View Full Version : Heart pains!

11-23-2012, 03:17 PM
I randomly keep getting sharp pains in my heart and they really hurt! it makes me panic, is my body trying to trigger a panic attack?

11-23-2012, 04:19 PM
The same thing happens to me. I was reading that people with anxiety tend to feel any little feeing. Like I swear I can feel my hair grow:) most of the time, like right now, I am feeling weird pain in my chest and sternum. And I'm pretty sure what your feeling and what I feel is a trigger. I just try and ignore it and just drank some calming tea. I hope you feel better.

11-24-2012, 07:58 AM
I just started getting the chest pain symptom and it is really alarming. I do agree that us with GAD can feel every sensation that occurs in the body while others don't. I am so aware of every ache and pain it's unreal and it just triggers anxiety attacks!

11-24-2012, 03:55 PM
I am 38, have had a heart cath to convince me that my heart was fine! I now get the heart flutters, or irregular beats, and it usually happens when I lay down to go to sleep. So, now I am back to being afraid to go to sleep. And also with me, every little acke or pain sets off another, "what could that be, do I have something that I am going to die from"? Anything health related sets my anxiety off. Someone talking about someone having cancer, a heart problem, even my wifes favorite tv show, Greys Anatomy! I started seeing a therapist, which has helped. But, what he cannot still cure, is when an attack, a flutter, a nervous body, or anything that might flare up at 1 am! It is easy to calm myself during the day, but when it wakes me up at night, it usually takes me 1-2 hours to get back to sleep.

11-24-2012, 05:07 PM
I suffer from PVC's and they have been non-stop over the past 24 hours. I feel several flutters every minute and went to the ER last night bc these were like none I have ever experienced. After clear blood work, urine and an EKG, I was sent home with yet another holter monitor. It's like I know something is wrong with my heart but I can't get anyone to take is seriously. I'm afraid to eat or sleep. I'm convinced my heart is just going to stop and I don't know how to cope...

11-24-2012, 06:21 PM
Mine are not constant, but are more frequent when I lay down to go to sleep. I do get them during the day, but not often. I have been able to go over a month without having any flutters, but Thanksgiving night, while trying to go to sleep, they came back? I am also convinced that there is something wrong, and that is why I continue to have the problems. My mind is convinced something is wrong, but my doctors are not! I really wish I could figure out what brings stuff like that on?

11-25-2012, 05:11 PM
Mine are not constant, but are more frequent when I lay down to go to sleep. I do get them during the day, but not often. I have been able to go over a month without having any flutters, but Thanksgiving night, while trying to go to sleep, they came back? I am also convinced that there is something wrong, and that is why I continue to have the problems. My mind is convinced something is wrong, but my doctors are not! I really wish I could figure out what brings stuff like that on?


Assuming it is anxiety then I'll tell you...

You might actually be feeling pretty calm, but I can guarantee you that, in the case of someone suffering anxiety disorder, a direct link (like a hard wire) between a worry or fear in your head and your heart is present.

The worry or fear can be very short lasting or shallow, but there is potential there to influence the heart rythm.

This is fight or flight mode trying to or actually kicking in. The response switch can cause a bit of a heart wobble, but your rational / normal brain functions will soon correct it.

It's f*cking awful, I know, and each time it happens I bet you're thinking... will it actually continue this time and not correct itself, right?

Night time is the WORST time for fears / worries / anxieties to surface. Not least of all because NOW you're ALSO worried about palpitations each night.

You know what, if you got into bed calm, happy and without a care... this would NOT happen.