View Full Version : Anxiety has gotten worse.

11-22-2012, 06:29 PM
First I have to say I have always been a worrier. I have always been anxious about certain things but lately things have gotten worse. I believe it was triggered by a recent illness. In September I was at the ER twice because I had no energy and could not breath. They told me I had an upper respiratory infection. I slowly got better but I've never felt the same. About two weeks ago, I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux and was prescribed nexium.
I find every day is a struggle with my anxiety because I am constantly worried I am going to start having problems breathing again. I start becoming very aware of my breathing and this only elevates my anxiety. Twice I have gotten myself so worked up my heart starts pounding and I feel like I'm going to pass out.
To top it all off, my husband is deployed, so I'm dealing with all of this alone. Just wanted to see if anyone has any pointers on how I can get this under control? I feel like I'm going crazy. Thanks!

11-22-2012, 07:11 PM
You are not going crazy and are not alone. You are having Post Traumatic Stress triggers from that time of not breathing from upper resp infection. This happens to many people. If this is affecting you on a daily basis though, I'd say it's time to see the doctor and get this anxiety in check. Your are not alone.

11-22-2012, 07:41 PM
I'm definitely going to talk to my doctor. I've been trying to find more natural ways to at least help some of my symptoms. Not much has helped, though. I've read that meditating helps some people but I haven't tried it. I just never know how to relax...ever!