View Full Version : Is this anxiety !

Sudhir Nimavat
11-22-2012, 11:59 PM

I am 28, recently I have had 140/90 BP, palpitation, dizziness, yawning, and choking in chest - occasionally, I visited Cardiologist and did ECG, TMT, And echo. All came normal.
Cardiologist says I have no heart problem and its related to anxiety.

Now, seems my palpitation has gone, but still I some time, mainly in morning or evening get sudden yawning and slight dizziness periods, with slight nausea.. I feel like slightly disconnected with surrounding, my upper body and head feels warm whereas legs and palms are cold. However many of time when this occurs, my mood is completely fine and i feel like i have no anxiety or stress but still above mentioned symptoms occurs.

Do you guyz think that it is related to anxiety/depression - Can anxiety symptoms occur when mood is absolutely fine.

Note: I believe i always have been little anxious, easy to irritate and emotionally sensitive.

Forgot to mention that when above symptoms occurs, I have to go for urination frequently


11-23-2012, 01:23 AM
Symptoms of anxiety disorder stay with you for a long time after you may think you're over it.

You may have conquered the panic and obvious feeling of unsease, but your fight or flight response, once unearthed, remains active and ready to fire for some time.

Liken anxiety disorder to boiling a kettle, it take just a few seconds to boil the water... but after switch off, it takes a LONG time for the water to cool.

Sudhir Nimavat
11-23-2012, 07:09 AM
Thanks for the reply dazza - so as per you, its anxiety which is causing this symptoms. ?
But they aren't continuous, they appear mainly at morning and evening and even when I am in good mood !

11-23-2012, 07:41 AM
I have bad anxiety and I have a lot of those symptoms. I get nauseous and start gagging, I get that feeling of being disconnected ( which I dislike very much!!) I get chest pain and tightness, I tend to yawn when the sun starts going down which my dr said its part of my depression/ anxiety. Anxiety is more powerful then people know I wish I knew how to make it go away but I'm trying to make it bearable. Good luck to us!!

11-23-2012, 08:00 AM
I get a lot of those symptoms as well. I too thought my palpitations were a sign of a heart condition but tests all came back normal. How long and how often do you get these symptoms?

Sudhir Nimavat
11-26-2012, 06:26 AM
I have few of those symptoms at least once in a day.