View Full Version : What are your daily symptoms?....

11-22-2012, 03:18 PM
Would love to share and hear the daily symptoms everyone has to suffer through and your coping strategies.

Mine are feeling off balance, feeling faint, heavy legs feel like they won't move sometimes, pins and needles... The list could go on..

11-22-2012, 04:38 PM
I have overall worried feeling, occasional tingling in face, fatigue, appetite changes, sometimes I feel nervous doing regular things or I get jittery and butterflies in my stomach.

11-22-2012, 05:14 PM
I'm fine when I am home when I work I have nervousness feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin tingling fingers face tingling feel like my stomach is upset

11-22-2012, 07:50 PM
nervous/butterflies in my stomach, nausea sometimes, tingling all through my arms (if it gets really bad, then tingling in the back of my head also), nervousness, insomnia, no appetite/can't eat anything (if it gets really bad)

11-22-2012, 07:56 PM
Nervousness, worrying, wondering, insomnia, tingling in hands. When it gets bad, i will shake, heart will race, feel like I'm going to pass out, feel like I can't catch my breath. Those are the scary symptoms.

11-22-2012, 08:48 PM
Heart palpitations, chest pains, racing heart, GERD, obsessive worrisome thoughts, fear of death and obsessing about dying, dizzyness, headaches, trouble sleeping and staying asleep, irritabily, impatience.

I am NOT coping with these problems, I am trying medication to see if it will help but so far the problems have only become worse.

11-22-2012, 08:51 PM
Rapid heart beat, pressure in head and/or chest, extreme paranoia.

If it manifests into a panic attack then add convulsions and tingling/stinging around neck and arms

I've been on Lexapro for 8 years 40mg a day; before i started having panicattacks. So theres no real evidence of what its done. Other than that i breath deeply, occupy myself, and rationalize my thoughts

11-22-2012, 09:02 PM
Chest pain and sometimes such bad panic attacks that I call the hospital. I vomit from it a lot. Shakey. Nervous tummy when imjust going about daily normal business, dizziness.

Oh and to top it off I scare myself looking online about what could possibly be wrong with me.

11-23-2012, 01:13 AM
Unless you're particularly articulate with words, it's difficult to convey exactly how distressing anxiety symptoms can be.

You might say; "I have a nervous feeling" and anyone reading / hearing that will not understand how godawful and debilitating this can actually be, 24/7.

Nervousness isn't just about a few butterlies in the stomach, it can play havoc on breathing / heart activity / nerves and other major bodily functions. Worst case it can partially or wholly switch our fight or flight response, unleashing a further mixed bag of other symptoms.

They will not understand that this is a condition / an illness / a problem / a disorder which has serious implications on everyday lives.

I've suffered severe anxiety and panic over the past year (thankfully - I'm pretty much over it)

Yes I felt nervous / tense / stressed pretty much all day / everyday but moreover, my fight or flight response would cause:

a/ Palpitations, seemingly out of nowhere.
I could be watching a video, getting into bed or at work and my heart rthymn would suddenly go whacky for a few seconds.
Each time even more frightening than the last.
Will my heart correct itself this time, I wondered, or will it carry on until I pass out and die... right here, right now?

b/ Derealization.
I just felt like I wasn't fucking here on this planet. Everyone and everything around me felt kind of surreal. Awful.

c/ Chest, neck, left arm and shoulder pains.
Like my entire top half & arms (mainly left) had been injected with battery acid. A bloated / pumped up feeling.

d/ Acid.
TERRIBLE stomach acid issues. Burning in my lower throat and stomach like I've never experienced.

All the above was under an umbrella of FEAR and unease.

Took over my life - there's no question.

11-23-2012, 04:21 AM
I have pretty much the Same as dazza all across the top of my shoulders ache and down my arms feel like I have a chill , bloating , poor appetite, butterfly's in stomach, a disorientated feeling in my head and crazy thoughts of illness and dying ....all pretty much constantly

11-23-2012, 05:32 AM
RED 1980

I'm curious... what colour is your hair and when were you born? (there are NO clues in your username)

11-23-2012, 05:34 AM
Most of these are better now, but I've had.
Chest pain, sharp pain in upper and lower back, headaches, stomach pain, terrible heartburn, and this off stabbing pain in the top of my stomach under my ribs. I've also had derealization, panic attacks, various tingling sensations, dizziness, nausea, and on and on, not to mention the occasional paranoia!

I still get some of these but I'm not anywhere near as bad as I have been.

11-23-2012, 08:06 AM
Dizziness , neck , head pain , nausea , constant worry , can't relax

11-23-2012, 09:51 AM
b/ Derealization.
I just felt like I wasn't fucking here on this planet. Everyone and everything around me felt kind of surreal. Awful.

^So much this

11-23-2012, 11:13 AM
In the past pretty much everything on the list posted at this site - i.e... chest pain, left arm pain, left breast pain, stomach pain, neck pain, difficulty breathing as in getting a good deep breath, the biggest thing was just an overall feeling of unease and fear that seemed to come from nowhere. My Doctor summed it up as GAD with some GERD thrown in for good measure.

11-23-2012, 12:42 PM
>My Doctor summed it up as Gadwith some Gerdthrown in for Goodmeasure

The three G's! :-)

11-23-2012, 01:12 PM
Seems we all have the same symptoms!!

It's a real bugger when you never had them before to then suffer it everyday!!
I find exercising helps mine, especially running and swimming.

I hate the depersonalization, feeling like you're in a dream. It used to really freak me out but I've accepted it these days and it doesn't happen as often or last as long.

The worst part of mine is obsessed with thinking I have some disease that I'm dying of and googling then talking myself into the symptoms!!!!

11-23-2012, 01:43 PM
dull achey chest, arm, back and shoulder pains
heart palpitations
feeling dizzy and weak
derealization - like sometimes i'll look in the mirror and for a few seconds i won't know who it is i'm looking at and i dont feel like it's me. like im looking at myself from someones elses point of view. its really creepy
blocked nose and difficulty breathing every night at around midnight
terrible stomach problems manifest themselves in me a few days after a very anxious day. (anxiety messes with the impulses sent from the brain to the stomach and the heart which disturbs the stomach)
constant negative thoughts and worries
major hypochondria
there's so many symptoms it's crazy.
us anxiety sufferers, we are STRONG putting up with all this shit.

11-23-2012, 01:55 PM
Seems we all have the same symptoms!!

It's a real bugger when you never had them before to then suffer it everyday!!
I find exercising helps mine, especially running and swimming.

I hate the depersonalization, feeling like you're in a dream. It used to really freak me out but I've accepted it these days and it doesn't happen as often or last as long.

The worst part of mine is obsessed with thinking I have some disease that I'm dying of and googling then talking myself into the symptoms!!!!

I too will start looking up symptoms I think I have and then I start panicking when I see it's a symptom of some fatal disease. It's amazing what you can trick yourself into believing.

11-23-2012, 02:53 PM
derealization - like sometimes i'll look in the mirror and for a few seconds i won't know who it is i'm looking at and i dont feel like it's me.

Oh my goodness this is me!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I couldn't look in the mirror for weeks!!!!

11-23-2012, 03:26 PM
Headaches, nausea, twitches, derealization, weakness, tiredness, feeling just really weird, heart pain, breathing difficulties, heavy legs, off balance, dizziness, pains in my body, the list goes on..

11-23-2012, 04:20 PM
bad memory, lack of concentration, heart palpitations, chest pains, feel like my head constantly needs clearing etc.

11-23-2012, 06:59 PM
pain, headaches.

11-24-2012, 07:31 AM
Chest discomfort (constant muscle tightness), gerd, twitches and tingles, head pressure, nervousness.

11-24-2012, 07:52 AM
My daily symptoms consist of intense nervousness like I can't relax, constantly taking deep breaths, sighing, yawning, and hyperventilating, feel like I can't breath, nervous cough, aches and pains, Extreme panic attacks, pacing, diarrhea, gagging, feel like I am going to throw up when get really anxious, constant worry about health and finances, feeling under pressure, muscles very tight, neck pain, shoulder pain, new symptom chest pain in center of chest that comes and goes, stuffy nose, sweating, itchy all over, and just blah every freaking day!