View Full Version : Breathing problems!

11-21-2012, 04:57 PM
I've had anxiety for years now which i've learnt to deal with, however i've had a breathing problem which has lasted as long as i can remember.
Theres a constant tightness around my heart and stomache (only left side). I can NEVER breath correctly, and always find myself holding my stomache, or the left
side of my chest. I went to the doctors before and they gave me an inhaler and said i was ok. This is really taking a tole on my life :( i play football and go to the
gym which helps but as soon as i stop exercizing i got back to clutching my chest/or stomache and feel this discomfort.

If anyone has had anything similar to this or has any suggestions please post :)

11-25-2012, 08:56 AM
Its like a sharp stabbing pain when you breathe in and out kinda pain?

11-25-2012, 08:55 PM
This really sounds like anxiety to me. You say you have to hold your stomach or your chest to breathe, but what happens when you sleep at night? Don't you just breathe normally? If you stop holding your stomach or chest, you will not stop breathing, but you think you will. You must be very healthy if you play sports and exercise all the time. Perhaps you could try relaxation exercises that focus on the breath. Journaling your thoughts and feelings might help you nail down where your anxiety is coming from. I hope you find the answers that you seek.


11-26-2012, 05:14 AM
Up ph? b?n hi?n, chĂșc b?n hi?n d?t hĂ*ng

This forum is so popular, even CLINGON'S are using it.

11-26-2012, 10:58 AM
Up ph? b?n hi?n, chĂșc b?n hi?n d?t hĂ*ng

It seems like youre trying to put the alphabets together. Google works wonders ya know.