View Full Version : Anyone else feel phsically ill due to anxiety

11-23-2012, 11:10 PM
I have good days and bad days (the good days typically when my husband has a day off and can help me with the baby).

Before my anxiety reach a new level of low, I was healthy, energetic, happy, etc. Lately I just feel sick. Can anxiety have that effect? I feel like I could just lay in bed all day, I feel sore everywhere, tired, down, and of course full of anxiety. As if the adrenaline used to fill my anxiety just runs me down. I have head colds constantly even though I eat healthy. Well, I almost never have an appetite so I barely eat. It's just getting worse and worse. Headaches all the time and cramping and muscle tenderness. I feel like there is seriously something wrong with me. Blah.

11-24-2012, 12:42 AM
Definitely sounds like anxiety. It makes us feel run down and takes a toll on us physically.

11-24-2012, 12:44 AM
I can totally relate... I feel tired and exhausted all the time!!!
How was your anxiety during your pregnancy? Did it get better or worse?

Hang in there, anxiety is a real bitch but you can get through it. This forum has been helping me a lot. 😊

11-24-2012, 01:12 AM
Yes that's how I feel, honestly I feel like I'm pregnant all over again lol. The nausea, aching, and feeling like I could sleep at any time. It is a bitch and I'm trying so hard to work through it. Seeing therapist, psychologist, reading books, but any time a certain pain emerges all of that is useless and I'm back to square one.

And my anxiety started shortly before I got pregnant, my baby is now three months. I've always been anxious but didn't start having crippling anxiety and panic attacks until about a year and a half ago. I had horrible anxiety through pregnancy because I had a very difficult pregnancy and had so many problems. It got way worse after giving birth though...when I was pregnant I could at least sleep without a problem, and sometimes using the occasional unisom but now any medicine makes me anxious, like the medicine will trigger something. Sleeping pills now cause me extreme anxiety and make me feel very detached and even hungover.

11-24-2012, 01:21 AM
I'm so sorry to hear how you are feeling.
I have always been an anxious person but it became debilitating after recently having two miscarriages. I have managed to get the panic under control most of the time but it's horrible!
I have a 3 year old and I feel like the worst mum ever!

I hate going anywhere alone, I get dizzy and lightheaded and fear passing out. Sometimes I feel like I can't even walk!

I've chosen to go medicine free because I desperately want to get pregnant again!

I hate anxiety so much!!!

11-24-2012, 05:20 AM
I'm so sorry about your miscarriages. That would be devastating, and I hope you get what you want. I'd feel the exact same way. I hope it gets better for you.
I feel the same way, I'm always just so tired, I feel like just a big grey blob. I feel like a horrible mom sometimes, like I am no fun for my baby or my husband, and just want to get better.

I'm gonna keep working at it.

11-24-2012, 05:29 AM
I feel for you as I too feel like such a bad mum , I have three children and since the dark nights have closed in my anxiety has flared up again , headaches, neck and back pain, stomach problems, dizzy and feel anxious constantly , but I have got through this once with the help of CBT and I am determined to do it again, as hard as it sounds avoiding difficult situations fuels the anxiety and getting out and facing it even once a week can help, xx

11-24-2012, 07:24 AM
Early darkness / winter months can (further) cause depression. Anxiety thrives on depression.

Can all of you honestly say that you are happy with all aspects of life? (regardless of the ensuing winter). I mean, is everyday a struggle? is it hard to smile?

Do you think of something you've got to do... like housework, and the thought of it just fills you with dread / an unease?

The reason I ask is because I believe anxiety is very closely related to depression / feeling lost... or just being right down in the dumps. Winter will only add to this.
I believe life can be so depressing that you end up not knowing which way to turn, or you feel SO trapped in the not-so-happy situation you're in that your brain just flips and causes anxiety disorder, since you can't cope anymore.

11-24-2012, 07:44 AM
I do believe that anxiety and depression go hand in hand. Some days one is worse than the other, and sometimes both are equally bad.
Small tasks seem like the end of the world, like doing chores and getting groceries. Getting off the couch is too much effort.

Fortunately, I live in Okinawa, where its always humid, sticky, and hot. No winter blues here, every day is sunshine and a cool breeze.

11-24-2012, 08:18 AM
OOOOOOOOOOooooooooooohhhh! get you and ya Sunshine + cool breeze! lol

OK, so it's not the weather adding to your issues... so what is it? I mean, what's REALLY going on in your head?

11-24-2012, 06:06 PM
Ha, well. The big things that cause me the most anxiety are the family deaths in the past year and a friend who was murdered, my aunt was diagnosed with lung cancer and my mom just had a biopsy done. Waiting for the results the past three weeks have been sickening to me, even though her doctor told her that its probably nothing. Still that 1% scares me.

Day to day things like adjusting to parenthood which seemed to have lost me a good deal of friends, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and I'm on meds for it even though I am healthy. These meds make me very light headed and dizzy which makes me nervous especially when I'm caring for my daughter. I am very afraid of doctors and hospitals so my BP is always high there, yet they wouldn't listen to me.
And very little things like knowing I need new tires but can't afford them, needing flea and tick medicine for my dogs but can't afford them, gifts for my family but can't afford them, doctor appointments every week almost and tests always done on me which makes me more afraid,

There are hundreds of useless thoughts always in my head.

11-25-2012, 03:52 AM
This is exactly how I feel I get pains and head colds and everything that you say and like you say I am healthy this is starting to bother me

11-25-2012, 03:58 AM
I have had alot of family deaths all very close together, and it hugely amounts to your anxiety. Seeing what they go through and how long everything takes to get done. I always seem to have something to worry about, things most people would take in their stride. Its just a vicious circle , you have anxiety which causee physical problems , which makes us worry more :(. xx

11-25-2012, 04:43 AM
As yeah :( I'm sorry guys I hope I'm not bumming anyone out. And anxiety mixed with depression due to said losses makes everything worse.

Tomorrow makes the one year mark to a dear friend who was brutally stabbed to death in Okinawa Japan. His name was Eddie Allshouse and he was an attractive 17yr old who lived on our couch from time to time. Tomorrow is candle lite ceremony and I'm super stressed I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight,

I see pains and aches and a panic attack in my near future. No bueno :/

11-25-2012, 11:10 AM
Omg you have the same issue I do! My daughter is 3 months today , my anxiety is horrible and I had the worst pregnancy as well ! If u need to talk or vent I am here believe me !!

11-25-2012, 11:35 AM
I had the same thing when I go to drs. My bp is always high. So instead of me taking meds for it, I got a bp cuff and started taking it at home when I was relaxed. I'd log my readings and take them with me to my follow up appointments. No reason for meds.

11-25-2012, 07:15 PM
Audrey- that would be so awesome. You literally are going through the same exact thing as me no joke! And crazy our babies are the same age, congrats :) did you battle any postpartum depression? No need to answer if you don't wanna. But hey you should add me on Facebook I think that it would be easier to talk and stuff, I do need someone to talk to!

Natalie Applegate :)

11-25-2012, 07:19 PM
I had the same thing when I go to drs. My bp is always high. So instead of me taking meds for it, I got a bp cuff and started taking it at home when I was relaxed. I'd log my readings and take them with me to my follow up appointments. No reason for meds.

Awesome news, I really don't think I need to be on meds. They always take my blood pressure right after walking up a big flight of stairs when they are supposed to let me wait a minute to relax, and of course my anxiety at hospitals is through the roof. And they didn't even say it was high, they said "borderline high sometimes" and these meds even on the lowest dosage are god awful. I was looking at at home BP monitors, but wasn't sure if eh would work. I don't have a lot of extra money to spend on the real expensive ones, and the cheapest one I think is 50 and it goes on the wrist, do you know if it works? Are they difficult to use?

11-25-2012, 09:43 PM
All my life is right now is one big symptom.

Chest Pains
Racing Heart
Pounding Heart
Vertigo (currently having this again) - not sure if anxiety is to blame but...
Vision changes

Everyday I've have problems for the last year. Every single day. It started out with palpitations and has grown ever since. Its miserable. Heart problems have remained the most prominent though, and those happen every day. The other symptoms come and go.

11-25-2012, 09:44 PM
I have good days and bad days (the good days typically when my husband has a day off and can help me with the baby).

Before my anxiety reach a new level of low, I was healthy, energetic, happy, etc. Lately I just feel sick. Can anxiety have that effect? I feel like I could just lay in bed all day, I feel sore everywhere, tired, down, and of course full of anxiety. As if the adrenaline used to fill my anxiety just runs me down. I have head colds constantly even though I eat healthy. Well, I almost never have an appetite so I barely eat. It's just getting worse and worse. Headaches all the time and cramping and muscle tenderness. I feel like there is seriously something wrong with me. Blah.

I have exactly the same things as you too . Constant headaches nausea feel worn out the lot. My baby has just turned 3 months too! It's really not a nice feeling and it's making me feel bad for my son that I feel like this : (

11-25-2012, 09:57 PM
Can Anxiety cause vertigo?