View Full Version : Birth control and anxiety

11-22-2012, 06:55 AM
So I don't think this is a medically stated thing but I have read some blogs about women saying that they noticed they developed anxiety issues once they started birth control. I've been on my pill for over a year now so I doubt that's causing my anxiety. I just wish! Anyone else have experience with this?

11-22-2012, 12:05 PM
I'm on the pil and I have not noticed any heightened anxiety about it.

11-23-2012, 03:36 AM
I can't take any hormone based birth control as it makes my depression spiral out of control. I am highly sensitive to the pill and have tried about 5 different varieties of it. I have also tried the nuvaring and had the same results.

I'm too scared to do anything more permanent like the implant or shot, fearing it will have the same effect.

No doctor will prescribe me the old school IUD because I haven't had children - even though I don't want to have kids - as the risks associated are too great.

Maybe stop the pill for a month cycle and see if it has an impact?

11-23-2012, 04:24 AM
I can't take the pill (mini pill or combined pill) because it makes me suicidal. I now have a copper IUD because I can't take/use anything with hormones. Last time I was on the pill before getting my IUD I was awake for nights on end planning how to kill myself and crying constantly. It was horrible. Never again. I love my IUD. I've never had children and it was uncomfortable but I've had it for a year and a half now and have had no problems. I'm so pleased to not be putting artificial hormones into my body anymore too.

11-23-2012, 04:38 AM
Don't think it affected my anxiety, though I have been on it nearly 8 years! Can't remember if I felt any different before taking it! lol