View Full Version : Chest pains. :( feel like im going to die all the time

11-22-2012, 06:40 AM
I was diagnosed with GAD and I've been hospitalized for panic attacks twice. I've had two EKGs and two chest X-rays done and all are normal.

Yet I still feel chest pain and tightness and it is horrifying and makes my anxiety 10x worse. I feel it throughout the day, but don't focus on it cause I'm busy. But as soon as I try to sleep in the silent bedroom my thoughts take over and my chest pain becomes so much more noticeable. I just hate it so much and I'm sick of going to the ER for nothing. Well, nothing to them but to me it feels like the end of my life.

Can anyone else relate I'd like to hear any advice

I ju

11-22-2012, 07:02 AM
I have this, every day I'm riddled in pain from chest pain , to back pain, to leg pain, and go left arm pain... Even my fingers ache sometimes lol it's definitely anxiety if your ECG are all clear.

Easier said than done, I recently had my 24 hour ECG results back, all clear! But yet I still fear the worst! I hate it :/

11-22-2012, 07:17 AM
I used to feel like that it's really horrible I still get tiny bouts of anxiety but nower near as bad as it was, I think I've finally trained myself to say u no what, I'm not going to die I'm young, a mum an have the rest of my life to enjoy and I'm not goin to let you control me ! And as for bed time try an go to bed when u literally can't keep ur eyes open any longer think of what your plans r going to be or thru out the week hope this helps x ps easy for me to say these things when ur the one who feel so bad I no I've been there it not nice x

11-22-2012, 07:28 AM
It's god awful. Thanks for sayin that if the EKG comes back fine then I am fine. As much as I tell myself that it always sounds better from someone else.

It's just a sharp shooting pain, sometimes dull and achey, ugh. Just want it all gone. Thanks for the advice though makes me feel better.

11-22-2012, 07:42 AM
I'm 16 years old and have all kinda of chest pains as fear a heart problem!

I've recently just had my all clear 24 hour ECG back but still not convicted I'm not suffering cardiac problems it's horrible :/

11-22-2012, 08:02 AM
Yes when my anxiety first started I got chest pains for about 3 months! I noticed we almost do this to ourselves, we subconsciously tighten our chest muscles! Try tightening and loosening your pectoral muscles for a while! A nice warm rice sock on the chest also worked for me!

11-22-2012, 08:33 AM
I have bad muscle ache in my shoulders and Top of back I know this because when I breath it hurts me, but I also have really bad muscle ache in arms too, can it cause this?

Kevin Watt
11-22-2012, 10:22 AM
Anxiety can play havoc on your body, what you are experiencing is completely "normal", When my anxiety was at its worse, I would be awake all night thinking I was going to have a heart attack as the chest pains and pains down my arm were so bad. Back pains, shoulder pains etc is also normal. Sounds simple, but you have to literally accept that there is nothing wrong with you and try to put it out of your mind (not easy I know, it took me months and months to accept this)
One of the best weapons against anxiety is exercise. Not only does it use up anxiety causing chemicals like adrenalin, it fills you full of "Happy" endorphins, makes you tired and above all else, makes you feel good about yourself.
Keeping yourself busy is also important, sometimes I could be working on my laptop till 4 am (to keep the panic at bay) overtime this too improves.

11-22-2012, 11:05 AM
Your welcome it's awfull and I totally understand how you feel :) all those pains in ur muscles come from when humans wer first on earth when anxiety was really needed the pains in ur chest and back r ur muscles gearing themselves up for a fight almost acting like a shield to protect ur heart that's what my doctor told me ! And now we don't need these feelings anymore we panick instead :) xx

11-22-2012, 12:49 PM
when you're having an anxious spell , the best thing to do is get up, get out and go for a jog. all the adrenaline that would normally make your heart go crazy and trigger all the terrible anxiety symptoms will get used up by your muscles instead (as your exercising). the stupid thing that i used to do is lie in bed, with my hand on my chest over my heart thinking omg im about to die. this is it! a heart attack is on its way.!!! all that does is feed your anxiety with more fear and before u know it you're on your way to the ER.

11-22-2012, 04:44 PM
I've had an EKG too because I had all over tingling and fluttering all over my body. Scariest thing I've ever gone through. It came back normal though. So just anxiety. And yes you're normal EKG means that it's just anxiety. :/

11-22-2012, 05:33 PM
I have noticed how much exercising helps. Even if its just a short walk with my dogs. I feel better, about everything. And my over the top anxiety comes down just a notch, and a notch feels so much better when your used to constant panic.

I just always look at stuff online, which is a big no no for someone with anxiety. And so many online sources had said that EKGs and X-rays don't show blockages of arteries and all that good stuff.

That's where I freaked myself out. I'm already on medicine to control my blood pressure which makes me feel lightheaded and dizzy all the time. And now my chest pains got me worried all the time more than I already am.

I guess I just gotta take a step forward and accept my anxiety and the unannounced fun it brings.

11-22-2012, 06:38 PM
Ever since my anxiety has gotten worse, I notice every pain in my body. I too start doing research online and that only makes thinhs worse. I can relate!

11-22-2012, 08:59 PM
Yeah it's a terrible habit.

For instance, I will get a head cold, then jump to my immune system being bad, and then ill think there is a reason among that as to why my immune system is bad, and I'll think something is wrong with me. It's so embarrassing, I'm glad I found this site with people who understand.

My husband, family, and friends care, but they don't get it as much as the try to. No one gets it unless they suffer from it. I'd rather have the flu for months on end vomiting every day then have extreme anxiety. I'd almost give a limb to have it gone.

Sudhir Nimavat
11-26-2012, 06:34 AM
I have chest pain as well, done three ECG in two weeks, Echo and TMT, every thing came normal.. but still I am not convinced.

11-26-2012, 08:47 AM
I have chest pain as well, done three ECG in two weeks, Echo and TMT, every thing came normal.. but still I am not convinced.

I have had all the tests myself, and have sat in my doctors office, listening to him until he is blue in the face, and still have a hard time convincing myself I will be fine. For me the worse part is going an extended period of time with little, or no feelings of anxiety, and then all of the sudden, I wake up in the middle of the night, only to spend the next few days and nights dealing with it? Most of the other symptoms that are on the list, I deal with, but the ones that are chest/heart related, and my stomach pains, only add fuel to the fire.