View Full Version : Movie suggestions for extreme depression, lonliness??

11-23-2012, 03:03 PM
Hello all,

Hope this finds you all in good health, or as good as today can be as I like to say. I'm going through a period of a few months now of as stated in the title, depression and loneliness. I know everyone has different ways and suggestions about what is best to do when having this feeling. What I'm wondering again as stated, anyone have any good suggestions for movies they find makes them feel better when they are feeling this way? Those feelings being depressed, lonely, isolated, etc.

I have done some searches on here ahead of time, not wanting to waste anyones time with a repetitive question. And I did find some threads. But the few I found seemed to have a lot more suggestions that just didnt match at all with what im looking for. I'm not looking for a depressive movie, or a "good cry" or a love story, or even a comedy to "snap me out of it". More something that i can relate to. Something that is about the topic of depression, being lost, finding yourself, redemption, etc. Or anything that someone thinks would helped based on how im feeling.

With that said we all have different opinions, likes and dislikes. And I'm open to hearing any and all! So thank you for reading and thank you in advance for anyone who takes the time to respond.

11-23-2012, 06:36 PM
Hi, i have always enjoyed romantic movies so i thought that would help me but it ended up making me feel worse..when im feeling low comedies cheer me up a little. I dont like to watch anything that will make my mind wonder even more. Sorry i cant help!

11-23-2012, 07:08 PM
No reason to be sorry at all. Thanks for reading. Yeah, the standard comedy or romantic movie thing also make me feel worse, almost a reminder of just one MORE thing im missing out on or DONT have in my life right now. Not that i want to sit and watch something deepressing either, but was thinking of something that maybe was inspirational, someone was low or rock bottom and dug themselves out. An example might be that movie "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock based on a true story. Just an example. Doesnt havent to be a true story.

Anyway thanks again for reading and maybe someone out there will have some good reconmendations.

11-23-2012, 07:18 PM
There is a movie called Helen that stars Ashley Judd. She plays a music professor battling depression. It does a great job of capturing the illness and struggles people with depression face.

11-23-2012, 09:23 PM
I've never heard of it, and I'm somewhat of a movie buff. Thanks for mentioning. I'll look into it now. Thanks again. Anyone else?

11-24-2012, 12:40 AM
Perks of being a wallflower. More of a mental illness movie than depression but its great, not out on DVD until February but its a book and its great

11-24-2012, 01:20 AM
Keep meaning to catch perks of a wallflower. didnt realise it was a book too, will make sure I get that.

11-24-2012, 01:46 PM
It's an amazing book! Ad the movie is actually pretty close to the book.

11-25-2012, 10:16 AM
Im going to go out and buy it tomorrow :-)

11-29-2012, 12:04 AM
Hello all,

Hope this finds you all in good health, or as good as today can be as I like to say. I'm going through a period of a few months now of as stated in the title, depression and loneliness. I know everyone has different ways and suggestions about what is best to do when having this feeling. What I'm wondering again as stated, anyone have any good suggestions for movies they find makes them feel better when they are feeling this way? Those feelings being depressed, lonely, isolated, etc.

I have done some searches on here ahead of time, not wanting to waste anyones time with a repetitive question. And I did find some threads. But the few I found seemed to have a lot more suggestions that just didnt match at all with what im looking for. I'm not looking for a depressive movie, or a "good cry" or a love story, or even a comedy to "snap me out of it". More something that i can relate to. Something that is about the topic of depression, being lost, finding yourself, redemption, etc. Or anything that someone thinks would helped based on how im feeling.

With that said we all have different opinions, likes and dislikes. And I'm open to hearing any and all! So thank you for reading and thank you in advance for anyone who takes the time to respond.

A beautifull mind with rustle crow, this movie puts u in a different perpective on mental health.

12-01-2012, 07:48 AM
When I was high school and really depressed my mom went out and rented me Harold And Maude, to this day it is one of my favorite movies. It's a 1970's cult classic. Made me look at everything differently.

12-01-2012, 08:50 AM
I have just seen the new Bradley Cooper movie, 'Silver Lining Playbook', which sounds like it would be a good fit. The main character suffers from Bi-Polar Disorder and it's very good. However, you will have to go to the cinema to see it since it just came out in theaters.

12-13-2012, 05:50 AM
I'm not looking for a depressive movie, or a "good cry" or a love story, or even a comedy to "snap me out of it". More something that i can relate to a special one .

12-13-2012, 03:10 PM
I bought the movie Helen and watched last week. I think is a great movie because its really show how is the life of people struggling with severe depression and bipolar disorder. While I watched the movie I cried a lot. I couldn't help to identify myself with one of the characters. I had suffer from depression and anxiety on and off ( more on than off) for more than 30 yrs but I'm doing fine now. I have learned a lot all this years about symptoms, coping skills but for the most part not to worry. I bought another one which I plan to give to my sister and watch my copy with my mom and brother.

12-18-2012, 04:16 PM
Watch This movie Its Called CRASH. and i swear its the best MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN it soo Deep. It won Best Picture Oscar and 20 + other awards. Lemme know what you think about it when you watch it Please