything to fear?

Please be my angel and help me answer these questions, I'm really afraid.

Serenity 7
11-24-2012, 04:23 PM
you dont have anything to fear.i also get the burning cold sensation.and yes these are all sypmtons of a panic attack.sounds silly but dont be scared of your anxiety it cant hurt you.its actually there to protect us.our brains have just got a bit confused.keep telling yourself it will pass cos it will

11-24-2012, 08:29 PM
When I get bad panic attacks my feet feel tingly and they get that weird hot feeling!! I didn't always get it.. But now it happens quite often it also happens in my hands

11-24-2012, 09:55 PM
It honestly could be because you just started your meds a few days ago. My doc warned me that initially, your anxiety can actually increase, and then eventually, the meds will start to take effect and the anxiety will fade. My doc actually prescribed a few benzo pills for those first days in the beginning when my anxiety increased. I definitely though, have experienced that burning then cold feeling when I've had a severe panic attack. When I get those, they usually leave me feeling wiped out, totally exhausted afterwards. A good note though is that once the meds kicked in, I haven't had those severe attacks anymore...

11-24-2012, 10:04 PM
I have had some of the same occurrences of a chilled feeling, cold to my bones, but swearing at same time during my various attacks. Remember it won't kill you although it feels like it will and hang in there and let meds kick in.

Slammed Vdub
11-25-2012, 01:00 AM
I have always had minor anxiety as far as i can remember. But for me, the one even that really set of my anxiety and caused me to have OCD/GAD was the first anxiety attack i had with the cold feeling. I felt my arms go numb and chest go cold. This happened to me in the middle of a college class so i left as calm as possible. And ever since then i have had more severe attacks and the constant fear of it coming back. I am happy to say it never has and i have been getting better one day at a time. And you will too. Good luck