View Full Version : Dizziness

11-23-2012, 09:25 AM
Does anyone feel dizzy from anxiety even if they are at home ?. I dont have much faith in my dr cause now i m being treated for health anxiety they just put everything down to that. Is it normal to get dizzy even if you dont feel anxious . Just want to hear other people experiences . Thanks xx

11-23-2012, 09:48 AM
I feel extremely dizzy this morning, although this is not normally an anxiety symptom for me. I would say that if it is in fact anxiety causing your dizzy spells, then yes, it would be normal to have problems even if you dont feel anxious. My main triggers for anxiety are heart problems (palpitations, racing, chest pain), I will be otherwise fine but any of those happen and I am an instant mess.

If you do not trust your doctor you need to find a new one. It's always important to get your symptoms diagnosed first off to make sure anxiety is in fact the culprit. That way you can try to put your mind at ease.

Good luck.

11-23-2012, 11:51 AM
I agree! Duffy, you may need to find another DR. However, since anxiety can play tricks on you especially health anxiety which I have experienced you need to balance it and not start DR hopping so to speak. Being your own advocate is key. This site is great for researching symptoms and reading about others experiences in this area. You can use all this when you go and talk to your new DR. Take care.

I feel extremely dizzy this morning, although this is not normally an anxiety symptom for me. I would say that if it is in fact anxiety causing your dizzy spells, then yes, it would be normal to have problems even if you dont feel anxious. My main triggers for anxiety are heart problems (palpitations, racing, chest pain), I will be otherwise fine but any of those happen and I am an instant mess.

If you do not trust your doctor you need to find a new one. It's always important to get your symptoms diagnosed first off to make sure anxiety is in fact the culprit. That way you can try to put your mind at ease.

Good luck.

11-23-2012, 12:13 PM
Thank you for your advice everyone. I ve just started cognitive threapy and she suggested i take anti depressants to eliminate whether my symptons are anxiety or are health problems. I just heard so many bad stories about them, like being on them for years and the coming off them, but then i thjink i need all the help i can get. Anyone actually beenm on or on them and give me some advice please.

11-23-2012, 12:25 PM
Thank you for your advice everyone. I ve just started cognitive threapy and she suggested i take anti depressants to eliminate whether my symptons are anxiety or are health problems. I just heard so many bad stories about them, like being on them for years and the coming off them, but then i thjink i need all the help i can get. Anyone actually beenm on or on them and give me some advice please.

Anti-depressants are a personal choice. After years of trying to do without them, I decided to try them again as I just felt too out of control. So far my experience on them has not been pleasant but I am probably not any worse off than I was. And yes, getting off them when the time comes can be difficult, but the key is patience and slowly lowering your dose over a long period of time (sometimes a couple months).

Alot of folks on here have great results with anti-depressants. Check out the medication forum. I would also suggest pm'ing "alankay". He seems to be really knowledgable on various meds.

Take care of yourself and feel better soon. :)

11-23-2012, 12:45 PM
Thank you really appreciate your advice xx